Welcome to the clean Editing Movie Player (EMP)
1) Edited movie player
A free video scene skipper/muter. The CEMP allows you watch edited movies by applying edit lists (EDL's)
to DVD's or movie files. i.e. "mute out" or "cut out" questionable scenes/content.
Click here for more detail.
2) Netflix Instant/online movie playing upconverter.
The CEMP can hopefully soon "upconvert" Netflix Instant movies as you watch them
to make them look even better than they already are (or hulu, or youtube, or whatever).
This is a work in progress but is somewhat close.
Ping me if you'd like to try it out. rogerdpack@gmail.com
Questions/feedback welcome: email or view the google group forum.
This project released as open source under the gplv3 license. Don't patent my ideas please! :)