module Hippo::Concerns # Event subscription and publishing for Models # Every model has certain built-in events (:save, :create, :update, :destroy) # And may also implement custom events that reflect the models domain # @example Send an email when a customer's name is updated # Customer.observe(:update) do |customer| # Mailer.notify_billing(customer).deliver if customer.name_changed? # end # @example Update some stats when a Sku's qty is changed # Sku.observe(:qty_changed) do | sku, location, old_qty, new_qty | # Stats.refresh( location ) # end module PubSub extend ActiveSupport::Concern module PendingListeners # @private @@listeners ={ |hash, klass| hash[klass] ={ |kh, event| kh[event] } } class << self # @api private def claim(class_name) if @@listeners.has_key?(class_name) return @@listeners.delete(class_name) else return {} end end # @api private def add(class_name) @@listeners[class_name] end end end class InvalidEvent < RuntimeError end included do | base | class_attribute :valid_event_names class_attribute :_event_listeners base.valid_event_names = [ :save, :create, :update, :destroy ] base.before_save :fire_save_pubsub_events base.before_create :fire_create_pubsub_events base.before_update :fire_update_pubsub_events base.before_destroy :fire_destroy_pubsub_events end module ClassMethods def inherited(base) super klass = base.to_s.demodulize events = PubSub::PendingListeners.claim( klass ) events.each{ | name, procs | procs.each{|pr| base.send(:_add_event_listener, name, &pr) } } end def observe( event, &block ) unless self.valid_event_names.include?(event.to_sym) raise"#{event} is not a valid event for #{self}") end _add_event_listener( event.to_sym, &block ) end protected def has_additional_events( *names ) self.valid_event_names +={ |name| name.to_sym } end private def _add_event_listener(name, &block) self._event_listeners ||={ |hash, key| hash[key] } listeners = self._event_listeners[name].dup listeners << block self._event_listeners = self._event_listeners.dup self._event_listeners[name] = listeners end end protected def fire_destroy_pubsub_events fire_pubsub_event(:update, self) end def fire_update_pubsub_events fire_pubsub_event(:update, self) end def fire_create_pubsub_events fire_pubsub_event(:create, self) end def fire_save_pubsub_events fire_pubsub_event(:save, self) end def fire_pubsub_event(name, *arguments) return if self.class._event_listeners.nil? || !self.class._event_listeners.has_key?(name.to_sym) self.class._event_listeners[ name.to_sym ].each{ | block |*arguments) } end private def _fire_pubsub_event( name, *arguments ) end end end