# # = bio/pathway.rb - Binary relations and Graph algorithms # # Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001 # Toshiaki Katayama , # Shuichi Kawashima # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # require 'matrix' module Bio # Bio::Pathway is a general graph object initially constructed by the # list of the (()) objects. The basic concept of the # Bio::Pathway object is to store a graph as an adjacency list (in the # instance variable @graph), and converting the list into an adjacency # matrix by calling to_matrix method on demand. However, in some # cases, it is convenient to have the original list of the # (())s, Bio::Pathway object also stores the list (as # the instance variable @relations) redundantly. # # Note: you can clear the @relations list by calling clear_relations! # method to reduce the memory usage, and the content of the @relations # can be re-generated from the @graph by to_relations method. class Pathway # Initial graph (adjacency list) generation from the list of Relation. # # Generate Bio::Pathway object from the list of Bio::Relation objects. # If the second argument is true, undirected graph is generated. # # r1 = Bio::Relation.new('a', 'b', 1) # r2 = Bio::Relation.new('a', 'c', 5) # r3 = Bio::Relation.new('b', 'c', 3) # list = [ r1, r2, r3 ] # g = Bio::Pathway.new(list, 'undirected') # def initialize(relations, undirected = false) @undirected = undirected @relations = relations @graph = {} # adjacency list expression of the graph @index = {} # numbering each node in matrix @label = {} # additional information on each node self.to_list # generate adjacency list end # Read-only accessor for the internal list of the Bio::Relation objects attr_reader :relations # Read-only accessor for the adjacency list of the graph. attr_reader :graph # Read-only accessor for the row/column index (@index) of the # adjacency matrix. Contents of the hash @index is created by # calling to_matrix method. attr_reader :index # Accessor for the hash of the label assigned to the each node. You can # label some of the nodes in the graph by passing a hash to the label # and select subgraphs which contain labeled nodes only by subgraph method. # # hash = { 1 => 'red', 2 => 'green', 5 => 'black' } # g.label = hash # g.label # g.subgraph # => new graph consists of the node 1, 2, 5 only # attr_accessor :label # Returns true or false respond to the internal state of the graph. def directed? @undirected ? false : true end # Returns true or false respond to the internal state of the graph. def undirected? @undirected ? true : false end # Changes the internal state of the graph from 'undirected' to # 'directed' and re-generate adjacency list. The undirected graph # can be converted to directed graph, however, the edge between two # nodes will be simply doubled to both ends. # # Note: this method can not be used without the list of the # Bio::Relation objects (internally stored in @relations variable). # Thus if you already called clear_relations! method, call # to_relations first. def directed if undirected? @undirected = false self.to_list end end # Changes the internal state of the graph from 'directed' to # 'undirected' and re-generate adjacency list. # # Note: this method can not be used without the list of the # Bio::Relation objects (internally stored in @relations variable). # Thus if you already called clear_relations! method, call # to_relations first. def undirected if directed? @undirected = true self.to_list end end # Clear @relations array to reduce the memory usage. def clear_relations! @relations.clear end # Reconstruct @relations from the adjacency list @graph. def to_relations @relations.clear @graph.each_key do |from| @graph[from].each do |to, w| @relations << Relation.new(from, to, w) end end return @relations end # Graph (adjacency list) generation from the Relations # # Generate the adjcancecy list @graph from @relations (called by # initialize and in some other cases when @relations has been changed). def to_list @graph.clear @relations.each do |rel| append(rel, false) # append to @graph without push to @relations end end # Add an Bio::Relation object 'rel' to the @graph and @relations. # If the second argument is false, @relations is not modified (only # useful when genarating @graph from @relations internally). def append(rel, add_rel = true) @relations.push(rel) if add_rel if @graph[rel.from].nil? @graph[rel.from] = {} end if @graph[rel.to].nil? @graph[rel.to] = {} end @graph[rel.from][rel.to] = rel.relation @graph[rel.to][rel.from] = rel.relation if @undirected end # Remove an edge indicated by the Bio::Relation object 'rel' from the # @graph and the @relations. def delete(rel) @relations.delete_if do |x| x === rel end @graph[rel.from].delete(rel.to) @graph[rel.to].delete(rel.from) if @undirected end # Returns the number of the nodes in the graph. def nodes @graph.keys.length end # Returns the number of the edges in the graph. def edges edges = 0 @graph.each_value do |v| edges += v.size end edges end # Convert adjacency list to adjacency matrix # # Returns the adjacency matrix expression of the graph as a Matrix # object. If the first argument was assigned, the matrix will be # filled with the given value. The second argument indicates the # value of the diagonal constituents of the matrix besides the above. # # The result of this method depends on the order of Hash#each # (and each_key, etc.), which may be variable with Ruby version # and Ruby interpreter variations (JRuby, etc.). # For a workaround to remove such dependency, you can use @index # to set order of Hash keys. Note that this behavior might be # changed in the future. Be careful that @index is overwritten by # this method. # def to_matrix(default_value = nil, diagonal_value = nil) #-- # Note: following code only fills the outer Array with the reference # to the same inner Array object. # # matrix = Array.new(nodes, Array.new(nodes)) # # so create a new Array object for each row as follows: #++ matrix = Array.new nodes.times do matrix.push(Array.new(nodes, default_value)) end if diagonal_value nodes.times do |i| matrix[i][i] = diagonal_value end end # assign index number if @index.empty? then # assign index number for each node @graph.keys.each_with_index do |k, i| @index[k] = i end else # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each # assign index number from the preset @index indices = @index.to_a indices.sort! { |i0, i1| i0[1] <=> i1[1] } indices.collect! { |i0| i0[0] } @index.clear v = 0 indices.each do |k, i| if @graph[k] and !@index[k] then @index[k] = v; v += 1 end end @graph.each_key do |k| unless @index[k] then @index[k] = v; v += 1 end end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each end if @relations.empty? # only used after clear_relations! @graph.each do |from, hash| hash.each do |to, relation| x = @index[from] y = @index[to] matrix[x][y] = relation end end else @relations.each do |rel| x = @index[rel.from] y = @index[rel.to] matrix[x][y] = rel.relation matrix[y][x] = rel.relation if @undirected end end Matrix[*matrix] end # Pretty printer of the adjacency matrix. # # The dump_matrix method accepts the same arguments as to_matrix. # Useful when you want to check the internal state of the matrix # (for debug purpose etc.) easily. # # This method internally calls to_matrix method. # Read documents of to_matrix for important informations. # def dump_matrix(*arg) matrix = self.to_matrix(*arg) sorted = @index.sort {|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]} "[# " + sorted.collect{|x| x[0]}.join(", ") + "\n" + matrix.to_a.collect{|row| ' ' + row.inspect}.join(",\n") + "\n]" end # Pretty printer of the adjacency list. # # Useful when you want to check the internal state of the adjacency # list (for debug purpose etc.) easily. # # The result of this method depends on the order of Hash#each # (and each_key, etc.), which may be variable with Ruby version # and Ruby interpreter variations (JRuby, etc.). # For a workaround to remove such dependency, you can use @index # to set order of Hash keys. Note that this behavior might be # changed in the future. # def dump_list # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each if @index.empty? then pref = nil enum = @graph else pref = {}.merge(@index) i = pref.values.max @graph.each_key do |node| pref[node] ||= (i += 1) end graph_to_a = @graph.to_a graph_to_a.sort! { |x, y| pref[x[0]] <=> pref[y[0]] } enum = graph_to_a end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each list = "" enum.each do |from, hash| list << "#{from} => " # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each if pref then ary = hash.to_a ary.sort! { |x,y| pref[x[0]] <=> pref[y[0]] } hash = ary end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each a = [] hash.each do |to, relation| a.push("#{to} (#{relation})") end list << a.join(", ") + "\n" end list end # Select labeled nodes and generate subgraph # # This method select some nodes and returns new Bio::Pathway object # consists of selected nodes only. If the list of the nodes (as # Array) is assigned as the argument, use the list to select the # nodes from the graph. If no argument is assigned, internal # property of the graph @label is used to select the nodes. # # hash = { 'a' => 'secret', 'b' => 'important', 'c' => 'important' } # g.label = hash # g.subgraph # list = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] # g.subgraph(list) # def subgraph(list = nil) if list @label.clear list.each do |node| @label[node] = true end end sub_graph = Pathway.new([], @undirected) @graph.each do |from, hash| next unless @label[from] sub_graph.graph[from] ||= {} hash.each do |to, relation| next unless @label[to] sub_graph.append(Relation.new(from, to, relation)) end end return sub_graph end # Not implemented yet. def common_subgraph(graph) raise NotImplementedError end # Not implemented yet. def clique raise NotImplementedError end # Returns completeness of the edge density among the surrounded nodes. # # Calculates the value of cliquishness around the 'node'. This value # indicates completeness of the edge density among the surrounded nodes. # # Note: cliquishness (clustering coefficient) for a directed graph # is also calculated. # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clustering_coefficient # # Note: Cliquishness (clustering coefficient) for a node that has # only one neighbor node is undefined. Currently, it returns NaN, # but the behavior may be changed in the future. # def cliquishness(node) neighbors = @graph[node].keys sg = subgraph(neighbors) if sg.graph.size != 0 edges = sg.edges nodes = neighbors.size complete = (nodes * (nodes - 1)) return edges.quo(complete) else return 0.0 end end # Returns frequency of the nodes having same number of edges as hash # # Calculates the frequency of the nodes having the same number of edges # and returns the value as Hash. def small_world freq = Hash.new(0) @graph.each_value do |v| freq[v.size] += 1 end return freq end # Breadth first search solves steps and path to the each node and # forms a tree contains all reachable vertices from the root node. # This method returns the result in 2 hashes - 1st one shows the # steps from root node and 2nd hash shows the structure of the tree. # # The weight of the edges are not considered in this method. def breadth_first_search(root) visited = {} distance = {} predecessor = {} visited[root] = true distance[root] = 0 predecessor[root] = nil queue = [ root ] while from = queue.shift next unless @graph[from] @graph[from].each_key do |to| unless visited[to] visited[to] = true distance[to] = distance[from] + 1 predecessor[to] = from queue.push(to) end end end return distance, predecessor end # Alias for the breadth_first_search method. alias bfs breadth_first_search # Calculates the shortest path between two nodes by using # breadth_first_search method and returns steps and the path as Array. def bfs_shortest_path(node1, node2) distance, route = breadth_first_search(node1) step = distance[node2] node = node2 path = [ node2 ] while node != node1 and route[node] node = route[node] path.unshift(node) end return step, path end # Depth first search yields much information about the structure of # the graph especially on the classification of the edges. This # method returns 5 hashes - 1st one shows the timestamps of each # node containing the first discoverd time and the search finished # time in an array. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th hashes contain 'tree # edges', 'back edges', 'cross edges', 'forward edges' respectively. # # If $DEBUG is true (e.g. ruby -d), this method prints the progression # of the search. # # The weight of the edges are not considered in this method. # # Note: The result of this method depends on the order of Hash#each # (and each_key, etc.), which may be variable with Ruby version # and Ruby interpreter variations (JRuby, etc.). # For a workaround to remove such dependency, you can use @index # to set order of Hash keys. Note that this bahavior might be # changed in the future. def depth_first_search visited = {} timestamp = {} tree_edges = {} back_edges = {} cross_edges = {} forward_edges = {} count = 0 # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each if @index.empty? then preference_of_nodes = nil else preference_of_nodes = {}.merge(@index) i = preference_of_nodes.values.max @graph.each_key do |node0| preference_of_nodes[node0] ||= (i += 1) end end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each dfs_visit = Proc.new { |from| visited[from] = true timestamp[from] = [count += 1] ary = @graph[from].keys # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each if preference_of_nodes then ary = ary.sort_by { |node0| preference_of_nodes[node0] } end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each ary.each do |to| if visited[to] if timestamp[to].size > 1 if timestamp[from].first < timestamp[to].first # forward edge (black) p "#{from} -> #{to} : forward edge" if $DEBUG forward_edges[from] = to else # cross edge (black) p "#{from} -> #{to} : cross edge" if $DEBUG cross_edges[from] = to end else # back edge (gray) p "#{from} -> #{to} : back edge" if $DEBUG back_edges[from] = to end else # tree edge (white) p "#{from} -> #{to} : tree edge" if $DEBUG tree_edges[to] = from dfs_visit.call(to) end end timestamp[from].push(count += 1) } ary = @graph.keys # begin workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each if preference_of_nodes then ary = ary.sort_by { |node0| preference_of_nodes[node0] } end # end workaround removing depencency to order of Hash#each ary.each do |node| unless visited[node] dfs_visit.call(node) end end return timestamp, tree_edges, back_edges, cross_edges, forward_edges end # Alias for the depth_first_search method. alias dfs depth_first_search # Topological sort of the directed acyclic graphs ("dags") by using # depth_first_search. def dfs_topological_sort # sorted by finished time reversely and collect node names only timestamp, = self.depth_first_search timestamp.sort {|a,b| b[1][1] <=> a[1][1]}.collect {|x| x.first } end # Dijkstra method to solve the shortest path problem in the weighted graph. def dijkstra(root) distance, predecessor = initialize_single_source(root) @graph[root].each do |k, v| distance[k] = v predecessor[k] = root end queue = distance.dup queue.delete(root) while queue.size != 0 min = queue.min {|a, b| a[1] <=> b[1]} u = min[0] # extranct a node having minimal distance @graph[u].each do |k, v| # relaxing procedure of root -> 'u' -> 'k' if distance[k] > distance[u] + v distance[k] = distance[u] + v predecessor[k] = u end end queue.delete(u) end return distance, predecessor end # Bellman-Ford method for solving the single-source shortest-paths # problem in the graph in which edge weights can be negative. def bellman_ford(root) distance, predecessor = initialize_single_source(root) for i in 1 ..(self.nodes - 1) do @graph.each_key do |u| @graph[u].each do |v, w| # relaxing procedure of root -> 'u' -> 'v' if distance[v] > distance[u] + w distance[v] = distance[u] + w predecessor[v] = u end end end end # negative cyclic loop check @graph.each_key do |u| @graph[u].each do |v, w| if distance[v] > distance[u] + w return false end end end return distance, predecessor end # Floyd-Wardshall alogrithm for solving the all-pairs shortest-paths # problem on a directed graph G = (V, E). def floyd_warshall inf = 1 / 0.0 m = self.to_matrix(inf, 0) d = m.dup n = self.nodes for k in 0 .. n - 1 do for i in 0 .. n - 1 do for j in 0 .. n - 1 do if d[i, j] > d[i, k] + d[k, j] d[i, j] = d[i, k] + d[k, j] end end end end return d end # Alias for the floyd_warshall method. alias floyd floyd_warshall # Kruskal method for finding minimam spaninng trees def kruskal # initialize rel = self.to_relations.sort{|a, b| a <=> b} index = [] for i in 0 .. (rel.size - 1) do for j in (i + 1) .. (rel.size - 1) do if rel[i] == rel[j] index << j end end end index.sort{|x, y| y<=>x}.each do |idx| rel[idx, 1] = [] end mst = [] seen = Hash.new() @graph.each_key do |x| seen[x] = nil end i = 1 # initialize end rel.each do |r| if seen[r.node[0]] == nil seen[r.node[0]] = 0 end if seen[r.node[1]] == nil seen[r.node[1]] = 0 end if seen[r.node[0]] == seen[r.node[1]] && seen[r.node[0]] == 0 mst << r seen[r.node[0]] = i seen[r.node[1]] = i elsif seen[r.node[0]] != seen[r.node[1]] mst << r v1 = seen[r.node[0]].dup v2 = seen[r.node[1]].dup seen.each do |k, v| if v == v1 || v == v2 seen[k] = i end end end i += 1 end return Pathway.new(mst) end private def initialize_single_source(root) inf = 1 / 0.0 # inf.infinite? -> true distance = {} predecessor = {} @graph.each_key do |k| distance[k] = inf predecessor[k] = nil end distance[root] = 0 return distance, predecessor end end # Pathway # Bio::Relation is a simple object storing two nodes and the relation of them. # The nodes and the edge (relation) can be any Ruby object. You can also # compare Bio::Relation objects if the edges have Comparable property. class Relation # Create new binary relation object consists of the two object 'node1' # and 'node2' with the 'edge' object as the relation of them. def initialize(node1, node2, edge) @node = [node1, node2] @edge = edge end attr_accessor :node, :edge # Returns one node. def from @node[0] end # Returns another node. def to @node[1] end def relation @edge end # Used by eql? method def hash @node.sort.push(@edge).hash end # Compare with another Bio::Relation object whether havind same edges # and same nodes. The == method compares Bio::Relation object's id, # however this case equality === method compares the internal property # of the Bio::Relation object. def ===(rel) if self.edge == rel.edge if self.node[0] == rel.node[0] and self.node[1] == rel.node[1] return true elsif self.node[0] == rel.node[1] and self.node[1] == rel.node[0] return true else return false end else return false end end # Method eql? is an alias of the === method and is used with hash method # to make uniq arry of the Bio::Relation objects. # # a1 = Bio::Relation.new('a', 'b', 1) # a2 = Bio::Relation.new('b', 'a', 1) # a3 = Bio::Relation.new('b', 'c', 1) # p [ a1, a2, a3 ].uniq alias eql? === # Used by the each method to compare with another Bio::Relation object. # This method is only usable when the edge objects have the property of # the module Comparable. def <=>(rel) unless self.edge.kind_of? Comparable raise "[Error] edges are not comparable" end if self.edge > rel.edge return 1 elsif self.edge < rel.edge return -1 elsif self.edge == rel.edge return 0 end end end # Relation end # Bio