[](https://travis-ci.org/MichaelSp/smarter_listing) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/smarter_listing) SmarterListing ================ The [smart listing](http://showcase.sology.eu/smart_listing) from the guys at Sology is a real productivity boost. But it's too verbose to include it into your rails app. This gem makes smart listing even smarter. It drys your controller out. Usage ----- * Gemfile ```ruby gem 'smarter_listing' ``` then `bundle install` * app/controllers/posts_controller.rb ```ruby class PostController < ApplicationController smarter_listing # Look ma, no controller actions needs to be defined private def resource_params params.require(:post).permit(:title, :body) if params[:post] end end ``` * app/views/posts/_form.html.haml ```ruby = bootstrap_form_for @post # this requires the fine gem 'bootstrap_form'. Check it out! = f.text_field :title = f.text_area :body .pull-right = f.primary = link_to 'Cancel'. posts_path, class: 'btn btn-default' ``` * app/views/posts/_post.html.haml ```ruby %td= object.title.truncate(30) %td= object.body.truncate(80) %td.actions= smart_listing_item_actions [action_copy(object,copy_post_path(object)),action_edit(object,edit_post_path(object)),action_destroy(object,post_path(object))] ``` * app/views/posts/_table_header.html.haml ```ruby %table.table.table-striped %tr %th= smart_listing.sortable t("Created"), :created_at %th= smart_listing.sortable t("Title"), :title %th= smart_listing.sortable t("Body"), :body %th - smart_listing.collection.each do |post| %tr.editable{data: {id: post.id}} = smart_listing.render partial: 'posts/post', locals: {object: post} = smart_listing.item_new colspan: 11, link: new_post_path = smart_listing.paginate = smart_listing.pagination_per_page_links ``` * app/views/posts/index.html.haml ```ruby = smart_listing_controls_for(:posts, {class: "form-inline text-right"}) do .form-group.filter.input-append = text_field_tag :filter, '', class: "search form-control", placeholder: t("Search..."), autocomplete: :off %button.btn.btn-primary.disabled{type: :submit} =fa_icon 'search' # this requires gem 'font-awesome-rails' =smart_listing_render(:posts) ```