require 'spec_helper' describe Aptible::Resource::Base do let(:hyperresource_exception) {'403') } let(:error_response) { double 'Faraday::Response' } before { hyperresource_exception.stub(:response) { error_response } } before do error_response.stub(:body) { { message: 'Forbidden' }.to_json } error_response.stub(:status) { 403 } end subject { } describe '.collection_href' do it 'should use the pluralized resource name' do url = Api::Mainframe.collection_href expect(url).to eq '/mainframes' end end describe '.find' do it 'should call find_by_url' do url = '/mainframes/42' expect(Api::Mainframe).to receive(:find_by_url).with url, {} Api::Mainframe.find(42) end end describe '.all' do let(:mainframe) { double 'Mainframe' } let(:collection) { double 'Api' } before do collection.stub(:mainframes) { [mainframe] } Api::Mainframe.any_instance.stub(:find_by_url) { collection } end it 'should be an array' do expect(Api::Mainframe.all).to be_a Array end it 'should return the root collection' do expect(Api::Mainframe.all).to eq [mainframe] end it 'should pass options to the HyperResource initializer' do klass = Api::Mainframe options = { token: 'token' } expect(klass).to receive(:new).with(options).and_return Api::Mainframe.all(options) end end describe '.create' do let(:mainframe) { } let(:mainframes_link) { '/mainframes') } before { Api.any_instance.stub(:mainframes) { mainframes_link } } before { mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } } it 'should create a new top-level resource' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } expect(mainframes_link).to receive(:create).with(foo: 'bar') Api::Mainframe.create(foo: 'bar') end it 'should populate #errors in the event of an error' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } mainframe = Api::Mainframe.create expect(mainframe.errors.messages).to eq(base: 'Forbidden') expect(mainframe.errors.full_messages).to eq(['Forbidden']) end it 'should return a Base-classed resource on error' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect(Api::Mainframe.create).to be_a Api::Mainframe end it 'should return the object in the event of successful creation' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } expect(Api::Mainframe.create).to eq mainframe end end describe '.create!' do let(:mainframe) { } let(:mainframes_link) { '/mainframes') } before { Api.any_instance.stub(:mainframes) { mainframes_link } } before { mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } } it 'should pass through any exceptions' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect do Api::Mainframe.create! raise_error HyperResource::ResponseError end it 'should return the object in the event of successful creation' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } expect(Api::Mainframe.create!).to eq mainframe end end describe '#initialize' do it 'should be a HyperResource instance' do expect(subject).to be_a HyperResource end it 'should require root_url to be defined' do expect { }.to raise_error end end describe '#bearer_token' do it 'should accept an Aptible::Resource::Token' do token = token.stub(:access_token) { 'aptible_auth_token' } subject.stub(:token) { token } expect(subject.bearer_token).to eq token.access_token end it 'should accept a Fridge::AccessToken' do token = token.stub(:to_s) { 'fridge_access_token' } subject.stub(:token) { token } expect(subject.bearer_token).to eq token.to_s end it 'should accept a String' do subject.stub(:token) { 'token' } expect(subject.bearer_token).to eq 'token' end end describe '#errors' do it 'should default to an empty error' do expect(subject.errors).to be_a Aptible::Resource::Errors expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq({}) expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to eq([]) end end describe '#update' do it 'should populate #errors in the event of an error' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { fail hyperresource_exception } subject.update({}) expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq(base: 'Forbidden') expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to eq(['Forbidden']) end it 'should return false in the event of an error' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect(subject.update({})).to eq false end it 'should return the object in the event of a successful update' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { subject } expect(subject.update({})).to eq subject end end describe '#update!' do it 'should populate #errors in the event of an error' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { fail hyperresource_exception } begin subject.update!({}) rescue # Allow errors to be populated and tested nil end expect(subject.errors.messages).to eq(base: 'Forbidden') expect(subject.errors.full_messages).to eq(['Forbidden']) end it 'should pass through any exceptions' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect do subject.update!({}) raise_error HyperResource::ResponseError end it 'should return the object in the event of a successful update' do HyperResource.any_instance.stub(:put) { subject } expect(subject.update!({})).to eq subject end end context '.has_many' do let(:mainframe) { } let(:mainframes_link) { '/mainframes') } before { Api.has_many :mainframes } before { subject.stub(:loaded) { true } } before { subject.stub(:links) { { mainframes: mainframes_link } } } describe '#create_#{relation}' do it 'should populate #errors in the event of an error' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } mainframe = subject.create_mainframe({}) expect(mainframe.errors.messages).to eq(base: 'Forbidden') expect(mainframe.errors.full_messages).to eq(['Forbidden']) end it 'should return a Base-classed resource on error' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect(subject.create_mainframe.class).to eq Aptible::Resource::Base end it 'should return the object in the event of successful creation' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } expect(subject.create_mainframe({})).to eq mainframe end end describe '#create_#{relation}!' do it 'should pass through any exceptions' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { fail hyperresource_exception } expect do subject.create_mainframe!({}) raise_error HyperResource::ResponseError end it 'should return the object in the event of successful creation' do mainframes_link.stub(:create) { mainframe } expect(subject.create_mainframe!({})).to eq mainframe end end end context '.field' do it 'should define a method for the field' do Api.field :foo, type: String expect(subject.respond_to?(:foo)).to be_true end it 'should return the raw attribute' do Api.field :foo, type: String subject.stub(:attributes) { { foo: 'bar' } } expect( eq 'bar' end it 'should parse the attribute if DateTime' do Api.field :created_at, type: DateTime subject.stub(:attributes) { { created_at: } } expect(subject.created_at).to be_a DateTime end it 'should parse the attribute if Time' do Api.field :created_at, type: Time subject.stub(:attributes) { { created_at: } } expect(subject.created_at).to be_a Time end end end