require 'helper' class TestBuzzsprout < Test::Unit::TestCase context "When hitting the Buzzsprout API" do should "return a list of episodes for a podcast" do stub_get("/105.json", "episode_list.json") list = Buzzsprout.episodes(105) list.first.title.should == 'Episode 0.1.0 - Chris Wanstrath from GitHub' == 1805 end should "return a list of tagged episodes for a podcast" do stub_get("/105.json?tags=javascript%2Cgithub", "tagged.json") list = Buzzsprout.episodes(105, %w(javascript github)) list.first.title.should == 'Episode 0.0.7 - Mike Dirolf from 10gen and MongoDB' == 1959 end context "when fetching info for a single episode" do setup do stub_get("/105/2274.json", "episode.json") @episode = Buzzsprout.episode(105, 2274) end should "return info about an episode for a podcast" do @episode.title.should == 'Episode 0.1.0 - Chris Wanstrath from GitHub' == 2274 end should "display episode duration in a friendly format" do @episode.duration.should == "77:55" end should "display episode date in a Ruby Date" do == 2010 == 1 end should "display a tags array" do @episode.tags.size.should == 6 @episode.tags.first.should == 'git' end should "indicate if a lesson is on s3 (and processed)" do @episode.s3?.should == true end should "indicate if a lesson is live" do == true end end end end