Ramaze::HelpersHelper.options.paths.push(__DIR__('comments')) require __DIR__('comments/model/comment_status') require __DIR__('comments/model/comment') require __DIR__('comments/controller/comments') require __DIR__('comments/controller/comments_form') require __DIR__('comments/plugin/comments') require __DIR__('comments/plugin/anti_spam') Zen::Language.options.paths.push(__DIR__('comments')) Zen::Language.load('comments') Zen::Package.add do |p| p.name = 'comments' p.author = 'Yorick Peterse' p.url = 'http://yorickpeterse.com/' p.about = "Allow users to post comments on any given section entry (as long as the section allows it)." p.directory = __DIR__('comments') p.migration_dir = __DIR__('../migrations') p.menu = [{ :title => lang('comments.titles.index'), :url => "admin/comments" }] p.controllers = { lang('comments.titles.index') => Comments::Controller::Comments } end Zen::Plugin.add do |p| p.name = 'comments' p.author = 'Yorick Peterse' p.url = 'http://yorickpeterse.com/' p.about = 'Plugin that can be used to retrieve comments.' p.plugin = Comments::Plugin::Comments end Zen::Plugin.add do |p| p.name = 'anti_spam' p.author = 'Yorick Peterse' p.url = 'http://yorickpeterse.com/' p.about = 'Plugin used for checking if a comment is spam or ham.' p.plugin = Comments::Plugin::AntiSpam end plugin(:settings, :register) do |setting| setting.title = lang('comments.labels.anti_spam_system') setting.description = lang('comments.placeholders.anti_spam_system') setting.name = 'anti_spam_system' setting.group = 'security' setting.type = 'select' setting.default = 'defensio' setting.values = { 'defensio' => lang('comments.labels.defensio') } end plugin(:settings, :register) do |setting| setting.title = lang('comments.labels.defensio_key') setting.description = lang('comments.placeholders.defensio_key') setting.name = 'defensio_key' setting.group = 'security' setting.type = 'textbox' end