// ==========================================================================
// Project:   TestRunner.targetsController
// Copyright: ©2011 Apple Inc.
// ==========================================================================
/*globals TestRunner */

/** @class

  The full set of targets available in the application.  This is populated 
  automatically when you call loadTargets().

  @extends SC.ArrayController
TestRunner.targetsController = SC.ArrayController.create(
/** @scope TestRunner.targetsController.prototype */ {

    Call this method whenever you want to relaod the targets from the server.
  reload: function() {
    var targets = TestRunner.store.find(CoreTools.TARGETS_QUERY);
    this.set('content', targets);
    Generates the root array of children objects whenever the target content
    changes.  Used in a tree node.
  sourceRoot: function() {
    // break targets into their respective types.  Items that should not be 
    // visible at the top level will not have a sort kind
    var kinds = {}, keys = [], kind, targets, ret;
    this.forEach(function(target) { 
      if (kind = target.get('sortKind')) {
        targets = kinds[kind];
        if (!targets) kinds[kind] = targets = [];
        if (keys.indexOf(kind) < 0) keys.push(kind);
    }, this);

    // sort kinds alphabetically - with sproutcore at end and apps at top
    if (keys.indexOf('sproutcore') >= 0) {
    if (keys.indexOf('apps') >= 0) {
    // once divided into kinds, create group nodes for each kind
    ret = [];
    keys.forEach(function(kind) {
      targets = kinds[kind];
      var defKey = "SourceList.%@.isExpanded".fmt(kind),
          expanded = TestRunner.userDefaults.get(defKey);
        displayName: "Kind.%@".fmt(kind).loc(),
        isExpanded: SC.none(expanded) ? (kind !== 'sproutcore') : expanded,
        children: targets.sortProperty('kind', 'displayName'),
        isExpandedDefaultKey: defKey,
        isExpandedDidChange: function() {
          TestRunner.userDefaults.set(this.get('isExpandedDefaultKey'), this.get('isExpanded'));
    return SC.Object.create({ children: ret, isExpanded: YES });
    Send event when targets load.
  statusDidChange: function() {

}) ;
