module Basset # Class for running evaluation tests on a classifier, and document # representation. # There's probably a much better way to write this, but for now here's the gist: # When you initialize pass in an args hash and a block. For now the args hash should just be: # {:output => true} or false which will tell it to output results to the console. # The block will be a chunk of code that will later be called to read each document to be tested. The block will be # passed a document name. The reason for doing this instead of just taking all the documents is so the evaluator # doesn't need to keep all the documents in memory at one time. Here's an example if you had a set of files to read from: # evaluator = class ClassificationEvaluator def initialize(training_documents, args = {}) args[:output] = true unless args.has_key?(:output) @output_to_console = args[:output] @folding_amount = (args[:folding_amount] or 10) @total_documents_trained = 0 @document_sets = split_documents_into_cross_validation_sets(training_documents, @folding_amount) end # Classifiers should be an array of basset classifier objects to run cross validation tests on def test_with_basset_classifiers(classifiers) end # Classifiers should be an array of basset classifier objects to run cross validation tests on. # chi_value will be passed on to the feature_selector. The default value of 0 will select all features. # The block will get called and passed in each training_set and test_set from the document_sets. It should # run some external classifier and return the number of documents from the test_set that were correctly classified. def compare_against_basset_classifiers(classifiers, chi_value = 0, &block) # initialize the results hash results = {"External" => {:correct => 0, :total => 0, :time => 0.0}} classifiers.each {|classifier| results[classifier.class] = {:correct => 0, :total => 0, :time => 0.0}} # run on each doc set @document_sets.each_with_index do |document_set, iteration| puts "iteration #{iteration + 1} of #{@document_sets.size}" if @output_to_console feature_extractor = nil feature_extractor_time = time_execution { feature_extractor = create_feature_extractor(document_set[:training_set], chi_value) } number_of_test_documents = document_set[:test_set].size # do a test run on each classifier classifiers.each do |classifier| correct = 0 time = time_execution { correct = test_run(document_set[:training_set], document_set[:test_set], feature_extractor, classifier) } + feature_extractor_time results[classifier.class][:time] += time results[classifier.class][:correct] += correct results[classifier.class][:total] += number_of_test_documents output_results(correct, number_of_test_documents, time, classifier.class) if @output_to_console end # now run the external and gather results correct = 0 time = time_execution { correct =[:training_set], document_set[:test_set]) } results["External"][:time] += time results["External"][:correct] += correct results["External"][:total] += number_of_test_documents output_results(correct, number_of_test_documents, time, "External") if @output_to_console end puts "\nFinal Results\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if @output_to_console puts "Trained on #{@total_documents_trained} documents on #{@folding_amount} cross validation runs." if @output_to_console if @output_to_console results.each_pair {|classifier, results_numbers| output_results(results_numbers[:correct], results_numbers[:total], results_numbers[:time], classifier)} end return results end # It will then feature select and train on 9 and test on # the other. Iterate 10 times using each block as the test set and the others as the # training and combine the results. def test_with_cross_validation(training_document_names, folding_amount = 10) # make sure it's not in some order training_document_names.each {|class_documents| class_documents.randomize!} # the folding amount determines how big the test set size is. for 10 fold it's 10% and we run 10 times total_correct, total_documents = 0, 0 # there's some tricky code here to make sure that the training and test sets have an equal percentage # of docs from each class for each iteration. folding_amount.times do |iteration| puts "iteration #{iteration + 1} of #{folding_amount}" if @output_to_console test_set = [] training_document_names.each do |class_document_names| test_set_size = (class_document_names.size / folding_amount).to_i test_set << class_document_names.slice(iteration * test_set_size, test_set_size) end training_set = [] training_document_names.each_with_index {|class_document_names, i| training_set += (class_document_names - test_set[i])} test_set = test_set.flatten correct, total = test_run(training_set, test_set) total_correct += correct total_documents += total end output_results(total_correct, total_documents) if @output_to_console return [total_correct, total_documents] end private # Splits entire set. The goal here is to test classification accuracy # using cross validation. 10 fold is the default. So it will split the training set # into 10 equal size chunks. # training_documents is actually an array of arrays. each class to be considered # has an array of documents. def split_documents_into_cross_validation_sets(training_documents, folding_amount = 10) document_sets = [] # make sure it's not in some order training_documents.each {|class_documents| class_documents.randomize!} # the folding amount determines how big the test set size is. for 10 fold it's 10% and we run 10 times # there's some tricky code here to make sure that the training and test sets have an equal percentage # of docs from each class for each iteration. folding_amount.times do |iteration| test_set = [] training_documents.each do |class_documents| test_set_size = (class_documents.size / folding_amount).to_i test_set << class_documents.slice(iteration * test_set_size, test_set_size) end training_set = [] training_documents.each_with_index {|class_documents, i| training_set += (class_documents - test_set[i])} test_set = test_set.flatten @total_documents_trained += training_set.size document_sets << {:training_set => training_set, :test_set => test_set} end return document_sets end # this method returns a feature extractor for the passed in training_set using the chi_value def create_feature_extractor(training_set, chi_value) feature_selector = # select features based on training set training_set.each do |document| feature_selector.add_document(document) end if chi_value == 0 selected_features = feature_selector.all_feature_names else selected_features = feature_selector.select_features(chi_value) end puts "selected #{selected_features.size} of #{feature_selector.number_of_features} features for this iteration" if @output_to_console return end # this is a single run on a training and test set. It will run feature_selection, the feature_extraction, then training, then testing def test_run(training_set, testing_set, feature_extractor, classifier) puts "training #{classifier.class} on #{training_set.size} documents..." if @output_to_console # now train the classifier training_set.each do |document| classifier.add_document(document.classification, feature_extractor.extract_numbered(document) ) end puts "running #{classifier.class} on #{testing_set.size} documents..." if @output_to_console # now classify test set number_correctly_classified = 0 testing_set.each do |document| score, predicted_classification = classifier.classify(feature_extractor.extract_numbered(document)) number_correctly_classified += 1 if document.classification == predicted_classification end return number_correctly_classified end def output_results(correct, total, time, classifier_name) puts "#{classifier_name} classified #{correct} of #{total} correctly for #{(correct/total.to_f * 100).to_s_decimal_places(2)}% accurcy. Executed run in #{time.to_s_decimal_places(1)} seconds." end def time_execution(&block) start_time = yield end_time = return end_time - start_time end end end