require_relative "configuration/version" require_relative "configuration/hash_with_indifferent_access" # Iqeo namespace module Iqeo class BlankSlate =begin instance methods to keep: __id__ __send__ object_id needed for operation: dup instance_eval needed to pass rspec tests: equal? is_a? kind_of? =end instance_methods_to_undef = %w( ! != !~ <=> == === =~ class clone define_singleton_method display enum_for eql? extend freeze frozen? hash initialize_clone initialize_dup inspect instance_exec instance_of? instance_variable_defined? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables method methods nil? private_methods protected_methods public_method public_methods public_send respond_to? respond_to_missing? send singleton_class singleton_methods taint tainted? tap to_enum to_s trust untaint untrust untrusted? ) instance_methods_to_undef.each do |meth| undef_method meth end end # Configuration class. # # A DSL representing configuration files. class Configuration < BlankSlate # Returns Configuration version number. def self.version Iqeo::CONFIGURATION_VERSION end # Creates a new Configuration instance from string. # # Content should be in eval DSL format. def string conf = conf.instance_eval string conf end # Creates a new Configuration instance from filename or File/IO object. # # Content should be in eval DSL format. def self.load file return file.respond_to?(:read) ? : end def self.new_defer_block_for_parent parent, &block conf = conf._parent = parent if block_given? && block.arity > 0 # this is 'yield self' from the outside end conf end attr_accessor :_parent, :_items def initialize default = nil, &block @_items = @_parent = nil _merge! default if default.kind_of?( Configuration ) if block_given? if block.arity > 0 # cannot set parent for yield block here as context is unknowable yield self # parent is being set in new_defer_block_for_parent else if block.binding.eval('self').kind_of?( Configuration ) # for eval block if nested configuration @_parent = block.binding.eval('self') # set parent to make inherited values available end # during block execution instance_eval &block end end end def method_missing name, *values, &block return @_items.send( name, *values, &block ) if @_items.respond_to? name # @_items methods are highest priority name = name.to_s.chomp('=') if block_given? # block is a nested configuration if block.arity == 1 # yield DSL needs deferred block to set parent without binding return _set name, Configuration.new_defer_block_for_parent( self, &block ) else return _set name, &block ) # eval DSL can set parent from block binding in initialize end end return _get name if values.empty? # just get item return _set name, values if values.size > 1 # set item to multiple values return _set name, values.first # set item to single value end def _set key, value value._parent = self if value.kind_of?( Configuration ) @_items[key] = value end alias []= _set # Retrieves value for key, indifferent storage permits key to be a string or symbol. # # If configuration is nested, searches for key recursively up to root. # # Returns nil if key does not exist. def _get key return @_items[key] unless @_items[key].nil? return @_items[key] if @_parent.nil? @_parent._get key end alias [] _get def _read string instance_eval string end def _load file _read file.respond_to?(:read) ? : end def _merge! other @_items.merge!(other._items) do |key,this,other| if this.kind_of?( Configuration ) && other.kind_of?( Configuration ) this._merge! other else other end end @_items.values.each { |value| value._parent = self if value.kind_of?( Configuration ) } self end def _merge other self.dup._merge! other end # todo: why can't :_parent= be protected ? protected :_parent, :_items, :_items=, :_get, :[], :_set, :[]= end end