require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes.rb', __FILE__) describe "String#=~" do it "behaves the same way as index() when given a regexp" do ("rudder" =~ /udder/).should == "rudder".index(/udder/) ("boat" =~ /[^fl]oat/).should == "boat".index(/[^fl]oat/) ("bean" =~ /bag/).should == "bean".index(/bag/) ("true" =~ /false/).should == "true".index(/false/) end it "raises a TypeError if a obj is a string" do lambda { "some string" =~ "another string" }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { "a" =~"b") }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "invokes obj.=~ with self if obj is neither a string nor regexp" do str = "w00t" obj = mock('x') obj.should_receive(:=~).with(str).any_number_of_times.and_return(true) str.should =~ obj obj = mock('y') obj.should_receive(:=~).with(str).any_number_of_times.and_return(false) str.should_not =~ obj end it "sets $~ to MatchData when there is a match and nil when there's none" do 'hello' =~ /./ $~[0].should == 'h' 'hello' =~ /not/ $~.should == nil end end describe "String#match" do it "matches the pattern against self" do 'hello'.match(/(.)\1/)[0].should == 'll' end it "tries to convert pattern to a string via to_str" do obj = mock('.') def obj.to_str() "." end "hello".match(obj)[0].should == "h" obj = mock('.') def obj.respond_to?(type, *) true end def obj.method_missing(*args) "." end "hello".match(obj)[0].should == "h" end it "raises a TypeError if pattern is not a regexp or a string" do lambda { 'hello'.match(10) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { 'hello'.match(:ell) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "converts string patterns to regexps without escaping" do 'hello'.match('(.)\1')[0].should == 'll' end it "returns nil if there's no match" do 'hello'.match('xx').should == nil end it "matches \\G at the start of the string" do 'hello'.match(/\Gh/)[0].should == 'h' 'hello'.match(/\Go/).should == nil end it "sets $~ to MatchData of match or nil when there is none" do 'hello'.match(/./) $~[0].should == 'h' Regexp.last_match[0].should == 'h' 'hello'.match(/X/) $~.should == nil Regexp.last_match.should == nil end end