#! /usr/bin/ruby # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: ruby -*- # Function: # Lazurite Sub-GHz/Lazurite Pi Gateway Sample program # SerialMonitor.rb require 'LazGem' laz = LazGem::Device.new # Halt process when CTRL+C is pushed. finish_flag=0 Signal.trap(:INT){ finish_flag=1 } if ARGV.size == 0 printf("please input argument of ch at least\n") printf("command format is shown below...\n") printf("./sample_rx.rb ch panid baud pwr\n") printf(" ch: 24-61\n") printf(" panid: 0-0xffff\n") printf(" baud: 50 or 100\n") printf(" pwr: 1 or 20\n") exit 0 end # open device deriver dst_addr = 0xffff ch = 36 panid = 0xabcd baud = 100 pwr = 20 if ARGV.size > 0 ch=Integer(ARGV[0]) end if ARGV.size > 1 panid = Integer(ARGV[1]) end if ARGV.size > 2 baud = Integer(ARGV[2]) end if ARGV.size > 3 pwr = Integer(ARGV[3]) end laz.init() print(sprintf("myAddress=0x%016x\n",laz.getMyAddr64())) print(sprintf("myAddress=0x%04x\n",laz.getMyAddress())) laz.begin(ch,panid,baud,pwr) laz.rxEnable() # printing header of receiving log print(sprintf("time\t\t\t\t\t[ns]\trxPanid\trxAddr\ttxAddr\trssi\tpayload\n")) print(sprintf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")) # main routine while finish_flag == 0 do if laz.available() <= 0 sleep 0.01 next end rcv = laz.readBin() # printing data p rcv end # finishing process laz.remove()