# Upgrading to v2 of the Ruby API client ## Gem First, you'll have to include the new version in your Gemfile. To do so, change the following: ```diff - gem 'algoliasearch' + gem 'algolia', git: 'https://github.com/algolia/algoliasearch-client-ruby.git', tag: 'v2.0.0-alpha.1' ``` Then, you'll need to change your current `require` statements: ```diff - require 'algoliasearch' + require 'algolia' ``` ## Class names All classes have been namespaced. The mostly used classes are now as follows: - `Algolia::Client` -> `Algolia::Search::Client` - `Algolia::Index` -> `Algolia::Search::Index` - `Algolia::AccountClient` -> `Algolia::Account::Client` - `Algolia::Analytics` -> `Algolia::Analytics::Client` - `Algolia::Insights` -> `Algolia::Insights::Client` ## Initialize the client and index There's a slight change in how you initialize the client. The index initialization didn't change. ```ruby # Before client = Algolia::Client.new( application_id: 'APP_ID', api_key: 'API_KEY' ) index = client.init_index('index_name') # After client = Algolia::Search::Client.create('APP_ID', 'API_KEY') index = client.init_index('index_name') # or search_config = Algolia::Search::Config.new(app_id: app_id, api_key: api_key) client = Algolia::Search::Client.create_with_config(search_config) index = client.init_index('index_name') ``` ## Search parameters and request options The search parameters and request options are still optional, but they are combined into a single hash instead of two. For example: ```ruby # Before request_opts = { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' } search_params = { hitsPerPage: 50 } index.search('query', search_params, request_opts) # After opts = { :headers => { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' }, :params => { hitsPerPage: 50 } } index.search('query', opts) ``` ## Methods ### `Client` #### `multiple_queries` The `strategy` parameter is no longer a string, but a key in the `requestOptions`. ```ruby queries = [ { indexName: 'index_name1', params: { query: 'query', hitsPerPage: 2 } }, { indexName: 'index_name2', params: { query: 'another_query', hitsPerPage: 5 } } ] # Before client.multiple_queries(queries, 'stopIfEnoughMatches') # After client.multiple_queries(queries, { strategy: 'stopIfEnoughMatches' }) ``` #### `copy_settings` No change. #### `list_indexes` No change. #### `copy_index` No change. #### `move_index` No change. #### `generate_secured_api_key` This method is moved to the `Algolia::Search::Client` class. ```ruby # Before secured_api_key = Algolia.generate_secured_api_key('api_key', { validUntil: now - (10 * 60) }) # After secured_api_key = Algolia::Search::Client.generate_secured_api_key('api_key', { validUntil: now - (10 * 60) }) ``` #### `add_api_key` `acl` is still the first parameter. The other parameters have been moved to the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before client.add_api_key({ acl: ['search'], description: 'A description', indexes: ['index']}) # After client.add_api_key(['search'], { description: 'A description', indexes: ['index'] }) ``` #### `update_api_key` This method is moved to the `Algolia::Search::Client` class. ```ruby # Before Algolia.update_api_key('api_key', { maxHitsPerQuery: 42 }) # After client.update_api_key('api_key', { maxHitsPerQuery: 42 }) ``` #### `delete_api_key` No change. #### `restore_api_key` No change. #### `get_api_key` No change. #### `list_api_keys` No change. #### `get_secured_api_key_remaining_validity` This method is moved to the `Algolia::Search::Client` class. ```ruby # Before Algolia.get_secured_api_key_remaining_validity('api_key') # After Algolia::Search::Client.get_secured_api_key_remaining_validity('api_key') ``` #### `copy_synonyms` No change. #### `assign_user_id` No change. #### `assign_user_ids` Newly added method to add multiple userIDs to a cluster. ```ruby user_ids = ['1','2','3'] # Before user_ids.each { |id| client.assign_user_id(id, 'my-cluster')} # After client.assign_user_ids(user_ids, 'my-cluster') ``` #### `get_top_user_id` No change. #### `get_user_id` No change. #### `list_clusters` No change. #### `list_user_ids` The `page` and `hitsPerPage` parameters are now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before page = 0 hits_per_page = 20 client.list_user_ids(page, hits_per_page) # After client.list_user_ids({ hitPerPage: 20, page: 0 }) ``` #### `remove_user_id` No change. #### `search_user_ids` The `clusterName`, `page` and `hitsPerPage` parameters are now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before page = 0 hits_per_page = 12 client.search_user_ids('query', 'my-cluster', page, hits_per_page) # After client.search_user_ids('query', {clusterName: 'my-cluster', hitPerPage: 12, page: 0 }) ``` #### `pending_mappings` New method to check the status of your clusters' migration or user creation. ```ruby client.pending_mapping?({ retrieveMappings: true }) ``` #### `get_logs` The `offset`, `length`, and `type` parameters are now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before offset = 5 length = 100 puts client.get_logs(offset, length, 'all') # After client.get_logs({ offset: 5, length: 10, type: 'all' }) ``` #### `copy_rules` No change. ### `Index` #### `search` `searchParameters` and `requestOptions` are a single parameter now. ```ruby # Before request_opts = { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' } search_params = { hitsPerPage: 50 } index.search('query', search_params, request_opts) # After opts = { :headers => { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' }, :params => { hitsPerPage: 50 } } index.search('query', opts) ``` #### `search_for_facet_values` `searchParameters` and `requestOptions` are a single parameter now. ```ruby # Before request_opts = { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' } search_params = { hitsPerPage: 50 } index.search_for_facet_values('category', 'phone', search_params, request_opts) # After opts = { :headers => { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' }, :params => { hitsPerPage: 50 } } index.search_for_facet_values('category', 'phone', opts) ``` #### `find_object` The method takes a lambda, proc or block as the first argument (anything that responds to `call`), and the `requestOptions` as the second ```ruby # Before index.find_object({query: 'query', paginate: true}) { |hit| hit[:title].include?('algolia') } # After index.find_object(-> (hit) { hit[:title].include?('algolia') }, { query: 'query', paginate: true }) ``` #### `get_object_position` The classname has changed, not the method itself. ```ruby # Before position = Algolia::Index.get_object_position(results, 'object') # After position = Algolia::Search::Index.get_object_position(results, 'object') ``` #### `add_object` and `add_objects` These methods have been removed in favor of `save_object` and `save_objects`. #### `save_object` and `save_objects` No change. #### `partial_update_object` The `objectID` parameter is removed. `create_if_not_exists` is now part of the `requestOptions` parameter. ```ruby obj = { objectID: '1234', prop: 'value' } # Before create_if_not_exists = true index.partial_update_object(obj, obj[:objectID], create_if_not_exists) # After index.partial_update_object(obj, { createIfNotExists: true }) ``` #### `partial_update_objects` The `create_if_not_exists` parameter is now part of the `requestOptions` parameter. ```ruby # Before create_if_not_exists = true index.partial_update_objects(objects, create_if_not_exists) # After index.partial_update_objects(objects, { createIfNotExists: true }) ``` #### `delete_object` and `delete_objects` No change. #### `replace_all_objects` No change. #### `delete_by` No change. #### `clear_index` Renamed to `clear_objects`. ```ruby # Before index.clear_index # After index.clear_objects ``` #### `get_object` and `get_objects` The `attributesToRetrieve` parameter is now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before index.get_object('1234', ['title']) index.get_objects([1,2,3], ['title']) # After index.get_object('1234', { attributesToRetrieve: ['title'] }) index.get_objects([1,2,3], { attributesToRetrieve: ['title'] }) ``` #### `multiple_get_objects` No change. #### `batch` No change. #### `get_settings` No change. #### `set_settings` No change. #### `delete_index` Instead of calling the `delete_index` method on the client, you should call the `delete` method directly on the index object. ```ruby # Before client.delete_index('foo') # After index.delete ``` #### `browse` Renamed to `browse_objects`. ```ruby # Before request_opts = { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' } index.browse({ query: 'query'}, nil, request_opts) do |hit| puts hit end # After opts = { query: 'query', headers: { 'X-Algolia-UserToken': 'user123' } } index.browse_objects(opts) do |hit| puts hit end ``` #### `index.exists?` No change. #### `save_synonym` The `objectID` parameter has been removed, and should be part of the synonym hash. ```ruby # Before forward_to_replicas = true index.save_synonym('one', { objectID: 'one', type: 'synonym', synonyms: %w(one two) }, forward_to_replicas) # After index.save_synonym({ objectID: 'one', type: 'synonym', synonyms: %w(one two) }, { forwardToReplicas: true}) ``` #### `batch_synonyms` Renamed to `save_synonyms`. `forwardToReplicas` and `replaceExistingSynonyms` parmameters are now part of `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before forward_to_replicas = true replace_existing_synonyms = true index.batch_synonyms(synonyms, forward_to_replicas, replace_existing_synonyms) # After index.save_synonyms(synonyms, { forwardToReplicas: true, replaceExistingSynonyms: true }) ``` #### `delete_synonym` No change. #### `clear_synonyms` No change. #### `get_synonym` No change. #### `search_synonyms` No change. #### `replace_all_synonyms` No change. #### `export_synonyms` Renamed to `browse_synonyms`. ```ruby # Before synonyms = index.export_synonyms # After synonyms = index.browse_synonyms ``` #### `save_rule` The `objectID` parameter has been removed, and should be part of the Rule object. ```ruby # Before index.save_rule('unique-id', { objectID: 'unique-id', condition: { anchoring: 'is', pattern: 'pattern' }, consequence: { params: { query: { edits: [ { type: 'remove', delete: 'pattern' } ] } } } }) # After index.save_rule({ objectID: 'unique-id', condition: { anchoring: 'is', pattern: 'pattern' }, consequence: { params: { query: { edits: [ { type: 'remove', delete: 'pattern' } ] } } } }) ``` #### `batch_rules` Renamed to `save_rules`. The `forwardToReplicas` and `clearExistingRules` parameters should now be part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before forward_to_replicas = true clear_existing_rules = true index.batch_rules(rules, forward_to_replicas, clear_existing_rules) # After index.save_rules(rules, { forwardToReplicas: true, clearExistingRules: true }) ``` #### `get_rule` No change. #### `delete_rule` The `forwardToReplicas` parameter is now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before forward_to_replicas = true index.delete_rule('rule-id', forward_to_replicas) # After index.delete_rule('rule-id', { forwardToReplicas: true }) ``` #### `clear_rules` The `forwardToReplicas` parameter is now part of the `requestOptions`. ```ruby # Before forward_to_replicas = true index.clear_rules(forward_to_replicas) # After index.clear_rules({ forwardToReplicas: true }) ``` #### `search_rules` No change. #### `replace_all_rules` No change. #### `export_rules` Renamed to `browse_rules`. ### `AnalyticsClient` #### `add_ab_test` No change. #### `get_ab_test` No change. #### `get_ab_tests` No change. #### `stop_ab_test` No change. #### `delete_ab_test` No change. ### `InsightsClient` #### `clicked_object_ids_after_search` No change. #### `clicked_object_ids` No change. #### `clicked_filters` No change. #### `converted_object_ids_after_search` No change. #### `converted_object_ids` No change. #### `converted_filters` No change. #### `viewed_object_ids` No change. #### `viewed_filters` No change. ### `RecommendationClient` #### `set_personalization_strategy` This new method is available on the `Algolia::Recommendation::Client` class. #### `set_personalization_strategy` This new method is available on the `Algolia::Recommendation::Client` class. ## Configuring timeouts You can configure timeouts by passing a custom `Algolia::Search::Config` object to the constructor of your client. ```ruby # Before client = Algolia::Client.new({ application_id: 'app_id', api_key: 'api_key', connect_timeout: 2, receive_timeout: 10, }) # After search_config = Algolia::Search::Config.new(app_id: 'app_id', api_key: 'api_key', read_timeout: 10, connect_timeout: 2) client = Algolia::Search::Client.create_with_config(search_config) ```