* uniq - report or filter out repeated lines in a file ** -c produces linecount ** --ignore f1,f2,... discards given fields from consideration. field syntax same as for cut, etc. * sort - sort lines of text files ** columns indexed as tab-separated ** can specify any column order, uses same field spec as cut * tsort - topological sort of a directed graph * cut - select portions of each line of a file ** can reorder columns * nl - line numbering filter ** takes prefix, suffix ** count \t line -OR- line \t count * wc - word, line, character, and byte count ** field count (tab-separated fields) * paste - merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files * expand, unexpand - expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa * seq * simple row, column sums * join - relational database operator * tac * cat - concatenate and print files * head - display first lines of a file * tail - display the last part of a file * shuf * split - split a file into pieces * csplit - split files based on context * tee - pipe fitting * ls - list directory contents. * df - display free disk space * du - display disk usage statistics ** tab-delimited, space aligned * od - octal, decimal, hex, ASCII dump * printf - formatted output * cksum, sum - display file checksums and block counts * md5sum * diff * comm