# ronin-web-server 1 "2022-01-01" Ronin Web "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-web-server - Starts a web server ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-web-server` [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Starts a web server. ## OPTIONS `-H`, `--host` *HOST* : Host name or IP to bind to. Defaults to `localhost`. `-p`, `--port` *PORT* : Port number to listen on. Defaults to `8000`. `-A`, `--basic-auth` *USER*:*PASSWORD* : Sets up Basic-Authentication with the given *USER* and *PASSWORD*. `-d`, `--dir` /*PATH*:*DIR* : Mounts a directory to the given *PATH*. `-f`, `--file` /*PATH*:*FILE* : Mounts a file to the given *PATH*. `-r`, `--root` *DIR* : Root directory to serve. `-R`, `--redirect` /*PATH*:*URL* : Registers a `302 Found` redirect at the given *PATH* `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-web-proxy](ronin-web-proxy.1.md)