# Onfido A thin wrapper for Onfido's API. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/onfido.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/onfido) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hvssle/onfido.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/hvssle/onfido) This gem supports both `v1` and `v2` of the Onfido API. Refer to Onfido's [API documentation](https://onfido.com/documentation#introduction) for details of the expected requests and responses for both. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'onfido', '~> 0.13.0' ``` The gem is compatible with Ruby 2.2.0 and onwards. Earlier versions of Ruby have [reached end-of-life](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2017/04/01/support-of-ruby-2-1-has-ended/), are no longer supported and no longer receive security fixes. ## Configuration There are 6 configuration options: ```ruby Onfido.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'MY_API_KEY' config.api_version = 'v2' config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) config.open_timeout = 30 config.read_timeout = 80 config.region = nil end ``` ### Regions The gem will use the default region if no region is specified. To specify the US region do: `config.region = :us` See https://documentation.onfido.com/#regions for supported regions. ## Usage You can make API calls by using an instance of the `API` class: ```ruby api = Onfido::API.new ``` Alternatively, you can set an API key here instead of in the initializer: ```ruby api = Onfido::API.new(api_key: 'API_KEY') ``` ### Resources All resources share the same interface when making API calls. Use `.create` to create a resource, `.find` to find one, and `.all` to fetch all resources. **Note:** *All param keys should be a symbol e.g. `{ type: 'express', reports: [{ name: 'identity' }] }`* #### Applicants Applicants are the object upon which Onfido checks are performed. ```ruby api.applicant.create(params) # => Creates an applicant api.applicant.update('applicant_id', params) # => Updates an applicant api.applicant.destroy('applicant_id') # => Schedule an applicant for deletion api.applicant.restore('applicant_id') # => Restore an applicant scheduled for deletion api.applicant.find('applicant_id') # => Finds a single applicant api.applicant.all # => Returns all applicants ``` **Note:** Calling api.applicant.destroy adds the applicant and all associated documents, photos, videos, checks, and reports to the deletion queue. They will be deleted 20 days after the request is made. An applicant that is scheduled for deletion can be restored but applicants that have been permanently deleted cannot be restored. See https://documentation.onfido.com/#delete-applicant for more information. #### Documents Documents provide supporting evidence for Onfido checks. ```ruby api.document.create('applicant_id', file: 'http://example.com', type: 'passport') # => Creates a document api.document.find('applicant_id', 'document_id') # => Finds a document api.document.download('applicant_id', 'document_id') # => Downloads a document as a binary data api.document.all('applicant_id') # => Returns all applicant's documents ``` **Note:** The file parameter must be a `File`-like object which responds to `#read` and `#path`. Previous versions of this gem supported providing a URL to a file accessible over HTTP or a path to a file in the local filesystem. You should instead load the file yourself and then pass it in to `#create`. #### Live Photos Live Photos, like documents, can provide supporting evidence for Onfido checks. ```ruby api.live_photo.create('applicant_id', file: 'http://example.com') api.live_photo.find(applicant_id, live_photo_id) # => Finds a live photo api.live_photo.download(applicant_id, live_photo_id) # => Downloads a live photo as binary data api.live_photo.all(applicant_id) # => Returns all applicant's live photos ``` **Note:** The file parameter must be a `File`-like object which responds to `#read` and `#path`. Previous versions of this gem supported providing a URL to a file accessible over HTTP or a path to a file in the local filesystem. You should instead load the file yourself and then pass it in to `#create`. #### Checks Checks are requests for Onfido to check an applicant, by commissioning one or more "reports" on them. ```ruby api.check.create('applicant_id', type: 'express', reports: [{ name: 'identity' }]) api.check.find('applicant_id', 'check_id') api.check.resume('check_id') api.check.all('applicant_id') ``` #### Reports Reports provide details of the results of some part of a "check". They are created when a check is created, so the Onfido API only provides support for finding and listing them. For paused reports specifically, additional support for resuming and cancelling reports is also available. ```ruby api.report.find('check_id', 'report_id') api.report.all('check_id') api.report.resume('check_id', 'report_id') api.report.cancel('check_id', 'report_id') ``` #### Report Type Groups Report type groups provide a convenient way to group and organize different types of reports. The Onfido API only provides support for finding and listing them. ```ruby api.report_type_group.find('report_type_group_id') api.report_type_group.all() ``` #### Address Lookups Onfido provides an address lookup service, to help ensure well-formatted addresses are provided when creating "applicants". To search for addresses by postcode, use: ```ruby api.address.all('SE1 4NG') ``` #### Webhook Endpoints Onfido allows you to set up and view your webhook endpoints via the API, as well as through the dashboard. ```ruby api.webhook.create(params) # => Creates a webhook endpoint api.webhook.find('webhook_id') # => Finds a single webhook endpoint api.webhook.all # => Returns all webhook endpoints ``` #### SDK Tokens Onfido allows you to generate JSON Web Tokens via the API in order to authenticate with Onfido's [JavaScript SDK](https://github.com/onfido/onfido-sdk-ui). ```ruby api.sdk_token.create(applicant_id: 'applicant_id', referrer: 'referrer') ``` ### Pagination All resources that support an `all` method also support pagination. By default, the first 20 records are fetched. ### Error Handling There are three classes of errors raised by the library, all of which subclass `Onfido::OnfidoError`: - `Onfido::ServerError` is raised whenever Onfido returns a `5xx` response - `Onfido::RequestError` is raised whenever Onfido returns any other kind of error - `Onfido::ConnectionError` is raised whenever a network error occurs (e.g., a timeout) All three error classes provide the `response_code`, `response_body`, `json_body`, `type` and `fields` of the error (although for `Onfido::ServerError` and `Onfido::ConnectionError` the last three are likely to be `nil`). ```ruby def create_applicant api.applicant.create(params) rescue Onfido::RequestError => e e.type # => 'validation_error' e.fields # => { "email": { "messages": ["invalid format"] } } e.response_code # => '422' end ``` ## Webhooks Each webhook endpoint has a secret token, generated automatically and [exposed](https://onfido.com/documentation#register-webhook) in the API. When sending a request, Onfido includes a signature computed using the request body and this token in the `X-Signature` header. This provided signature [should](https://onfido.com/documentation#webhook-security) be compared to one you generate yourself with the token to check that a webhook is a genuine request from Onfido. ```ruby if Onfido::Webhook.valid?(request.raw_post, request.headers["X-Signature"], ENV['ONFIDO_WEBHOOK_TOKEN']) process_webhook else render status: 498, text: "498 Token expired/invalid" end ``` ## Roadmap - Improve test coverage with more scenarios - Add custom errors based on the response code - Improve pagination handling (use information passed in link header) ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/hvssle/onfido/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request