# Query helpers will return a string denoting what was searched for, when a component/element itself could not be found. This can be used by other helpers to display a more informative error. # KNOWN ISSUE: if the passed parameter contains symbols like "():,.", it results in an invalid query. Ext.apply window, header: (title) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query('header{isVisible(true)}[title="'+title+'"]')[0] || 'header ' + title tab: (title) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query('tab[text="'+title+'"]')[0] || 'tab ' + title panelWithContent: (text) -> Ext.DomQuery.select("div.x-panel-body:contains(" + text + ")")[0] || 'panel with content ' + text button: (text) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("button{isVisible(true)}[text='"+text+"']")[0] || "button " + text tool: (type) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("tool{isVisible(true)}[type='"+type+"']")[0] || 'tool ' + type component: (id) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("panel{isVisible(true)}[id='"+id+"']")[0] || 'component ' + id somewhere: (text) -> Ext.DomQuery.select("*:contains(" + text + ")")[0] || 'anywhere ' + text # used as work-around for the invalid query problem currentPanelTitle: -> panel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('panel[hidden=false]')[0] throw "Panel not found" if !panel panel.getHeader().title combobox: (name) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("combo{isVisible(true)}[name='"+name+"']")[0] || 'combobox ' + name icon: (tooltip) -> Ext.DomQuery.select('img[data-qtip="'+tooltip+'"]')[0] || 'icon ' + tooltip textfield: (name) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("textfield{isVisible(true)}[name='"+name+"']")[0] || 'textfield ' + name numberfield: (name) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("numberfield{isVisible(true)}[name='"+name+"']")[0] || 'numberfield ' + name datefield: (name) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("datefield{isVisible(true)}[name='"+name+"']")[0] || 'datefield ' + name xdatetime: (name) -> Ext.ComponentQuery.query("xdatetime{isVisible(true)}[name='"+name+"']")[0] || 'xdatetime ' + name textFieldWith: (text) -> _componentLike "textfield", "value", text comboboxWith: (text) -> _componentLike "combo", "rawValue", text textAreaWith: (text) -> _componentLike "textareafield", "value", text numberFieldWith: (value) -> _componentLike "numberfield", "value", value activeWindow: -> Ext.WindowMgr.getActive() dateTimeFieldWith: (value) -> res = 'xdatetime with value ' + value Ext.each Ext.ComponentQuery.query('xdatetime'), (item) -> if item.getValue().toString() == (new Date(value)).toString() res = item return res dateFieldWith: (value) -> res = 'datefield with value ' + value Ext.each Ext.ComponentQuery.query('datefield'), (item) -> if item.getValue().toString() == (new Date(value)).toString() res = item return res _componentLike:(type,attr,value)-> Ext.ComponentQuery.query(type+'['+attr+'='+value+']')[0] || type + " with " + attr + " '" + value + "'" # alias window.anywhere = window.somewhere