# Survey On Rails Surveyor is a rails (gem) plugin, that brings surveys to your rails app. Before Rails 2.3, it was implemented as a Rails Engine. Surveys are written in a DSL (Domain Specific Language), with examples available in the "kitchen sink" survey. # Installation As a plugin: sudo gem install haml script/plugin install git://github.com/breakpointer/surveyor.git -r 'tag v0.9.0' Or as a gem plugin: # in environment.rb config.gem "surveyor", :version => '>=0.9.0', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org' sudo gem install gemcutter gem tumble sudo rake gems:install Generate assets, run migrations: script/generate surveyor rake db:migrate Try out the "kitchen sink" survey: rake surveyor FILE=surveys/kitchen_sink_survey.rb # Configuration The surveyor generator creates config/initializers/surveyor.rb. There, you can specify: - your own relative root for surveys ('/' is not recommended as any path will be interpreted as a survey name) - your own custom title (string) for the survey list page - your own custom layout file name, in your app/views/layouts folder - your own custom finish url for all surveys. you can give a string (a path), a symbol (the name of a method in ApplicationController) - if you would like surveys to require authorization via the restful_authentication plugin - if you would like to extend the surveyor_controller (see Extending Surveyor below) The initializer runs once, when the app starts. The block style is used to keep multiple options DRY (defaults below): Surveyor::Config.run do |config| config['default.relative_url_root'] = "surveys/" # should end with '/' config['default.title'] = "You can take these surveys:" config['default.layout'] = "surveyor_default" config['default.finish'] = "/surveys" config['use_restful_authentication'] = false config['extend_controller'] = false end You can update surveyor's at any time. Use the block style (above), or the individual style: Surveyor::Config['default.title'] = "Cheese is great!" To look at the current surveyor configuration: Surveyor::Config.to_hash.inspect # Extending surveyor Surveyor's models, helper, and controller can be extended from custom modules your app/models, app/helpers and app/controllers directories. To generate the sample files and sample layout, run: script/generate extend_surveyor Any of surveyor's models class_eval, class methods, and instance methods can be modified. Include the following in config/initializers/surveyor.rb: require 'models/survey_extensions' # Extended the survey model SurveyorHelper class_eval and instance methods can be modified. Include the following in config/initializers/surveyor.rb: require 'helpers/surveyor_helper_extensions' # Extend the surveyor helper SurveyorController class_eval, class methods, instance methods, and actions can be modified. Action methods should be specified separately in the Actions submodule. Set the following option in config/initializers/surveyor.rb Surveyor::Config block: config['extend_controller'] = true # Sample layout
helper just calls surveyor\_stylsheets + surveyor\_javascripts
which in turn call:
stylesheet_link_tag 'surveyor/reset', 'surveyor/surveyor', 'surveyor/ui.theme.css','surveyor/jquery-ui-slider-additions'
javascript_include_tag 'surveyor/jquery-1.2.6.js', 'surveyor/jquery-ui-personalized-1.5.3.js', 'surveyor/accessibleUISlider.jQuery.js','surveyor/jquery.form.js', 'surveyor/surveyor.js'
# Dependencices
Surveyor depends on Rails 2.3 and the SASS style sheet language, part of HAML (http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/download)
# Changes
* validations in dsl and surveyor models
* preserve underscores in reference identifiers
* dsl specs, refactoring into base class
* adding display order to surveys
* moving columnizer and tiny column functionality to surveyor module
* columnizer (and tiny code) refactoring, columnizer spec extracted from answer spec
* cleanup of scopes with joins
* refactoring dependency
* question group dependencies
* expanded examples in kitchen sink survey
* specs
* custom index page
* custom classes and renderers
* fixing typo in kitchen sink survey
* new kitchen sink survey with better documentation of DSL
* migration misspelling
* fixing ordering, dependency conditions evaluation, and changing named scopes for now
* DRYing up surveyor DSL models
* working on adding dependencies for question groups
Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Brian Chamberlain and Mark Yoon, released under the MIT license