:plugin: clone :type: filter /////////////////////////////////////////// START - GENERATED VARIABLES, DO NOT EDIT! /////////////////////////////////////////// :version: %VERSION% :release_date: %RELEASE_DATE% :changelog_url: %CHANGELOG_URL% :include_path: ../../../../logstash/docs/include /////////////////////////////////////////// END - GENERATED VARIABLES, DO NOT EDIT! /////////////////////////////////////////// [id="plugins-{type}s-{plugin}"] === Clone filter plugin include::{include_path}/plugin_header.asciidoc[] ==== Description The clone filter is for duplicating events. A clone will be created for each type in the clone list. The original event is left unchanged. Created events are inserted into the pipeline as normal events and will be processed by the remaining pipeline configuration starting from the filter that generated them (i.e. this plugin). [id="plugins-{type}s-{plugin}-options"] ==== Clone Filter Configuration Options This plugin supports the following configuration options plus the <> described later. [cols="<,<,<",options="header",] |======================================================================= |Setting |Input type|Required | <> |<>|No |======================================================================= Also see <> for a list of options supported by all filter plugins.   [id="plugins-{type}s-{plugin}-clones"] ===== `clones` * Value type is <> * Default value is `[]` A new clone will be created with the given type for each type in this list. [id="plugins-{type}s-{plugin}-common-options"] include::{include_path}/{type}.asciidoc[]