Entry = Struct.new(:dir, :children) class Middleman::Features::Slickmap def initialize(app, config) require 'slickmap' @sitemap_url = config[:url] || "sitemap.html" if Middleman::Server.environment == :build Middleman::Builder.template :slickmap, @sitemap_url, @sitemap_url end Middleman::Server.helpers do def sitemap_node(n, first=false) if n.children.length < 1 if !first && File.extname(n.dir).length > 0 haml_tag :li do path = n.dir.gsub(self.class.views, '') haml_concat link_to(File.basename(path), path) end end else haml_tag(:li, :id => first ? "home" : nil) do if first haml_concat link_to("Homepage", "/" + self.class.index_file) else # we are a dir index = n.children.find { |c| c.dir.include?(self.class.index_file) } haml_concat link_to(index.dir.gsub(self.class.views + "/", '').gsub("/" + File.basename(index.dir), '').capitalize, index.dir.gsub(self.class.views, '')) end other_children = n.children.select { |c| !c.dir.include?(self.class.index_file) } if other_children.length > 0 if first other_children.each { |i| sitemap_node(i) } else haml_tag :ul do other_children.each { |i| sitemap_node(i) } end end end end end end end Middleman::Server.get "/#{@sitemap_url}" do # Return :utility to put it util top menu. False to ignore @tree, @utility = Middleman::Features::Slickmap.build_sitemap do |file_name| :valid end haml "template.html".to_sym, :layout => false, :views => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "slickmap")) end end def self.build_sitemap(&block) @@utility = [] [recurse_sitemap(Middleman::Server.views, &block), @@utility] end def self.recurse_sitemap(path, &block) bad_ext = path.split('.html')[1] path = path.gsub(bad_ext, '') if bad_ext entry = Entry.new(path, []) #no "." or ".." dirs Dir[File.join(path, "*")].each do |e| next if !File.directory?(e) && !e.include?(".html") if File.directory?(e) entry.children << recurse_sitemap(e, &block) elsif block_given? how_to_handle = block.call(e) if how_to_handle == :valid entry.children << recurse_sitemap(e, &block) elsif how_to_handle == :utility bad_ext = e.split('.html')[1] e = e.gsub(bad_ext, '') if bad_ext @@utility << e.gsub(Middleman::Server.views + "/", '') end end end entry end end Middleman::Features.register :slickmap, Middleman::Features::Slickmap