require 'chef/provisioning/fog_driver/driver' describe Chef::Provisioning::FogDriver::Driver do let(:driver) {"fog:OpenStack", {}) } before(:each) do Chef::Provisioning::FogDriver::Driver.send(:public, *Chef::Provisioning::FogDriver::Driver.protected_instance_methods) end describe "#determine_remote_host" do let(:machine_spec) { double("machine_spec", :reference => reference, :name => 'name') } let(:server) { double("server", :private_ip_address => 'private', :public_ip_address => 'public', :ip_addresses => ['first_ip_address'])} context "when 'use_private_ip_for_ssh' is specified in the machine_spec.reference" do let(:reference) { { 'use_private_ip_for_ssh' => true } } it "returns the private ip" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('private') expect(reference).to eq( {'transport_address_location' => :private_ip} ) end end context "when 'transport_address_location' is set to :private_ip" do let(:reference) { { 'transport_address_location' => :private_ip } } it "returns the private ip" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('private') end end context "when 'transport_address_location' is set to :ip_addresses" do let(:reference) { { 'transport_address_location' => :ip_addresses } } it "returns the first ip_address from array" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('first_ip_address') end end context "when 'transport_address_location' is set to :public_ip" do let(:reference) { { 'transport_address_location' => :public_ip } } it "returns the public ip" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('public') end end context "when machine_spec.reference does not specify the transport type" do let(:reference) { } context "when the machine does not have a public_ip_address" do let(:server) { double("server", :private_ip_address => 'private', :public_ip_address => nil, :ip_addresses => ['first_ip_address'])} it "returns the private ip" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('private') end end context "when the machine has a public_ip_address" do let(:server) { double("server", :private_ip_address => 'private', :public_ip_address => 'public', :ip_addresses => ['first_ip_address'])} it "returns the public ip" do expect(driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)).to eq('public') end end context "when the machine does not have a public_ip_address or private_ip_address" do let(:server) { double("server", :private_ip_address => nil, :public_ip_address => nil, :ip_addresses => ['first_ip_address'], :id => 'id')} it "raises an error" do expect {driver.determine_remote_host(machine_spec, server)}.to raise_error("Server #{} has no private or public IP address!") end end end end describe '#private_key_for' do let(:machine_spec) { double('machine_spec', reference: {}, name: 'my_machine') } let(:machine_options) { { bootstrap_options: bootstrap_options } } context 'when the machine has a key path in bootstrap options' do let(:bootstrap_options) { { key_path: '/tmp/test_private_key_file' } } it 'reads the key file' do allow(IO).to receive(:read).and_return 'test_private_key' expect(driver.private_key_for(machine_spec, machine_options, nil)).to eq 'test_private_key' end end context 'when the machine has a key name in bootstrap options' do let(:bootstrap_options) { { key_name: 'test_private_key_name' } } it 'calls get_private_key' do expect(driver).to receive(:get_private_key).with('test_private_key_name').and_return 'test_private_key' expect(driver.private_key_for(machine_spec, machine_options, nil)).to eq 'test_private_key' end end context 'when the machine has no bootstrap options' do it 'raises an error' do expect { driver.private_key_for(machine_spec, {}, nil) } .to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'No key found to connect to my_machine ({}) : machine_options -> ({})!') end end context 'when the machine has no key path or key name bootstrap options' do let(:bootstrap_options) { {} } it 'raises an error' do expect { driver.private_key_for(machine_spec, machine_options, nil) }.to raise_error( RuntimeError, 'No key found to connect to my_machine ({}) : machine_options -> ({:bootstrap_options=>{}})!') end end end end