Class Cms::ContentBlockController
In: app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb
Parent: Cms::BaseController

This is not called directly This is the base class for other content blocks


Public Instance methods


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 29
29:   def create
30:     if create_block
31:       after_create_on_success
32:     else
33:       after_create_on_failure
34:     end
35:   rescue Exception => @exception
36:     after_create_on_error
37:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 56
56:   def destroy
57:     do_command("deleted") { @block.destroy }
58:     redirect_to_first params[:_redirect_to], blocks_path
59:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 39
39:   def edit
40:     load_block_draft
41:     render "#{template_directory}/edit"
42:   end

Basic REST Crud Action


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 13
13:   def index
14:     load_blocks
15:     render "#{template_directory}/index"
16:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 23
23:   def new
24:     build_block
25:     set_default_category
26:     render "#{template_directory}/new"
27:   end

Additional CMS Action


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 63
63:   def publish
64:     do_command("published") { @block.publish! }
65:     redirect_to_first params[:_redirect_to], block_path
66:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 68
68:   def revert_to
69:     do_command("reverted to version #{params[:version]}") do
70:       revert_block(params[:version])
71:     end
72:     redirect_to_first params[:_redirect_to], block_path
73:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 18
18:   def show
19:     load_block_draft
20:     render "#{template_directory}/show"
21:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 44
44:   def update
45:     if update_block
46:       after_update_on_success
47:     else
48:       after_update_on_failure
49:     end
50:   rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError => @exception
51:     after_update_on_edit_conflict
52:   rescue Exception => @exception
53:     after_update_on_error
54:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 92
92:   def usages
93:     load_block_draft
94:     @pages = @block.connected_pages.all(:order => 'name')
95:     render "#{template_directory}/usages"
96:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 75
75:   def version
76:     load_block
77:     if params[:version]
78:       @block = @block.as_of_version(params[:version])
79:     end
80:     render "#{template_directory}/show"
81:   end


    # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 83
83:   def versions
84:     if model_class.versioned?
85:       load_block
86:       render "#{template_directory}/versions"
87:     else
88:       render :text => "Not Implemented", :status => :not_implemented
89:     end    
90:   end

Protected Instance methods


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 194
194:     def after_create_on_error
195:       logger.error "#{@exception.message}\n#{@exception.backtrace.join('\n')}"      
196:       after_create_on_failure
197:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 190
190:     def after_create_on_failure
191:       render "#{template_directory}/new"
192:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 180
180:     def after_create_on_success
181:       block = @block.class.versioned? ? @block.draft : @block
182:       flash[:notice] = "#{content_type.display_name} '#{}' was created"
183:       if @block.class.connectable? && @block.connected_page
184:         redirect_to @block.connected_page.path
185:       else
186:         redirect_to_first params[:_redirect_to], block_path
187:       end
188:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 214
214:     def after_update_on_edit_conflict
215:       @other_version = @block.class.find(
216:       after_update_on_failure
217:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 219
219:     def after_update_on_error
220:       logger.error "#{@exception.message}\n#{@exception.backtrace.join('\n')}"
221:       after_update_on_failure
222:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 210
210:     def after_update_on_failure
211:       render "#{template_directory}/edit"
212:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 205
205:     def after_update_on_success
206:       flash[:notice] = "#{content_type_name.titleize} '#{}' was updated"
207:       redirect_to_first params[:_redirect_to], block_path
208:     end

This is the partial that will be used in the form


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 157
157:     def block_form
158:       @content_type.form
159:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 147
147:     def block_path(action=nil)
148:       path = [:cms, @block]
149:       action ? path.unshift(action) : path
150:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 152
152:     def blocks_path(options={})
153:       cms_index_url_for(@block, options)
154:     end

new related methods


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 163
163:     def build_block
164:       @block =[model_name])
165:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 105
105:     def content_type
106:       @content_type ||= ContentType.find_by_key(content_type_name)
107:     end

methods that are used to detemine what content block type we are dealing with


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 101
101:     def content_type_name
103:     end

create related methods


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 175
175:     def create_block
176:       build_block
178:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 254
254:     def determine_layout
255:       'cms/content_library'
256:     end

A "command" is when you want to perform an action on a content block You pass a ruby block to this method, this calls it and then sets a flash message based on success or failure


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 229
229:     def do_command(result)
230:       load_block
231:       if yield
232:         flash[:notice] = "#{content_type_name.titleize} '#{}' was #{result}"
233:       else
234:         flash[:error] = "#{content_type_name.titleize} '#{}' could not be #{result}"
235:       end
236:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 132
132:     def load_block
133:       @block = model_class.find(params[:id])
134:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 136
136:     def load_block_draft
137:       load_block
138:       @block = @block.as_of_draft_version if model_class.versioned?
139:     end

methods for loading one or a collection of blocks


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 119
119:     def load_blocks
120:       options = {}
121:       if params[:section_id] && params[:section_id] != 'all'
122:         options[:include] = { :attachment => { :section_node => :section }} 
123:         options[:conditions] = [" = ?", params[:section_id]]
124:       end
125:       options[:page] = params[:page]    
126:       options[:order] = model_class.default_order if model_class.respond_to?(:default_order)
127:       options[:order] = params[:order] unless params[:order].blank?
128:       scope = model_class.respond_to?(:list) ? model_class.list : model_class
129:       @blocks = scope.searchable? ?[:search]).paginate(options) : scope.paginate(options)
130:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 109
109:     def model_class
110:       content_type.model_class
111:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 113
113:     def model_name
115:     end

path related methods - available in the view as helpers


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 143
143:     def new_block_path(options={})
144:       cms_new_url_for(@block, options)
145:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 238
238:     def revert_block(to_version)
239:       begin
240:         @block.revert_to(to_version)
241:       rescue Exception => @exception
242:         logger.warn "Could not revert #{@block.inspect} to version #{to_version}"
243:         logger.warn "#{@exception.message}\n:#{@exception.backtrace.join("\n")}"
244:         false
245:       end
246:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 167
167:     def set_default_category
168:       if @last_block = model_class.last
169:         @block.category = @last_block.category if @block.respond_to?(:category=)
170:       end      
171:     end

methods to setup the view


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 250
250:     def set_toolbar_tab
251:       @toolbar_tab = :content_library
252:     end


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 258
258:     def template_directory
259:       "cms/blocks"
260:     end

update related methods


     # File app/controllers/cms/content_block_controller.rb, line 200
200:     def update_block
201:       load_block
202:       @block.update_attributes(params[model_name])
203:     end
