require 'pp' require 'fog' module Stack def Stack.load_config(configfile, stack) config_raw = eval(config_raw) config = StackConfig::Stacks[stack] config end def Stack.connect(config) connection ={ :provider => config[:provider], :aws_access_key_id => config[:aws_access_key_id], :aws_secret_access_key => config[:aws_secret_access_key], :region => config[:region] }) connection end def Stack.populate_config(config) # build out the full config for each node, supplying defaults from the # global config if explicitly supplied config[:node_details] = if config[:node_details].nil? config[:roles].each do |role, role_details| fqdn = role.to_s + '.' + config[:dns_domain] config[:node_details][fqdn] = { # set the node details from the role, if not specified in the role, use the config global # (takes advantage of left to right evaluation of ||) :flavor_id => (role_details[:flavor_id] || config[:flavor_id]), :count => (role_details[:count] || 1), :publish_private_ip => (role_details[:publish_private_ip] || false), :dns_wildcard => (role_details[:dns_wildcard] || false) } end end def Stack.generate_hostnames(config) stack_hostnames = config[:roles].each do |role, role_details| fqdn = role.to_s + '.' + config[:dns_domain] stack_hostnames << fqdn end stack_hostnames end def Stack.deploy_all(config) # create a connection connection = Stack.connect(config) running_instances = Stack.get_running(config) config[:roles].each do |role, role_details| hostname = role.to_s fqdn = role.to_s + '.' + config[:dns_domain] if !running_instances[fqdn].nil? puts "Skipping #{fqdn} as it already exists" next end # Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy doesn't do full cloud-init, so we have to script setting the hostname user_data ='') user_data.gsub!(/rentpro-unconfigured/, hostname) user_data.gsub!(/rentpro-stage.local/, config[:dns_domain]) # pp multipart # puts "Bootstraping new instance - #{fqdn}" server = connection.servers.create({ :name => fqdn, :hostname => fqdn, :availability_zone => config[:availability_zone], :flavor_id => config[:node_details][fqdn], :image_id => config[:image_id], :key_name => config[:keypair], :user_data => user_data, :tags => { 'Name' => fqdn }, }) print "Waiting for instance to be ready..." server.wait_for { ready? } puts "#{role.to_s} is booted, #{server.public_ip_address}/#{server.private_ip_address}" # create/update the public & private DNS for this host Stack.update_dns(role.to_s + '-public.' + config[:dns_domain], server.public_ip_address, config) Stack.update_dns(role.to_s + '-private.' + config[:dns_domain], server.private_ip_address, config) # create the dns if (role_details[:publish_private_ip] == true && (!role_details[:publish_private_ip].nil?)) ip_address = server.private_ip_address else ip_address = server.public_ip_address end Stack.update_dns(fqdn, ip_address, config) # # is this a wildcard DNS host, then claim the * if (role_details[:dns_wildcard] == true && (!role_details[:dns_wildcard].nil?)) wildcard = "*." + config[:dns_domain] Stack.update_dns(wildcard, ip_address, config) end end end def Stack.update_dns(fqdn, ip_address, config) # now register it in DNS dns ={ :provider => config[:provider], :aws_access_key_id => config[:aws_access_key_id], :aws_secret_access_key => config[:aws_secret_access_key] }) # pp dns.get_hosted_zone(config[:dns_id]) bmtw = dns.zones.get(config[:dns_id]) record = bmtw.records.get(fqdn) if record record.modify(:value => ip_address) if record else bmtw.records.create(:value => ip_address, :name => fqdn, :type => 'A') end end def Stack.show_dns(config) # now register it in DNS dns ={ :provider => config[:provider], :aws_access_key_id => config[:aws_access_key_id], :aws_secret_access_key => config[:aws_secret_access_key] }) zone = dns.zones.get(config[:dns_id]) if zone.records.empty? puts "No DNS records found in #{config[:dns_domain]}" else printf("%40s %20s %5s %5s\n", 'fqdn', 'value', 'type', 'ttl') zone.records.each do |record| printf("%40s %20s %5s %5d\n",, record.value, record.type, record.ttl) end end end def Stack.get_running(config) # create a connection connection = Stack.connect(config) # generate all the names that this stack will use stack_hostnames = Stack.generate_hostnames(config) # Amazon EC2, use the tags hash to find hostnames running_instances = connection.servers.each do |instance| # pp instance if (!instance.tags['Name'].nil? && instance.state != 'terminated' && instance.state != 'shutting-down') hostname = instance.tags['Name'] if stack_hostnames.include?(hostname) running_instances[hostname] = instance end end end running_instances end def Stack.show_running(config) running_instances = Stack.get_running(config) running_instances.each do |instance, instance_details| # display some details puts "#{instance} id=#{} flavor_id=#{instance_details.flavor_id} public_ip=#{instance_details.public_ip_address} private_ip=#{instance_details.private_ip_address}" end end def Stack.delete_node(config, fqdn) running_instances = Stack.get_running(config) if running_instances[fqdn].nil? puts "ERROR: #{fqdn} isn't running!" exit else connection = Stack.connect(config) pp running_instances[fqdn] running_instances[fqdn].destroy end end def Stack.show_details(config) # create a connection connection = Stack.connect(config) pp connection.describe_regions pp connection.describe_availability_zones pp connection.servers Stack.populate_config(config) pp config[:node_details] end def upload_keys(config) if (key_pair = connection.key_pairs.get(config[:keypair]).nil?) key_pair = connection.key_pairs.create( :name => config[:keypair], :public_key =>"") ) else puts "#{config[:keypair]} key_pair already exists" end end def shutdown_all(config) # shutdown all instances do |server| puts "Running server:" # pp server # server.ready? && server.destroy end end end