module Bio module Pipengine class Job @@logger = @@logger_error = # a Job object holds information on a job to be submitted # samples_groups and samples_obj are used to store information in case of steps that require to combine info # from multiple samples attr_accessor :name, :cpus, :nodes, :mem, :resources, :command_line, :local, :multi_samples, :samples_obj, :custom_output, :custom_name, :log, :log_adapter def initialize(name) @name = generate_uuid + "-" + name @shortname = name @command_line = [] @resources = {} @cpus = 1 @nodes = "1" @log = "stdin" @log_adapter = nil end def add_resources(resources) self.resources.merge! resources end def output self.resources["output"] end # add all the command lines for a given step def add_step(step,sample) # setting job working directory working_dir = "" if self.local working_dir = self.local+"/" else working_dir = self.output if step.is_multi? folder = (self.custom_output) ? self.custom_output : @shortname working_dir += "/#{folder}" else folder = if self.custom_output self.custom_output elsif self.custom_name self.custom_name else end working_dir += "/#{}/#{folder}" end end # set job cpus number to the higher step cpus (this in case of multiple steps) self.cpus = step.cpus if step.cpus > self.cpus # set number of nodes for job self.nodes = (step.nodes) ? step.nodes : @nodes # set the memory used self.mem = step.mem # adding job working directory unless "_" self.command_line << "if [ ! -f #{working_dir}/checkpoint ]" self.command_line << "then" self.command_line << logger(step, "start") self.command_line << "\nmkdir -p #{working_dir}" self.command_line << "cd #{working_dir}" end # generate command lines for this step if Array do |cmd, i| command = generate_cmd_line(cmd,sample,step) # TODO verify that logger works in this case # self.command_line << "#{command} || { echo \"FAILED `date`: #{}:#{i}\" ; exit 1; }" self.command_line << "#{command} || { #{logger(step, "FAILED #{i}" )}; exit 1; }" end else command = generate_cmd_line(,sample,step) # TODO verify that logger works in this case # self.command_line << "#{command} || { echo \"FAILED `date`: #{} \" ; exit 1; }" self.command_line << "#{command} || { #{logger(step, "FAILED" )}; exit 1; }" end self.command_line << logger(step, "finished") self.command_line << "touch #{working_dir}/checkpoint" self.command_line << "else" self.command_line << logger(step, "already executed, skipping this step") self.command_line << "fi" # check if a temporary (i.e. different from 'output') directory is set if self.local final_output = "" if step.is_multi? folder = (self.custom_output) ? self.custom_output : @shortname final_output = self.output+"/#{folder}" else folder = (self.custom_output) ? self.custom_output : final_output = self.output+"/#{}/#{folder}" end self.command_line << "mkdir -p #{final_output}" self.command_line << "cp -r #{working_dir}/* #{final_output}" self.command_line << "rm -fr #{working_dir}" end end def to_script(options)"/"'.pbs','w') do |file| file.puts "#!/usr/bin/env bash" file.puts "#PBS -N #{}" file.puts "#PBS -d #{self.output}" file.puts "#PBS -q #{options[:pbs_queue]}" if options[:pbs_queue] if options[:pbs_opts] file.puts "#PBS -l #{options[:pbs_opts].join(",")}" else l_string = [] l_string << "nodes=#{self.nodes}:ppn=#{self.cpus}" l_string << "mem=#{self.mem}" if self.mem file.puts "#PBS -l #{l_string.join(",")}" end file.puts self.command_line.join("\n") end end def submit job_id = `qsub #{self.output}/#{}.pbs` "#{job_id}".green end private # create a unique ID for each job def generate_uuid SecureRandom.hex(5) end # this method call other methods to perform the right substitutions into the command lines def generate_cmd_line(cmd,sample,step) if step.is_multi? # if is a multi samples step call a different method set_multi_cmd(step,self.multi_samples) cmd = sub_multi(cmd,step) else cmd = sub_placeholders(cmd,sample,step) # normal step, perform usual substitutions end # Check that all placeholders have been substituted, if not terminate with an error cmd.scan(/<\S+>/).each do |unsubstituted_tag| @@logger_error.error("Found an unsubstituted tag #{unsubstituted_tag} . Terminating the execution".red) exit end return cmd end # perform substitutions on all the placeholders def sub_placeholders(cmd,sample,step=nil) tmp_cmd = cmd.gsub(//, if tmp_cmd =~// sample_path_glob = (tmp_cmd.scan(/(\S+)/).map {|e| e.first}) if sample_path_glob.empty? tmp_cmd.gsub!(//,sample.path.join("\s")) else sample_path_glob.each do |append| tmp_cmd.gsub!(/#{Regexp.quote(append)}/,( {|s| s+append}).join("\s")) end end end # for resourcers and cpus tmp_cmd = sub_resources_and_cpu(tmp_cmd,step) # for placeholders like tmp_cmd.scan(/<(\S+)\/sample>/).map {|e| e.first}.each do |input_folder| "Directory #{self.output+"/""/"+input_folder} not found".magenta unless Dir.exists? self.output+"/""/"+input_folder tmp_cmd = tmp_cmd.gsub(/<#{input_folder}\/sample>/,self.output+"/""/"+input_folder+"/" end # for placeholders like tmp_cmd.scan(/<(\S+)\/>/).map {|e| e.first}.each do |input_folder| "Directory #{self.output+"/""/"+input_folder} not found".magenta unless Dir.exists? self.output+"/""/"+input_folder tmp_cmd = tmp_cmd.gsub(/<#{input_folder}\/>/,self.output+"/""/"+input_folder+"/") end return tmp_cmd end def sub_resources_and_cpu(cmd,step) # for all resources tags like etc. self.resources.each_key do |r| cmd.gsub!(/<#{r}>/,self.resources[r]) end # set number of cpus for this command line cmd.gsub!(//,step.cpus.to_s) unless step.nil? return cmd end # creates actual multi-samples command lines to be substituted where placeholders are found def set_multi_cmd(step,multi_samples) if step.multi_def.kind_of? Array # in case of many multi-samples command lines step.multi_cmd = [] step.multi_def.each do |m_def| step.multi_cmd << generate_multi_cmd(m_def,multi_samples) end else step.multi_cmd = generate_multi_cmd(step.multi_def,multi_samples) end end # take the multi_cmd and perform the subsitutions into the step command lines def sub_multi(cmd,step) cmd = sub_resources_and_cpu(cmd,step) if step.multi_cmd.kind_of? Array step.multi_cmd.each_with_index do |m,index| cmd.gsub!(//,m) end else cmd.gsub!(//,step.multi_cmd) end return cmd end # this sub method handle different multi-samples definitions (like comma separated list, space separated etc.) def generate_multi_cmd(multi_def,multi_samples) multi_cmd = [] multi_samples.each do |sample_name| if sample_name.include? "," multi_cmd << split_and_sub(",",multi_def,sample_name) elsif sample_name.include? ";" multi_cmd << split_and_sub(";",multi_def,sample_name) else multi_cmd << sub_placeholders(multi_def,self.samples_obj[sample_name]) end end return multi_cmd.join("\s") end # take a non-space separated list of samples and perform the substitution with the group defitions def split_and_sub(sep,multi_def,multi) cmd_line = [] multi.split(sep).each do |sample_name| cmd_line << sub_placeholders(multi_def,self.samples_obj[sample_name]) end cmd_line.join(sep) end # log a step according to the selected adapter def logger(step, message) case self.log when "stdin" "echo \"#{} #{name} #{message} `whoami` `hostname` `pwd` `date`.\"" when "syslog" "logger -t PIPENGINE \"#{} #{name} #{message} `whoami` `hostname` `pwd`\"" when "fluentd" "curl -X POST -d 'json={\"source\":\"PIPENGINE\", \"step\":\"#{}\", \"message\":\"#{message}\", \"job_id\":\"#{name}\", \"user\":\"\'\"`whoami`\"\'\", \"host\":\"\'\"`hostname`\"\'\", \"pwd\":\"\'\"`pwd`\"\'\"}' #{self.log_adapter}" end end #logger end end end