# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength module RuboCop # The CLI is a class responsible of handling all the command line interface # logic. class CLI include Formatter::TextUtil PHASE_1 = 'Phase 1 of 2: run Metrics/LineLength cop'.freeze PHASE_2 = 'Phase 2 of 2: run all cops'.freeze PHASE_1_OVERRIDDEN = '(skipped because the default Metrics/LineLength:Max' \ ' is overridden)'.freeze PHASE_1_DISABLED = '(skipped because Metrics/LineLength is ' \ 'disabled)'.freeze STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 STATUS_OFFENSES = 1 STATUS_ERROR = 2 STATUS_INTERRUPTED = 128 + Signal.list['INT'] class Finished < RuntimeError; end attr_reader :options, :config_store def initialize @options = {} @config_store = ConfigStore.new end # @api public # # Entry point for the application logic. Here we # do the command line arguments processing and inspect # the target files. # # @param args [Array] command line arguments # @return [Integer] UNIX exit code # # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def run(args = ARGV) @options, paths = Options.new.parse(args) validate_options_vs_config act_on_options apply_default_formatter execute_runners(paths) rescue ConfigNotFoundError, IncorrectCopNameError, OptionArgumentError => e warn e.message STATUS_ERROR rescue RuboCop::Error => e warn Rainbow("Error: #{e.message}").red STATUS_ERROR rescue Finished STATUS_SUCCESS rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e warn e.message warn 'For usage information, use --help' STATUS_ERROR rescue StandardError, SyntaxError, LoadError => e warn e.message warn e.backtrace STATUS_ERROR end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize private def execute_runners(paths) if @options[:auto_gen_config] reset_config_and_auto_gen_file line_length_contents = maybe_run_line_length_cop(paths) run_all_cops_auto_gen_config(line_length_contents, paths) else execute_runner(paths) end end def maybe_run_line_length_cop(paths) if !line_length_enabled?(@config_store.for(Dir.pwd)) puts Rainbow("#{PHASE_1} #{PHASE_1_DISABLED}").yellow '' elsif !same_max_line_length?( @config_store.for(Dir.pwd), ConfigLoader.default_configuration ) puts Rainbow("#{PHASE_1} #{PHASE_1_OVERRIDDEN}").yellow '' else run_line_length_cop_auto_gen_config(paths) end end def line_length_enabled?(config) line_length_cop(config)['Enabled'] end def same_max_line_length?(config1, config2) max_line_length(config1) == max_line_length(config2) end def max_line_length(config) line_length_cop(config)['Max'] end def line_length_cop(config) config.for_cop('Metrics/LineLength') end # Do an initial run with only Metrics/LineLength so that cops that depend # on Metrics/LineLength:Max get the correct value for that parameter. def run_line_length_cop_auto_gen_config(paths) puts Rainbow(PHASE_1).yellow @options[:only] = ['Metrics/LineLength'] execute_runner(paths) @options.delete(:only) @config_store = ConfigStore.new # Save the todo configuration of the LineLength cop. IO.read(ConfigLoader::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE) .lines .drop_while { |line| line.start_with?('#') } .join end def run_all_cops_auto_gen_config(line_length_contents, paths) puts Rainbow(PHASE_2).yellow result = execute_runner(paths) # This run was made with the current maximum length allowed, so append # the saved setting for LineLength. File.open(ConfigLoader::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE, 'a') do |f| f.write(line_length_contents) end result end def reset_config_and_auto_gen_file @config_store = ConfigStore.new @config_store.options_config = @options[:config] if @options[:config] File.open(ConfigLoader::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE, 'w') {} ConfigLoader.add_inheritance_from_auto_generated_file end def validate_options_vs_config if @options[:parallel] && !@config_store.for(Dir.pwd).for_all_cops['UseCache'] raise OptionArgumentError, '-P/--parallel uses caching to speed up ' \ 'execution, so combining with AllCops: ' \ 'UseCache: false is not allowed.' end end def act_on_options ConfigLoader.debug = @options[:debug] ConfigLoader.auto_gen_config = @options[:auto_gen_config] ConfigLoader.ignore_parent_exclusion = @options[:ignore_parent_exclusion] ConfigLoader.options_config = @options[:config] @config_store.options_config = @options[:config] if @options[:config] @config_store.force_default_config! if @options[:force_default_config] handle_exiting_options if @options[:color] # color output explicitly forced on Rainbow.enabled = true elsif @options[:color] == false # color output explicitly forced off Rainbow.enabled = false end end def execute_runner(paths) runner = Runner.new(@options, @config_store) all_passed = runner.run(paths) display_warning_summary(runner.warnings) display_error_summary(runner.errors) maybe_print_corrected_source all_pass_or_excluded = all_passed || @options[:auto_gen_config] if runner.aborting? STATUS_INTERRUPTED elsif all_pass_or_excluded && runner.errors.empty? STATUS_SUCCESS else STATUS_OFFENSES end end def handle_exiting_options return unless Options::EXITING_OPTIONS.any? { |o| @options.key? o } puts RuboCop::Version.version(false) if @options[:version] puts RuboCop::Version.version(true) if @options[:verbose_version] print_available_cops if @options[:show_cops] raise Finished end def apply_default_formatter # This must be done after the options have already been processed, # because they can affect how ConfigStore behaves @options[:formatters] ||= begin if @options[:auto_gen_config] formatter = 'autogenconf' else cfg = @config_store.for(Dir.pwd).for_all_cops formatter = cfg['DefaultFormatter'] || 'progress' end [[formatter, @options[:output_path]]] end return unless @options[:auto_gen_config] @options[:formatters] << [Formatter::DisabledConfigFormatter, ConfigLoader::AUTO_GENERATED_FILE] end def print_available_cops # Load the configs so the require()s are done for custom cops @config_store.for(Dir.pwd) registry = Cop::Cop.registry show_all = @options[:show_cops].empty? if show_all puts "# Available cops (#{registry.length}) + config for #{Dir.pwd}: " end registry.departments.sort!.each do |department| print_cops_of_department(registry, department, show_all) end end def print_cops_of_department(registry, department, show_all) selected_cops = if show_all cops_of_department(registry, department) else selected_cops_of_department(registry, department) end puts "# Department '#{department}' (#{selected_cops.length}):" if show_all print_cop_details(selected_cops) end def print_cop_details(cops) cops.each do |cop| puts '# Supports --auto-correct' if cop.new.support_autocorrect? puts "#{cop.cop_name}:" puts config_lines(cop) puts end end def selected_cops_of_department(cops, department) cops_of_department(cops, department).select do |cop| @options[:show_cops].include?(cop.cop_name) end end def cops_of_department(cops, department) cops.with_department(department).sort! end def config_lines(cop) cnf = @config_store.for(Dir.pwd).for_cop(cop) cnf.to_yaml.lines.to_a.drop(1).map { |line| ' ' + line } end def display_warning_summary(warnings) return if warnings.empty? warn Rainbow("\n#{pluralize(warnings.size, 'warning')}:").yellow warnings.each { |warning| warn warning } end def display_error_summary(errors) return if errors.empty? warn Rainbow("\n#{pluralize(errors.size, 'error')} occurred:").red errors.each { |error| warn error } warn <<-WARNING.strip_indent Errors are usually caused by RuboCop bugs. Please, report your problems to RuboCop's issue tracker. #{Gem.loaded_specs['rubocop'].metadata['bug_tracker_uri']} Mention the following information in the issue report: #{RuboCop::Version.version(true)} WARNING end def maybe_print_corrected_source # If we are asked to autocorrect source code read from stdin, the only # reasonable place to write it is to stdout # Unfortunately, we also write other information to stdout # So a delimiter is needed for tools to easily identify where the # autocorrected source begins return unless @options[:stdin] && @options[:auto_correct] puts '=' * 20 print @options[:stdin] end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength