require 'sinatra/base' require 'grit' require 'coderay' current_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) module Ginatra; end # Loading in reverse because RepoList needs to be loaded before MultiRepoList Dir.glob("#{current_path}/ginatra/*.rb").reverse.each { |f| require f } require "#{current_path}/sinatra/partials" # Written myself. i know, what the hell?! module Ginatra class Error < StandardError; end class CommitsError < Error; end class InvalidCommit < Error def initialize(id) super("Could not find a commit with the id of #{id}") end end current_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) VERSION ="#{current_path}/../VERSION").read class App < Sinatra::Base configure do current_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) Config.load! set :port, Ginatra::Config[:port] set :raise_errors, { test? } set :show_exceptions, { development? } set :dump_errors, true set :logging, { !test? } set :static, true set :public, "#{current_path}/../public" set :views, "#{current_path}/../views" end helpers do include Helpers include ::Sinatra::Partials end error CommitsError do 'No commits were returned for ' + request.uri end get '/' do erb :index end get '/:repo.atom' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commits = @repo.commits return "" if @commits.empty? etag( builder :atom, :layout => nil end get '/:repo' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commits = @repo.commits etag( erb :log end get '/:repo/:ref.atom' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commits = @repo.commits(params[:ref]) return "" if @commits.empty? etag( builder :atom, :layout => nil end get '/:repo/:ref' do params[:page] = 1 @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commits = @repo.commits(params[:ref]) etag( erb :log end get '/:repo/commit/:commit.patch' do response['Content-Type'] = "text/plain" @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @repo.git.format_patch({}, "--stdout", "-1", params[:commit]) end get '/:repo/commit/:commit' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commit = @repo.commit(params[:commit]) # can also be a ref etag( erb(:commit) end get '/:repo/archive/:tree.tar.gz' do response['Content-Type'] = "application/x-tar-gz" @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @repo.archive_tar_gz(params[:tree]) end get '/:repo/tree/:tree' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) if (tag = @repo.git.method_missing('rev_parse', {}, '--verify', "#{params[:tree]}^{tree}")).empty? # we don't have a tree. not_found else etag(tag) end @tree = @repo.tree(params[:tree]) # can also be a ref (i think) @path = {} @path[:tree] = "/#{params[:repo]}/tree/#{params[:tree]}" @path[:blob] = "/#{params[:repo]}/blob/#{params[:tree]}" erb(:tree) end get '/:repo/tree/:tree/*' do # for when we specify a path @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @tree = @repo.tree(params[:tree])/params[:splat].first # can also be a ref (i think) if @tree.is_a?(Grit::Blob) # we need @tree to be a tree. if it's a blob, send it to the blob page # this allows people to put in the remaining part of the path to the file, rather than endless clicks like you need in github redirect "/#{params[:repo]}/blob/#{params[:tree]}/#{params[:splat].first}" else etag( @path = {} @path[:tree] = "/#{params[:repo]}/tree/#{params[:tree]}/#{params[:splat].first}" @path[:blob] = "/#{params[:repo]}/blob/#{params[:tree]}/#{params[:splat].first}" erb(:tree) end end get '/:repo/blob/:blob' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @blob = @repo.blob(params[:blob]) etag( erb(:blob) end get '/:repo/blob/:tree/*' do @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @blob = @repo.tree(params[:tree])/params[:splat].first if @blob.is_a?(Grit::Tree) # as above, we need @blob to be a blob. if it's a tree, send it to the tree page # this allows people to put in the remaining part of the path to the folder, rather than endless clicks like you need in github redirect "/#{params[:repo]}/tree/#{params[:tree]}/#{params[:splat].first}" else etag( extension = params[:splat].first.split(".").last @highlighter = case extension when 'js' 'javascript' when 'css' 'css' end @highlighter ||= 'ruby' erb(:blob) end end get '/:repo/:ref/:page' do pass unless params[:page] =~ /^(\d)+$/ params[:page] = params[:page].to_i @repo = RepoList.find(params[:repo]) @commits = @repo.commits(params[:ref], 10, (params[:page] - 1) * 10) @next_commits = !@repo.commits(params[:ref], 10, params[:page] * 10).empty? if params[:page] - 1 > 0 @previous_commits = !@repo.commits(params[:ref], 10, (params[:page] - 1) * 10).empty? end @separator = @next_commits && @previous_commits erb :log end end # App end # Ginatra