#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin =gplist Print out info on GPhys-compatible variables in specified files. ==Usage % gplist [-h] [ FILES... ] where FILES are plane files (NetCDF, grib, GrADS control..) or directories. If omitted, equivalent to specifing the current directory. ==HISTORY 2005/05/15 S Takehiro (created) 2005/06/21 T Horinouchi (modified to use GDir (non-recursive version)) 2005/08/10 S Takehiro (utilize internal function for printing help message) 2005/08/23 S Takehiro (common methods to gp* command moved to gpcommon.rb) =end require "numru/gphys" require "numru/gphys/gpcommon" include NumRu require "getoptlong" #---------------------- Option Configuration ---------------------- parser = GetoptLong.new( ["--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]) begin parser.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--help" help exit(0) end end rescue raise "\n\n"+usage end #------------------------ Do the job ------------------------ GDir.top='/' if ARGV.length==0 paths = ['.'] else paths = ARGV end paths.each do |path| print path,":\n" gdir = GDir.new(File.expand_path(path)) # for a plane file: gdir.list_data_v.each{|s| print " #{s}\n"} # for a directory: gdir.list_dirs.each do |sub| lsv = gdir.dir(sub).list_data_v if lsv.length>0 print( (ARGV.length!=0 ? "#{path.sub(/\/+$/,'')}/" : ""), sub, ":\n") lsv.each{|s| print " #{s}\n"} end end end