require './test_suite' @failures = [] `rm -rf test-site; mkdir test-site`'test-site') do |dir| # Create a blank site # test({ desc: 'Create a blank site', cmd: [ 'octopress new . --blank', 'echo "
{{ page.title }}{{ content }}
" > _layouts/post.html', 'echo "
{{ page.title }}{{ content }}
" > _layouts/page.html', 'echo "timezone: GMT" > _config.yml' ], expect: "New jekyll site installed in ." }) # Init Octopress scaffolding # test({ desc: 'Init Octopress scaffolding', cmd: 'octopress init .', expect: "Octopress scaffold added to ." }) # Add a new post # test({ desc: 'Add a new post', cmd: 'octopress new post "Awesome stuff" --date "2014-03-12 05:10 -0000"', expect: '_posts/2014-03-12-awesome-stuff.markdown', }) # Add another new post with a slug # test({ desc: 'Add another new post with a slug', cmd: 'octopress new post "Super Awesome stuff" --slug awesome --date "2014-03-13 15:20 -0000"', expect: '_posts/2014-03-13-awesome.markdown', }) # Add a new post in a subdirectory # test({ desc: 'Add a new post', cmd: 'octopress new post "Some stuff" --dir stuff --date "2014-02-11 05:10 -0000"', expect: '_posts/stuff/2014-02-11-some-stuff.markdown', }) # Add a draft # test({ desc: 'Add a draft', cmd: 'octopress new draft "Stupid idea" --date "2014-03-10 15:20 -0000"', expect: '_drafts/stupid-idea.markdown', }) # Add another draft # test({ desc: 'Add another draft', cmd: 'octopress new draft "Another idea" --date "2014-02-10 15:20 -0000"', expect: '_drafts/another-idea.markdown', }) # Add a draft with a slug # test({ desc: 'Add a draft with a slug', cmd: 'octopress new draft "Some great idea for a post" --slug idea', expect: '_drafts/idea.markdown', }) # Add yet another draft # test({ desc: 'Add yet another draft', cmd: 'octopress new draft "yet another idea" --date "2014-02-13 15:20 -0000"', expect: '_drafts/yet-another-idea.markdown', }) # Publish a draft # test({ desc: 'Publish a draft', cmd: 'octopress publish _drafts/another-idea.markdown', expect: '_posts/2014-02-10-another-idea.markdown', }) # Publish a draft with a date # test({ desc: 'Publish a draft with a date', cmd: 'octopress publish _drafts/idea.markdown --date "2014-03-11 20:20 -0000"', expect: '_posts/2014-03-11-idea.markdown', }) # Publish a draft in a dir # test({ desc: 'Publish a draft in a dir', cmd: 'octopress publish _drafts/yet-another-idea.markdown --dir ideas', expect: '_posts/ideas/2014-02-13-yet-another-idea.markdown', }) # Add a page # test({ desc: 'Add a page', cmd: 'octopress new page awesome-page --title "Awesome Page"', expect: 'awesome-page.html', }) # Add a page with an extension # test({ desc: 'Add a page with an extension', cmd: 'octopress new page cool-page.html --title "some cool page"', expect: 'cool-page.html', }) # Add a page with a directory # test({ desc: 'Add a page with a directory', cmd: 'octopress new page okay-page/ --title "This page is meh"', expect: 'okay-page/index.html', }) end # Build the site # system "cd test-site; octopress build; cd -" compare_directories('test-site', 'expected') print_results