module RbPlusPlus module Builders # This class takes care of the generation of Rice::Director wrapper # classes. It's slightly different than other nodes, as it's self.code # is the class we're wrapping a director around. class DirectorNode < Base attr_reader :methods_wrapped def initialize(code, parent, class_qualified_name, superclass) super(code, parent) @class_qualified_name = class_qualified_name @methods_wrapped = [] @superclass = superclass @constructors = [] @class_base_name = class_qualified_name.split("::")[-1] @name = "#{@class_base_name}Director" end def qualified_name @name end def build add_child, "rice/Director.hpp", :global) add_child, "rice/Constructor.hpp", :global) # To ensure proper compilation, this director class needs # to implement all pure virtual methods found up the # inheritance heirarchy of this class. So here, we traverse # this list and build the nest of required methods wrapped_names = [] klass = self.code while klass.is_a?(RbGCCXML::Class) || klass.is_a?(RbGCCXML::Struct) [klass.methods].flatten.each do |method| next if do_not_wrap?(method) if method.virtual? && !wrapped_names.include?( @methods_wrapped << method wrapped_names << add_child, self.parent, self) end end klass = klass.superclass end end def wrap_constructor(constructor) @constructors << constructor end def write_class_registration # Need to tell Rice of the base class, while also making sure that if there's a superclass to this class # that we know about it, or attempts to use polymorphism will crash with 'unknown caster for {superclass} class_names = [@class_qualified_name] class_names << @superclass.qualified_name if @superclass && !do_not_wrap?(@superclass) class_names = class_names.join(",") self.parent.registrations << "Rice::define_class< #{class_names} >(\"__#{@class_base_name}__\");" end def write_constructor(constructor = nil) args = ["Rice::Object self"] types = [@name, "Rice::Object"] supercall_args = [] if constructor constructor.arguments.each do |arg| type = arg.cpp_type.to_cpp name = args << "#{type} #{name}" types << type supercall_args << name end end declarations << "#{@name}(#{args.join(", ")}) : #{@class_qualified_name}(#{supercall_args.join(", ")}), Rice::Director(self) { }" registrations << "#{self.parent.rice_variable}.define_constructor(Rice::Constructor< #{types.join(", ")} >());" end def write declarations << "class #{@name} : public #{@class_qualified_name}, public Rice::Director {" declarations << "public:" # Handle constructors if @constructors.empty? write_constructor else @constructors.each {|c| write_constructor(c) } end # Each virtual method gets wrapped @methods_wrapped.each do |method| cpp_name = method.qualified_name.split("::")[-1] ruby_name = Inflector.underscore( return_type = method.return_type.to_cpp return_call = return_type != "void" ? "return" : "" def_arguments = [] call_arguments = [] method.arguments.each do |a| def_arg = a.value ? " = #{a.value}" : "" def_arguments << "#{a.cpp_type.to_cpp} #{}#{def_arg}" call_arguments << end def_arguments = def_arguments.length == 0 ? "" : def_arguments.join(", ") reverse = "" up_or_raise = if method.default_return_value reverse = "!" "return #{method.default_return_value};" else if method.purely_virtual? "raisePureVirtual()" else "#{return_call} this->#{method.qualified_name}(#{call_arguments.join(", ")})" end end call_down = "getSelf().call(\"#{ruby_name}\"#{call_arguments.empty? ? "" : ", "}#{ {|a| "to_ruby(#{a})" }.join(", ")})" call_down = "return from_ruby< #{return_type} >( #{call_down} )" if return_type != "void" const = method.const? ? "const" : "" declarations << "" declarations << "#{return_type} #{cpp_name}(#{def_arguments}) #{const} {" declarations << "if(#{reverse}callIsFromRuby(\"#{ruby_name}\")) {" declarations << "#{up_or_raise};" declarations << "} else {" declarations << "#{call_down};" declarations << "}" declarations << "}" end declarations << "};" end end end end