// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple, Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start v*/ (function() { var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add("basic", SC.WebView, { value: "/clock", layout: { width: 250, height: 150 } }).add("change src/value", SC.WebView, { value: "/clock", layout: { width: 250, height: 150 } }).add("auto resize", SC.WebView, { value: sc_static('iframe'), shouldAutoResize: YES, layout: { width: 250, height: 150 } }).add("don\'t auto resize", SC.WebView, { shouldAutoResize: NO, //set the value later when you need it layout: { width: 250, height: 150 } }); pane.show(); // add a test to show the test pane // .......................................................... // TEST VIEWS // module('SC.WebView UI'); test("attributes tests", function() { var view = pane.view('basic'); var iframe = view.$('iframe'); var rootElement = view.$(); ok(view, 'view should exist'); ok(view.get('value'), 'should have value property'); equals(view.get('shouldAutoResize'), NO, 'should have autoresize off by default, shouldAutoResize'); ok(rootElement.hasClass('sc-view'), 'should have sc-view css class'); ok(rootElement.hasClass('sc-web-view'), 'should have sc-web-view css class'); equals(rootElement.height(), 150, 'should have height'); equals(rootElement.width(), 250, 'should have width'); ok(iframe, 'should have iframe element'); equals(iframe.attr('src'), "/clock", "should have source as /clock"); ok(iframe[0].contentWindow, 'should have content window if src is from the same domain'); }); test('change src/value', function() { var view = pane.view('change src/value'); var iframe = view.$('iframe'); equals(view.get('value'), "/clock", "should have value property in view as \'/clock\' before changing source"); SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', "/store_configurator"); SC.RunLoop.end(); equals(view.get('value'), "/store_configurator", "should have value property in view as \'/store_configurator\' after changing source"); equals(iframe.attr('src'), "/store_configurator", "should have source in the iframe as \'/store_configurator\'"); }); test('auto resize tests, shouldAutoResize:YES', function() { var view = pane.view('auto resize'); //set the test wrapper element's overflow to auto so that you can see the resize magic' view.$()[0].parentNode.style.overflow = "auto"; equals(view.get('shouldAutoResize'), YES, 'should have auto resize flag as true'); stop(); SC.Event.add(view.$('iframe')[0], 'load', this, function() { ok(view.$().height() > 150, "height of view should change based on content"); ok(view.$().width() > 200, "width of view should change based on content"); start(); }); }); test('auto resize tests, shouldAutoResize:NO', function() { var view = pane.view('don\'t auto resize'); equals(view.get('shouldAutoResize'), NO, 'should have auto resize flag as false'); /** set the src a bit late so that the following onload event get's hooked up before it actually loads */ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.set('value', sc_static('iframe')); SC.RunLoop.end(); stop(); SC.Event.add(view.$('iframe')[0], 'load', this, function() { ok(view.$().height() === 150, "height of view should not change based on content"); ok(view.$().width() === 250, "width of view should not change based on content"); start(); }); }); })();