
<%= render :partial=>"a_to_z" %> <% if flash[:error] %>
(!) Problems: <%= flash[:error] %>
<% end %>

Looking for a specific journal or article

<%= form_tag(@submit_hash, {:method=>'get', :class=>"OpenURL", :name=>'OpenURL', :id=>'OpenURL'}) %>
Enter the journal title or the ISSN. If you have both the journal title and ISSN, use the ISSN.
Journal Title: <%= text_field :journal, :title, {:name=>'rft.jtitle', :autocomplete=>'off', :size=>'40', :class=>"title_search"} %>     ISSN:
Optional information - Enter as much as you know of the following:
Date:    Volume:    Issue:    Start page:
DOI or Pubmed Identifier:

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