#!/usr/bin/env python # This plugin gives information about the hypervisors. It works as is if using Python2.7 but to get it working with Python2.6 and # before (as well as Python 3.0) require that you number the placeholders in the format method(). # This way wherever the {} is used, number it starting from 0. e.g., {0}.nova.hypervisor # #RED from argparse import ArgumentParser from os import getenv import socket import time from novaclient.client import Client NOVA_API_VERSION = '2' DEFAULT_SCHEME = '{}.nova.hypervisors'.format(socket.gethostname()) METRIC_KEYS = ( 'current_workload', 'disk_available_least', 'local_gb', 'local_gb_used', 'memory_mb', 'memory_mb_used', 'running_vms', 'vcpus', 'vcpus_used', ) def output_metric(name, value): print '{}\t{}\t{}'.format(name, value, int(time.time())) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default=getenv('OS_USERNAME', 'admin')) parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default=getenv('OS_PASSWORD', 'admin')) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tenant', default=getenv('OS_TENANT_NAME', 'admin')) parser.add_argument('-a', '--auth-url', default=getenv('OS_AUTH_URL', 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0')) parser.add_argument('-S', '--service-type', default='compute') parser.add_argument('-H', '--host') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scheme', default=DEFAULT_SCHEME) args = parser.parse_args() client = Client(NOVA_API_VERSION, args.user, args.password, args.tenant, args.auth_url, service_type=args.service_type) if args.host: hypervisors = client.hypervisors.search(args.host) else: hypervisors = client.hypervisors.list() for hv in hypervisors: for key, value in hv.to_dict().iteritems(): if key in METRIC_KEYS: output_metric('{}.{}.{}'.format(args.scheme, hv.hypervisor_hostname, key), value) if not args.host: for key, value in client.hypervisor_stats.statistics().to_dict().iteritems(): output_metric('{}.{}.{}'.format(args.scheme, 'total', key), value) if __name__ == '__main__': main()