require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start 'rails' do if ENV['CI'] require 'simplecov-lcov' SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter.config do |c| c.report_with_single_file = true c.single_report_path = 'coverage/' end formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter end add_filter "/spec\/fixtures/" add_filter "/spec\/dummy/" end ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test" require "chanko" require "chanko/test" Chanko::Config.units_directory_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/units", __FILE__) require File.expand_path("../dummy/config/environment", __FILE__) require "rspec/rails" RSpec.configure do |config| config.use_transactional_fixtures = true config.infer_base_class_for_anonymous_controllers = false config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.filter_run :focus config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations| expectations.syntax = :expect end config.after do Chanko::Config.reset Chanko::Config.units_directory_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures/units", __FILE__) end # rspec-rails 3 will no longer automatically infer an example group's spec type # from the file location. You can explicitly opt-in to the feature using this # config option. # To explicitly tag specs without using automatic inference, set the `:type` # metadata manually: # # describe ThingsController, :type => :controller do # # Equivalent to being in spec/controllers # end config.infer_spec_type_from_file_location! if Rails.respond_to?(:autoloaders) && Rails.autoloaders.zeitwerk_enabled? config.filter_run_excluding classic: true else config.filter_run_excluding zeitwerk: true end end