require 'volt/templates/targets/base_section' class DomSection < BaseSection def initialize(binding_name) @start_node = find_by_comment("$#{binding_name}") @end_node = find_by_comment("$/#{binding_name}") end def find_by_comment(text, in_node=`document`) node = nil %x{ node = document.evaluate("//comment()[. = ' " + text + " ']", in_node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null).iterateNext(); } return node end def text=(value) %x{ this.$range().deleteContents(); this.$range().insertNode(document.createTextNode(#{value})); } end def remove range = self.range() %x{ range.deleteContents(); } end def remove_anchors %x{ this.start_node.parentNode.removeChild(this.start_node); this.end_node.parentNode.removeChild(this.end_node); } @start_node = nil @end_node = nil end def insert_anchor_before_end(binding_name) Element.find(@end_node).before("") end # Takes in an array of dom nodes and replaces the current content # with the new nodes def nodes=(nodes) range = self.range() %x{ range.deleteContents(); for (var i=nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var node = nodes[i]; node.parentNode.removeChild(node); range.insertNode(node); } } end # Takes in our html and bindings, and rezero's the comment names, and the # bindings. Returns an updated bindings hash def set_content_and_rezero_bindings(html, bindings) sub_nodes = nil temp_div = nil %x{ temp_div = document.createElement('div'); var doc = jQuery.parseHTML(html); for (var i=0;i < doc.length;i++) { temp_div.appendChild(doc[i]); } } new_bindings = {} # Loop through the bindings, and rezero. bindings.each_pair do |name,binding| new_name = @@binding_number if name.cur.is_a?(String) if name[0..1] == 'id' # Find by id %x{ var node = temp_div.querySelector('#' + name); node.setAttribute('id', 'id' +new_name); } new_bindings["id#{new_name}"] = binding else # Assume a fixed id # TODO: We should raise an exception if this id is already on the page new_bindings[name] = binding end else # Change the comment ids start_comment = find_by_comment("$#{name}", temp_div) end_comment = find_by_comment("$/#{name}", temp_div) %x{ start_comment.textContent = " $" + new_name + " "; end_comment.textContent = " $/" + new_name + " "; } new_bindings[new_name] = binding end @@binding_number += 1 end children = nil %x{ children = temp_div.childNodes; } # Update the nodes self.nodes = children %x{ temp_div = null; } return new_bindings end private def range return @range if @range range = nil %x{ range = document.createRange(); range.setStartAfter(this.start_node); range.setEndBefore(this.end_node); } @range = range return range end end