class ContactsController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate_user! before_filter :exclude_reflexive, :except => [ :index, :pending ] def index @total_contacts = Contact.sent_by(current_subject). joins(:receiver).merge(Actor.alphabetic). positive. select("") @contacts = @total_contacts. merge(Actor.letter(params[:letter])). merge(Actor.name_search(params[:search])). related_by_param(params[:relation]) respond_to do |format| format.html { @contacts =[:page]).per(10) } format.js { @contacts =[:page]).per(10) } format.json { render :text => to_json(@contacts) } end end def edit end def update # FIXME: This should be in the model params[:contact][:relation_ids].present? && params[:contact][:relation_ids].delete("0") if @contact.update_attributes(params[:contact]) redirect_to @contact.receiver_subject else render :action => 'edit' end end def destroy @contact.relation_ids = [] respond_to do |format| format.js end end def pending @contacts = current_subject.pending_contacts respond_to do |format| format.html { @contacts = Kaminari.paginate_array(@contacts).page(params[:page]).per(10) render :action => :index } format.js { @contacts = Kaminari.paginate_array(@contacts).page(params[:page]).per(10) render :action => :index } end end private def exclude_reflexive @contact = current_subject.sent_contacts.find params[:id] if @contact.reflexive? redirect_to home_path end end def to_json(contacts){ |c| if params[:form].present? { 'key' => c.receiver_id.to_s, 'value' => self.class.helpers.truncate_name( } else { 'name' =>, 'url' => polymorphic_url(c.receiver_subject), 'image' => { 'url' => root_url + c.receiver.logo.url } } end }.to_json end end