--- - continent: Europe alpha2: AD alpha3: AND country_code: '376' international_prefix: '00' ioc: AND gec: AN name: Andorra national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: None number: '020' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: AD nationality: Andorran postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Andorre - Andorra - アンドラ languages_official: - ca languages_spoken: - ca geo: latitude: 42.506285 latitude_dec: '42.5506591796875' longitude: 1.521801 longitude_dec: '1.5762332677841187' max_latitude: 42.655791 max_longitude: 1.786639 min_latitude: 42.4287488 min_longitude: 1.4087052 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.655791 lng: 1.786639 southwest: lat: 42.4287488 lng: 1.4087052 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: AE alpha3: ARE country_code: '971' international_prefix: '00' ioc: UAE gec: AE name: United Arab Emirates national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '784' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: AE nationality: Emirian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - United Arab Emirates - الإمارات العربية المتحدة - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Émirats Arabes Unis - Emiratos Árabes Unidos - アラブ首長国連邦 - Verenigde Arabische Emiraten languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 23.424076 latitude_dec: '23.684776306152344' longitude: 53.847818 longitude_dec: '54.536643981933594' max_latitude: 26.0765 max_longitude: 56.4395001 min_latitude: 22.6315138 min_longitude: 51.4723 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.0765 lng: 56.4395001 southwest: lat: 22.6315138 lng: 51.4723 currency_code: AED start_of_week: sunday - continent: Asia alpha2: AF alpha3: AFG country_code: '93' international_prefix: '00' ioc: AFG gec: AF name: Afghanistan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '004' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: AF nationality: Afghan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Afghanistan - Afganistán - アフガニスタン languages_official: - ps - uz - tk languages_spoken: - ps - uz - tk geo: latitude: 33.93911 latitude_dec: '33.833248138427734' longitude: 67.709953 longitude_dec: '66.02528381347656' max_latitude: 38.49087670000001 max_longitude: 74.8898619 min_latitude: 29.3772 min_longitude: 60.5170005 bounds: northeast: lat: 38.49087670000001 lng: 74.8898619 southwest: lat: 29.3772 lng: 60.5170005 currency_code: AFN start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: AG alpha3: ATG country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1268' international_prefix: '011' ioc: ANT gec: AC name: Antigua and Barbuda national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: 028 region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: AG nationality: Antiguan, Barbudan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua und Barbuda - Antigua et Barbuda - Antigua y Barbuda - アンティグア・バーブーダ - Antigua en Barbuda languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 17.060816 latitude_dec: '17.09273910522461' longitude: -61.796428 longitude_dec: "-61.81040954589844" max_latitude: 17.7499946 max_longitude: -61.6394 min_latitude: 16.9018 min_longitude: -62.38100009999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.7499946 lng: -61.6394 southwest: lat: 16.9018 lng: -62.38100009999999 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: AI alpha3: AIA country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1264' international_prefix: '011' ioc: gec: AV name: Anguilla national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '660' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: AI nationality: Anguillian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Anguilla - アンギラ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 18.220554 latitude_dec: '18.22646713256836' longitude: -63.06861499999999 longitude_dec: "-63.0473518371582" max_latitude: 18.6332326 max_longitude: -62.91999999999999 min_latitude: 18.1465043 min_longitude: -63.4803 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.6332326 lng: -62.91999999999999 southwest: lat: 18.1465043 lng: -63.4803 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: AL alpha3: ALB country_code: '355' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ALB gec: AL name: Albania national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: 008 region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: AL nationality: Albanian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Albania - Albanien - Albanie - アルバニア - Albanië languages_official: - sq languages_spoken: - sq geo: latitude: 41.153332 latitude_dec: '41.11113357543945' longitude: 20.168331 longitude_dec: '20.02745246887207' max_latitude: 42.6610819 max_longitude: 21.0572394 min_latitude: 39.6447296 min_longitude: 19.1217 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.6610819 lng: 21.0572394 southwest: lat: 39.6447296 lng: 19.1217 currency_code: ALL start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: AM alpha3: ARM country_code: '374' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ARM gec: AM name: Armenia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '8' number: '051' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: AM nationality: Armenian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Armenia - Armenien - Arménie - アルメニア - Armenië languages_official: - hy - ru languages_spoken: - hy - ru geo: latitude: 40.069099 latitude_dec: '40.29266357421875' longitude: 45.038189 longitude_dec: '44.93947219848633' max_latitude: 41.300993 max_longitude: 46.634222 min_latitude: 38.840244 min_longitude: 43.4472601 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.300993 lng: 46.634222 southwest: lat: 38.840244 lng: 43.4472601 currency_code: AMD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: AO alpha3: AGO country_code: '244' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ANG gec: AO name: Angola national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '024' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: AO nationality: Angolan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Angola - アンゴラ languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: 47.516231 latitude_dec: "-12.333555221557617" longitude: 14.550072 longitude_dec: '17.539464950561523' max_latitude: 49.0206081 max_longitude: 17.1606861 min_latitude: 46.37233579999999 min_longitude: 9.530783399999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 49.0206081 lng: 17.1606861 southwest: lat: 46.37233579999999 lng: 9.530783399999999 currency_code: AOA start_of_week: monday # - continent: Antarctica # alpha2: AQ # alpha3: ATA # country_code: '672' # international_prefix: '' # ioc: # gec: AY # name: Antarctica # national_destination_code_lengths: [] # national_number_lengths: [] # national_prefix: '' # world_region: AMER # number: '010' # region: '' # subregion: '' # un_locode: AQ # nationality: '' # postal_code: true # unofficial_names: # - Antarctica # - Antarktis # - Antarctique # - Antártida # - 南極 # languages_official: [] # languages_spoken: [] # geo: # latitude: -75.250973 # latitude_dec: "-82.862752" # longitude: -0.071389 # longitude_dec: "-135.0" # max_latitude: -60.1086999 # max_longitude: 180 # min_latitude: -90 # min_longitude: -180 # bounds: # northeast: # lat: -60.1086999 # lng: 180 # southwest: # lat: -90 # lng: -180 # currency_code: USD # start_of_week: monday - continent: South America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: AR alpha3: ARG country_code: '54' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ARG gec: AR name: Argentina national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '032' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: AR nationality: Argentinean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Argentina - Argentinien - Argentine - アルゼンチン - Argentinië languages_official: - es - gn languages_spoken: - es - gn geo: latitude: -38.416097 latitude_dec: "-37.071964263916016" longitude: -63.61667199999999 longitude_dec: "-64.85450744628906" max_latitude: -21.7810459 max_longitude: -53.637481 min_latitude: -55.1250224 min_longitude: -73.5603601 bounds: northeast: lat: -21.7810459 lng: -53.637481 southwest: lat: -55.1250224 lng: -73.5603601 currency_code: ARS start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: AS alpha3: ASM country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1684' international_prefix: '011' ioc: ASA gec: AQ name: American Samoa national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '016' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: AS nationality: American Samoan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - American Samoa - Amerikanisch-Samoa - Samoa américaines - Samoa Americana - アメリカ領サモア - Amerikaans Samoa languages_official: - en - sm languages_spoken: - en - sm geo: latitude: -14.3060204 latitude_dec: "-14.31956672668457" longitude: -170.6961815 longitude_dec: "-170.7403564453125" max_latitude: -13.4056506 max_longitude: -169.2059326 min_latitude: -14.7217608 min_longitude: -171.0076904 bounds: northeast: lat: -13.4056506 lng: -169.2059326 southwest: lat: -14.7217608 lng: -171.0076904 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: AT alpha3: AUT country_code: '43' international_prefix: '00' ioc: AUT gec: AU name: Austria national_destination_code_lengths: - 1 - 2 - 3 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 national_prefix: '0' number: '040' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: AT nationality: Austrian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 10 super_reduced: parking: 12 postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Austria - Österreich - Autriche - オーストリア - Oostenrijk languages_official: - de languages_spoken: - de geo: latitude: 47.516231 latitude_dec: '47.58843994140625' longitude: 14.550072 longitude_dec: '14.14021110534668' max_latitude: 49.0206081 max_longitude: 17.1606861 min_latitude: 46.37233579999999 min_longitude: 9.530783399999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 49.0206081 lng: 17.1606861 southwest: lat: 46.37233579999999 lng: 9.530783399999999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: AU alpha3: AUS country_code: '61' international_prefix: '0011' ioc: AUS gec: AS name: Australia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '036' region: Oceania subregion: Australia and New Zealand world_region: APAC un_locode: AU nationality: Australian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Australia - Australien - Australie - オーストラリア - Australië languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -25.274398 latitude_dec: "-25.585241317749023" longitude: 133.775136 longitude_dec: '134.50411987304688' max_latitude: -9.187026399999999 max_longitude: 159.2872223 min_latitude: -54.83376579999999 min_longitude: 110.9510339 bounds: northeast: lat: -9.187026399999999 lng: 159.2872223 southwest: lat: -54.83376579999999 lng: 110.9510339 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: AW alpha3: ABW country_code: '297' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ARU gec: AA name: Aruba national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '533' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: AW nationality: Aruban postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Aruba - アルバ languages_official: - nl languages_spoken: - nl geo: latitude: 12.52111 latitude_dec: '12.506523132324219' longitude: -69.968338 longitude_dec: "-69.96931457519531" max_latitude: 12.6306179 max_longitude: -69.8644638 min_latitude: 12.406093 min_longitude: -70.070114 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.6306179 lng: -69.8644638 southwest: lat: 12.406093 lng: -70.070114 currency_code: AWG start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: AX alpha3: ALA country_code: '358' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: name: Åland Islands national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '248' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: AX nationality: Swedish postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Åland Islands - Åland - オーランド諸島 - Ålandeilanden languages_official: - sv languages_spoken: - sv geo: latitude: 60.1785247 latitude_dec: '60.2023811340332' longitude: 19.9156105 longitude_dec: '19.96520233154297' max_latitude: 60.8400009 max_longitude: 21.4866841 min_latitude: 59.6872001 min_longitude: 19.2095998 bounds: northeast: lat: 60.8400009 lng: 21.4866841 southwest: lat: 59.6872001 lng: 19.2095998 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: AZ alpha3: AZE country_code: '994' international_prefix: '810' ioc: AZE gec: AJ name: Azerbaijan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '8' number: '031' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: AZ nationality: Azerbaijani postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Azerbaijan - Aserbaidschan - Azerbaïdjan - Azerbaiyán - アゼルバイジャン - Azerbeidzjan languages_official: - az - hy languages_spoken: - az - hy geo: latitude: 40.143105 latitude_dec: '40.33100509643555' longitude: 47.576927 longitude_dec: '47.80820083618164' max_latitude: 41.9594999 max_longitude: 50.7458001 min_latitude: 38.3922171 min_longitude: 44.7632599 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.9594999 lng: 50.7458001 southwest: lat: 38.3922171 lng: 44.7632599 currency_code: AZN start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: BA alpha3: BIH country_code: '387' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BIH gec: BK name: Bosnia and Herzegovina national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '070' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: BA nationality: Bosnian, Herzegovinian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnien und Herzegowina - Bosnie et Herzégovine - Bosnia y Herzegovina - ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ - Bosnië en Herzegovina - Bosnia Herzegovina languages_official: - bs - hr - sr languages_spoken: - bs - hr - sr geo: latitude: 43.915886 latitude_dec: '44.16533279418945' longitude: 17.679076 longitude_dec: '17.790241241455078' max_latitude: 45.2766262 max_longitude: 19.621935 min_latitude: 42.5564516 min_longitude: 15.7223665 bounds: northeast: lat: 45.2766262 lng: 19.621935 southwest: lat: 42.5564516 lng: 15.7223665 currency_code: BAM start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BB alpha3: BRB country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1246' international_prefix: '011' ioc: BAR gec: BB name: Barbados national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '052' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: BB nationality: Barbadian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Barbade - Barbados - バルバドス languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 13.193887 latitude_dec: '13.178098678588867' longitude: -59.543198 longitude_dec: "-59.5485954284668" max_latitude: 13.3365093 max_longitude: -59.4174957 min_latitude: 13.039844 min_longitude: -59.6530151 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.3365093 lng: -59.4174957 southwest: lat: 13.039844 lng: -59.6530151 currency_code: BBD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: BD alpha3: BGD country_code: '880' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BAN gec: BG name: Bangladesh national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '050' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: BD nationality: Bangladeshi postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bangladesh - Bangladesch - バングラデシュ languages_official: - bn languages_spoken: - bn geo: latitude: 23.684994 latitude_dec: '23.730104446411133' longitude: 90.356331 longitude_dec: '90.30652618408203' max_latitude: 26.633914 max_longitude: 92.6801153 min_latitude: 20.6173999 min_longitude: 88.00861410000002 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.633914 lng: 92.6801153 southwest: lat: 20.6173999 lng: 88.00861410000002 currency_code: BDT start_of_week: sunday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: BE alpha3: BEL country_code: '32' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BEL gec: BE name: Belgium national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '056' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: BE nationality: Belgian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 6 - 12 super_reduced: parking: 12 postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Belgium - Belgien - Belgique - Bélgica - ベルギー - België languages_official: - nl - fr - de languages_spoken: - nl - fr - de geo: latitude: 50.503887 latitude_dec: '50.648963928222656' longitude: 4.469936 longitude_dec: '4.641502380371094' max_latitude: 51.5051449 max_longitude: 6.408124099999999 min_latitude: 49.497013 min_longitude: 2.5240999 bounds: northeast: lat: 51.5051449 lng: 6.408124099999999 southwest: lat: 49.497013 lng: 2.5240999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: BF alpha3: BFA country_code: '226' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BUR gec: UV name: Burkina Faso national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '854' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: BF nationality: Burkinabe postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Burkina Faso - ブルキナファソ languages_official: - fr - ff languages_spoken: - fr - ff geo: latitude: 12.238333 latitude_dec: '12.284985542297363' longitude: -1.561593 longitude_dec: "-1.745560646057129" max_latitude: 15.0840032 max_longitude: 2.4043598 min_latitude: 9.4104719 min_longitude: -5.5157196 bounds: northeast: lat: 15.0840032 lng: 2.4043598 southwest: lat: 9.4104719 lng: -5.5157196 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: BG alpha3: BGR country_code: '359' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BUL gec: BU name: Bulgaria national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '100' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: BG nationality: Bulgarian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 9 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bulgaria - Bulgarien - Bulgarie - ブルガリア - Bulgarije languages_official: - bg languages_spoken: - bg geo: latitude: 42.733883 latitude_dec: '42.7661018371582' longitude: 25.48583 longitude_dec: '25.283733367919922' max_latitude: 44.2152333 max_longitude: 28.7292001 min_latitude: 41.2354469 min_longitude: 22.3573446 bounds: northeast: lat: 44.2152333 lng: 28.7292001 southwest: lat: 41.2354469 lng: 22.3573446 currency_code: BGN start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: BH alpha3: BHR country_code: '973' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BRN gec: BA name: Bahrain national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: 048 region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: BH nationality: Bahraini postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bahrain - البحرين - Bahreïn - Bahrein - バーレーン languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 26.0667 latitude_dec: '26.094240188598633' longitude: 50.5577 longitude_dec: '50.54299545288086' max_latitude: 26.3315761 max_longitude: 50.8509064 min_latitude: 25.5349999 min_longitude: 50.3448485 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.3315761 lng: 50.8509064 southwest: lat: 25.5349999 lng: 50.3448485 currency_code: BHD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: BI alpha3: BDI country_code: '257' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BDI gec: BY name: Burundi national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '108' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: BI nationality: Burundian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Burundi - ブルンジ languages_official: - fr - rn languages_spoken: - fr - rn geo: latitude: -3.373056 latitude_dec: "-3.365208148956299" longitude: 29.918886 longitude_dec: '29.88650894165039' max_latitude: -2.3097302 max_longitude: 30.8495447 min_latitude: -4.4693288 min_longitude: 29.000993 bounds: northeast: lat: -2.3097302 lng: 30.8495447 southwest: lat: -4.4693288 lng: 29.000993 currency_code: BIF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: BJ alpha3: BEN country_code: '229' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BEN gec: BN name: Benin national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '204' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: BJ nationality: Beninese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Benin - Bénin - ベナン languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 9.30769 latitude_dec: '9.624112129211426' longitude: 2.315834 longitude_dec: '2.3377387523651123' max_latitude: 12.4086111 max_longitude: 3.8433429 min_latitude: 6.2061001 min_longitude: 0.7765055 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.4086111 lng: 3.8433429 southwest: lat: 6.2061001 lng: 0.7765055 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BL alpha3: BLM country_code: '590' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: TB name: Saint Barthélemy national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '652' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: APAC un_locode: BL nationality: Saint Barthélemy Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Saint Barthélemy - Saint-Barthélemy - サン・バルテルミー languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 17.9 latitude_dec: '17.89626121520996' longitude: -62.833333 longitude_dec: "-62.83061218261719" max_latitude: 17.978 max_longitude: -62.7869 min_latitude: 17.8663 min_longitude: -62.9559999 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.978 lng: -62.7869 southwest: lat: 17.8663 lng: -62.9559999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BM alpha3: BMU country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1441' international_prefix: '011' ioc: BER gec: BD name: Bermuda national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '060' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: AMER un_locode: BM nationality: Bermudian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bermuda - Bermudes - Bermudas - バミューダ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 32.3078 latitude_dec: '32.302669525146484' longitude: -64.7505 longitude_dec: "-64.7516860961914" max_latitude: 32.3961 max_longitude: -64.6413999 min_latitude: 32.2424975 min_longitude: -64.89139999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 32.3961 lng: -64.6413999 southwest: lat: 32.2424975 lng: -64.89139999999999 currency_code: BMD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: BN alpha3: BRN country_code: '673' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BRU gec: BX name: Brunei Darussalam national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: 096 region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: BN nationality: Bruneian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Brunei - ブルネイ・ダルサラーム languages_official: - ms languages_spoken: - ms geo: latitude: 4.535277 latitude_dec: '4.5703840255737305' longitude: 114.727669 longitude_dec: '114.74818420410156' max_latitude: 5.0978001 max_longitude: 115.3639552 min_latitude: 4.002460999999999 min_longitude: 114.0752 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.0978001 lng: 115.3639552 southwest: lat: 4.002460999999999 lng: 114.0752 currency_code: BND start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: BO alpha3: BOL country_code: '591' international_prefix: '0010' ioc: BOL gec: BL name: Bolivia (Plurinational State of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '010' number: 068 region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: BO nationality: Bolivian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Bolivia - Bolivien - Bolivie - ボリビア多民族国 languages_official: - es - ay - qu languages_spoken: - es - ay - qu geo: latitude: -16.290154 latitude_dec: "-16.713054656982422" longitude: -63.58865299999999 longitude_dec: "-64.6666488647461" max_latitude: -9.669323 max_longitude: -57.453803 min_latitude: -22.8980899 min_longitude: -69.64498999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: -9.669323 lng: -57.453803 southwest: lat: -22.8980899 lng: -69.64498999999999 currency_code: BOB start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BQ alpha3: BES country_code: '599' international_prefix: '00' name: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '535' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: APAC un_locode: BQ nationality: Dutch postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - Caribbean Netherlands - Caribisch Nederland - ボネール、シント・ユースタティウスおよびサバ languages_official: - nl - en languages_spoken: - nl - en geo: latitude: 12.1783611 latitude_dec: '12.178361' longitude: -68.2385339 longitude_dec: "-68.238534" max_latitude: 17.6606999 max_longitude: -62.9228 min_latitude: 11.9641 min_longitude: -68.5149 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.6606999 lng: -62.9228 southwest: lat: 11.9641 lng: -68.5149 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: South America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: BR alpha3: BRA country_code: '55' international_prefix: '0014' ioc: BRA gec: BR name: Brazil national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '014' number: '076' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: BR nationality: Brazilian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Brazil - Brasilien - Brésil - Brasil - ブラジル - Brazilië languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: -14.235004 latitude_dec: "-10.81045150756836" longitude: -51.92528 longitude_dec: "-52.97311782836914" max_latitude: 5.2717863 max_longitude: -29.3434 min_latitude: -34.0891 min_longitude: -73.982817 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.2717863 lng: -29.3434 southwest: lat: -34.0891 lng: -73.982817 currency_code: BRL start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BS alpha3: BHS country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1242' international_prefix: '011' ioc: BAH gec: BF name: Bahamas national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '044' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: BS nationality: Bahamian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Bahamas - バハマ - Bahama’s languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 25.03428 latitude_dec: '25.035648345947266' longitude: -77.39627999999999 longitude_dec: "-77.39512634277344" max_latitude: 27.263412 max_longitude: -72.70975390000001 min_latitude: 20.9082735 min_longitude: -80.4775603 bounds: northeast: lat: 27.263412 lng: -72.70975390000001 southwest: lat: 20.9082735 lng: -80.4775603 currency_code: BSD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: BT alpha3: BTN country_code: '975' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BHU gec: BT name: Bhutan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '064' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: BT nationality: Bhutanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Bhutan - Bhoutan - Bután - ブータン languages_official: - dz languages_spoken: - dz geo: latitude: 27.514162 latitude_dec: '27.416879653930664' longitude: 90.433601 longitude_dec: '90.43476104736328' max_latitude: 28.360825 max_longitude: 92.12523209999999 min_latitude: 26.702016 min_longitude: 88.74647350000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 28.360825 lng: 92.12523209999999 southwest: lat: 26.702016 lng: 88.74647350000001 currency_code: BTN start_of_week: monday # - continent: Antarctica # alpha2: BV # alpha3: BVT # country_code: '47' # international_prefix: '' # ioc: # gec: BV # name: Bouvet Island # national_destination_code_lengths: [] # national_number_lengths: [] # national_prefix: '' # number: '074' # region: '' # subregion: '' # un_locode: BV # nationality: '' # postal_code: true # world_region: APAC # unofficial_names: # - Bouvet Island # - Bouvetinsel # - ブーベ島 # - Bouveteiland # languages_official: [] # languages_spoken: [] # geo: # latitude: -54.423199 # latitude_dec: "-54.4342041015625" # longitude: 3.413194 # longitude_dec: '3.4102511405944824' # max_latitude: -54.38735519999999 # max_longitude: 3.4382056 # min_latitude: -54.4592623 # min_longitude: 3.2773591 # bounds: # northeast: # lat: -54.38735519999999 # lng: 3.4382056 # southwest: # lat: -54.4592623 # lng: 3.2773591 # currency_code: NOK # start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: BW alpha3: BWA country_code: '267' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BOT gec: BC name: Botswana national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '072' region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: BW nationality: Motswana postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Botswana - ボツワナ languages_official: - en - tn languages_spoken: - en - tn geo: latitude: -22.328474 latitude_dec: "-22.186752319335938" longitude: 24.684866 longitude_dec: '23.81494140625' max_latitude: -17.778137 max_longitude: 29.375304 min_latitude: -26.907545 min_longitude: 19.998903 bounds: northeast: lat: -17.778137 lng: 29.375304 southwest: lat: -26.907545 lng: 19.998903 currency_code: BWP start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: BY alpha3: BLR country_code: '375' international_prefix: '810' ioc: BLR gec: BO name: Belarus national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '8' number: '112' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: BY nationality: Belarusian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Belarus - Weißrussland - Biélorussie - Bielorrusia - ベラルーシ - Wit-Rusland - Беларусь languages_official: - be - ru languages_spoken: - be - ru geo: latitude: 53.709807 latitude_dec: '53.54347229003906' longitude: 27.953389 longitude_dec: '28.054094314575195' max_latitude: 56.1718719 max_longitude: 32.7768202 min_latitude: 51.26201100000001 min_longitude: 23.1783377 bounds: northeast: lat: 56.1718719 lng: 32.7768202 southwest: lat: 51.26201100000001 lng: 23.1783377 currency_code: BYN start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: BZ alpha3: BLZ country_code: '501' international_prefix: '00' ioc: BIZ gec: BH name: Belize national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: 084 region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: BZ nationality: Belizean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Belize - Belice - ベリーズ languages_official: - en - es languages_spoken: - en - es geo: latitude: 17.189877 latitude_dec: '17.225292205810547' longitude: -88.49765 longitude_dec: "-88.66973876953125" max_latitude: 18.4959419 max_longitude: -87.41269989999999 min_latitude: 15.8856189 min_longitude: -89.22758789999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.4959419 lng: -87.41269989999999 southwest: lat: 15.8856189 lng: -89.22758789999999 currency_code: BZD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: CA alpha3: CAN country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: CAN gec: CA name: Canada national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '124' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: AMER un_locode: CA nationality: Canadian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Canada - Kanada - Canadá - カナダ languages_official: - en - fr languages_spoken: - en - fr geo: latitude: 56.130366 latitude_dec: '62.832908630371094' longitude: -106.346771 longitude_dec: "-95.91332244873047" max_latitude: 83.6381 max_longitude: -50.9766 min_latitude: 41.6765559 min_longitude: -141.00187 bounds: northeast: lat: 83.6381 lng: -50.9766 southwest: lat: 41.6765559 lng: -141.00187 currency_code: CAD start_of_week: sunday - continent: Asia alpha2: CC alpha3: CCK country_code: '61' international_prefix: '0011' ioc: gec: CK name: Cocos (Keeling) Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '166' region: Oceania subregion: Australia and New Zealand world_region: APAC un_locode: CC nationality: Cocos Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Kokosinseln - ココス(キーリング)諸島 - Cocoseilanden languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -12.1706919 latitude_dec: "-12.200602531433105" longitude: 96.841748 longitude_dec: '96.85894012451172' max_latitude: -11.819973 max_longitude: 96.93271639999999 min_latitude: -12.2118513 min_longitude: 96.8134118 bounds: northeast: lat: -11.819973 lng: 96.93271639999999 southwest: lat: -12.2118513 lng: 96.8134118 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CD alpha3: COD country_code: '243' international_prefix: '00' ioc: COD gec: CG name: Congo (Democratic Republic of the) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '180' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CD nationality: Congolese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Congo (Dem. Rep.) - Kongo (Dem. Rep.) - Congo (Rep. Dem.) - コンゴ民主共和国 - Congo [DRC] - Congo (The Democratic Republic Of The) - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Congo, Democratic Republic of languages_official: - fr - ln - kg - sw - lu languages_spoken: - fr - ln - kg - sw - lu geo: latitude: -4.038333 latitude_dec: "-2.879866123199463" longitude: 21.758664 longitude_dec: '23.6563777923584' max_latitude: 5.3920029 max_longitude: 31.314612 min_latitude: -13.4590349 min_longitude: 12.1454 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.3920029 lng: 31.314612 southwest: lat: -13.4590349 lng: 12.1454 currency_code: CDF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CF alpha3: CAF country_code: '236' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CAF gec: CT name: Central African Republic national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '140' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CF nationality: Central African postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Central African Republic - Zentralafrikanische Republik - République Centrafricaine - República Centroafricana - 中央アフリカ共和国 - Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek languages_official: - fr - sg languages_spoken: - fr - sg geo: latitude: 6.611110999999999 latitude_dec: '6.574123382568359' longitude: 20.939444 longitude_dec: '20.486923217773438' max_latitude: 11.0179569 max_longitude: 27.4583049 min_latitude: 2.2208493 min_longitude: 14.4150981 bounds: northeast: lat: 11.0179569 lng: 27.4583049 southwest: lat: 2.2208493 lng: 14.4150981 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CG alpha3: COG country_code: '242' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CGO gec: CF name: Congo national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '178' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CG nationality: Congolese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Congo - Kongo - コンゴ共和国 - Congo [Republiek] - Congo, Republic of languages_official: - fr - ln languages_spoken: - fr - ln geo: latitude: -0.228021 latitude_dec: "-2.879866123199463" longitude: 15.827659 longitude_dec: '23.6563777923584' max_latitude: 3.707791 max_longitude: 18.643611 min_latitude: -5.0964 min_longitude: 11.1182001 bounds: northeast: lat: 3.707791 lng: 18.643611 southwest: lat: -5.0964 lng: 11.1182001 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: CH alpha3: CHE country_code: '41' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SUI gec: SZ name: Switzerland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '756' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: CH nationality: Swiss eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 8 reduced: - 2.5 - 3.8 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Switzerland - Schweiz - Suisse - Suiza - スイス - Zwitserland languages_official: - de - fr - it languages_spoken: - de - fr - it geo: latitude: 46.818188 latitude_dec: '46.80379867553711' longitude: 8.227511999999999 longitude_dec: '8.222854614257812' max_latitude: 47.8084546 max_longitude: 10.4923401 min_latitude: 45.81792 min_longitude: 5.95608 bounds: northeast: lat: 47.8084546 lng: 10.4923401 southwest: lat: 45.81792 lng: 5.95608 currency_code: CHF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CI alpha3: CIV country_code: '225' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CIV gec: IV name: Côte d'Ivoire national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '384' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CI nationality: Ivorian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Côte D'Ivoire - Elfenbeinküste - コートジボワール - Ivoorkust - Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Cote d Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - Ivory Coast languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 7.539988999999999 latitude_dec: '7.598755359649658' longitude: -5.547079999999999 longitude_dec: "-5.552574634552002" max_latitude: 10.7400151 max_longitude: -2.493031 min_latitude: 4.193 min_longitude: -8.6020589 bounds: northeast: lat: 10.7400151 lng: -2.493031 southwest: lat: 4.193 lng: -8.6020589 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: CK alpha3: COK country_code: '682' international_prefix: '00' ioc: COK gec: CW name: Cook Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 national_prefix: '00' number: '184' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: CK nationality: Cook Islander postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Cook Islands - Cookinseln - Îles Cook - Islas Cook - クック諸島 - Cookeilanden languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -21.236736 latitude_dec: "-21.22330665588379" longitude: -159.777671 longitude_dec: "-159.7405548095703" max_latitude: -8.1679932 max_longitude: -155.6982422 min_latitude: -23.0898384 min_longitude: -166.1791992 bounds: northeast: lat: -8.1679932 lng: -155.6982422 southwest: lat: -23.0898384 lng: -166.1791992 currency_code: NZD start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: CL alpha3: CHL country_code: '56' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CHI gec: CI name: Chile national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '152' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: CL nationality: Chilean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Chile - チリ - Chili languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: -35.675147 latitude_dec: "-35.78622817993164" longitude: -71.542969 longitude_dec: "-71.67467498779297" max_latitude: -17.4983293 max_longitude: -66.3327 min_latitude: -56.1455 min_longitude: -110.0281 bounds: northeast: lat: -17.4983293 lng: -66.3327 southwest: lat: -56.1455 lng: -110.0281 currency_code: CLP start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CM alpha3: CMR country_code: '237' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CMR gec: CM name: Cameroon national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '120' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CM nationality: Cameroonian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Cameroon - Kamerun - Cameroun - Camerún - カメルーン - Kameroen languages_official: - en - fr languages_spoken: - en - fr geo: latitude: 7.369721999999999 latitude_dec: '5.685476779937744' longitude: 12.354722 longitude_dec: '12.722877502441406' max_latitude: 13.083335 max_longitude: 16.1944081 min_latitude: 1.6559 min_longitude: 8.3936001 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.083335 lng: 16.1944081 southwest: lat: 1.6559 lng: 8.3936001 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: CN alpha3: CHN country_code: '86' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CHN gec: CH name: China national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '0' number: '156' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: CN nationality: Chinese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - China - Chine - 中国 languages_official: - zh languages_spoken: - zh geo: latitude: 35.86166 latitude_dec: '36.55308532714844' longitude: 104.195397 longitude_dec: '103.97543334960938' max_latitude: 53.56097399999999 max_longitude: 134.7728099 min_latitude: 17.9996 min_longitude: 73.4994136 bounds: northeast: lat: 53.56097399999999 lng: 134.7728099 southwest: lat: 17.9996 lng: 73.4994136 currency_code: CNY start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: CO alpha3: COL country_code: '57' international_prefix: '005' ioc: COL gec: CO name: Colombia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '05' number: '170' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: CO nationality: Colombian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Colombia - Kolumbien - Colombie - コロンビア languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 4.570868 latitude_dec: '3.9976072311401367' longitude: -74.297333 longitude_dec: "-73.27796936035156" max_latitude: 13.5177999 max_longitude: -66.851923 min_latitude: -4.22711 min_longitude: -81.8317 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.5177999 lng: -66.851923 southwest: lat: -4.22711 lng: -81.8317 currency_code: COP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: CR alpha3: CRI country_code: '506' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CRC gec: CS name: Costa Rica national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '188' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: CR nationality: Costa Rican postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Costa Rica - コスタリカ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 9.748916999999999 latitude_dec: '9.884991645812988' longitude: -83.753428 longitude_dec: "-84.22723388671875" max_latitude: 11.2196808 max_longitude: -82.51830009999999 min_latitude: 5.496099999999999 min_longitude: -87.09899999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 11.2196808 lng: -82.51830009999999 southwest: lat: 5.496099999999999 lng: -87.09899999999999 currency_code: CRC start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: CU alpha3: CUB country_code: '53' international_prefix: '119' ioc: CUB gec: CU name: Cuba national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '192' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: CU nationality: Cuban postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cuba - Kuba - キューバ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 21.521757 latitude_dec: '22.066335678100586' longitude: -77.781167 longitude_dec: "-79.4531478881836" max_latitude: 23.3776001 max_longitude: -73.9545 min_latitude: 19.6529001 min_longitude: -85.1715001 bounds: northeast: lat: 23.3776001 lng: -73.9545 southwest: lat: 19.6529001 lng: -85.1715001 currency_code: CUP start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: CV alpha3: CPV country_code: '238' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CPV gec: CV name: Cabo Verde national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '132' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: CV nationality: Cape Verdian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cape Verde - Kap Verde - Cap Vert - Cabo Verde - カーボベルデ - Kaapverdië languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: 15.120142 latitude_dec: '15.183002471923828' longitude: -23.6051868 longitude_dec: "-23.70345115661621" max_latitude: 17.3191764 max_longitude: -22.5933839 min_latitude: 14.7270733 min_longitude: -25.383911 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.3191764 lng: -22.5933839 southwest: lat: 14.7270733 lng: -25.383911 currency_code: CVE start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: CW alpha3: CUW country_code: '599' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: UC name: Curaçao national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '531' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: CW nationality: Dutch postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Curaçao - キュラソー島 languages_official: - nl languages_spoken: - nl geo: latitude: 12.16957 latitude_dec: '12.163220405578613' longitude: -68.99002 longitude_dec: "-68.94505310058594" max_latitude: 12.4941999 max_longitude: -68.5670001 min_latitude: 11.9224 min_longitude: -69.29899999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.4941999 lng: -68.5670001 southwest: lat: 11.9224 lng: -69.29899999999999 currency_code: ANG start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: CX alpha3: CXR country_code: '61' international_prefix: '0011' ioc: gec: KT name: Christmas Island national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '0' number: '162' region: Oceania subregion: Australia and New Zealand world_region: APAC un_locode: CX nationality: Christmas Island postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Christmas Island - Weihnachtsinsel - クリスマス島 - Christmaseiland languages_official: - en - zh - ms languages_spoken: - en - zh - ms geo: latitude: -10.447525 latitude_dec: "-10.490290641784668" longitude: 105.690449 longitude_dec: '105.63275146484375' max_latitude: -10.412352 max_longitude: 105.7129382 min_latitude: -10.5703619 min_longitude: 105.5333161 bounds: northeast: lat: -10.412352 lng: 105.7129382 southwest: lat: -10.5703619 lng: 105.5333161 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: CY alpha3: CYP country_code: '357' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CYP gec: CY name: Cyprus national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '196' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: CY nationality: Cypriot eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 19 reduced: - 5 - 9 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cyprus - Zypern - Chypre - Chipre - キプロス languages_official: - el - tr - hy languages_spoken: - el - tr - hy geo: latitude: 35.126413 latitude_dec: '35.11473846435547' longitude: 33.429859 longitude_dec: '33.486717224121094' max_latitude: 35.7071999 max_longitude: 34.60450000000001 min_latitude: 34.6304001 min_longitude: 32.2459 bounds: northeast: lat: 35.7071999 lng: 34.60450000000001 southwest: lat: 34.6304001 lng: 32.2459 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: CZ alpha3: CZE country_code: '420' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CZE gec: EZ name: Czechia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '203' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: CZ nationality: Czech eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 15 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Czech Republic - Tschechische Republik - République Tchèque - República Checa - チェコ - Tsjechië languages_official: - cs - sk languages_spoken: - cs - sk geo: latitude: 49.81749199999999 latitude_dec: '49.739105224609375' longitude: 15.472962 longitude_dec: '15.331501007080078' max_latitude: 51.0557185 max_longitude: 18.8592361 min_latitude: 48.5518081 min_longitude: 12.090589 bounds: northeast: lat: 51.0557185 lng: 18.8592361 southwest: lat: 48.5518081 lng: 12.090589 currency_code: CZK start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: DE alpha3: DEU country_code: '49' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GER gec: GM name: Germany national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '0' number: '276' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: DE nationality: German eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 19 reduced: - 7 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Germany - Deutschland - Allemagne - Alemania - ドイツ - Duitsland languages_official: - de languages_spoken: - de geo: latitude: 51.165691 latitude_dec: '51.20246505737305' longitude: 10.451526 longitude_dec: '10.382203102111816' max_latitude: 55.0815 max_longitude: 15.0418962 min_latitude: 47.2701115 min_longitude: 5.8663425 bounds: northeast: lat: 55.0815 lng: 15.0418962 southwest: lat: 47.2701115 lng: 5.8663425 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: DJ alpha3: DJI country_code: '253' international_prefix: '00' ioc: DJI gec: DJ name: Djibouti national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '262' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: DJ nationality: Djibouti postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Djibouti - جيبوتي - Dschibuti - ジブチ languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: 11.825138 latitude_dec: '11.742591857910156' longitude: 42.590275 longitude_dec: '42.63182830810547' max_latitude: 12.7136973 max_longitude: 43.4839 min_latitude: 10.9319439 min_longitude: 41.759722 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.7136973 lng: 43.4839 southwest: lat: 10.9319439 lng: 41.759722 currency_code: DJF start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: DK alpha3: DNK country_code: '45' international_prefix: '00' ioc: DEN gec: DA name: Denmark national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '208' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: DK nationality: Danish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 25 reduced: [] super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Denmark - Dänemark - Danemark - Dinamarca - デンマーク - Denemarken languages_official: - da languages_spoken: - da geo: latitude: 56.26392 latitude_dec: '56.10176086425781' longitude: 9.501785 longitude_dec: '9.555907249450684' max_latitude: 58.02846 max_longitude: 15.2298 min_latitude: 54.4317001 min_longitude: 7.855200099999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 58.02846 lng: 15.2298 southwest: lat: 54.4317001 lng: 7.855200099999999 currency_code: DKK start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: DM alpha3: DMA country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1767' international_prefix: '011' ioc: DMA gec: DO name: Dominica national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '212' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: DM nationality: Dominican postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Dominica - ドミニカ国 languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 15.414999 latitude_dec: '15.3991060256958' longitude: -61.37097600000001 longitude_dec: "-61.33945846557617" max_latitude: 15.6485199 max_longitude: -61.23090180000001 min_latitude: 15.2042266 min_longitude: -61.484108 bounds: northeast: lat: 15.6485199 lng: -61.23090180000001 southwest: lat: 15.2042266 lng: -61.484108 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: DO alpha3: DOM country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: DOM gec: DR name: Dominican Republic national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '214' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: DO nationality: Dominican postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Dominican Republic - Dominikanische Republik - République Dominicaine - República Dominicana - ドミニカ共和国 - Dominicaanse Republiek languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 18.735693 latitude_dec: '19.019824981689453' longitude: -70.162651 longitude_dec: "-70.79285430908203" max_latitude: 19.9786989 max_longitude: -68.25260010000001 min_latitude: 17.3611001 min_longitude: -72.0075099 bounds: northeast: lat: 19.9786989 lng: -68.25260010000001 southwest: lat: 17.3611001 lng: -72.0075099 currency_code: DOP start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: DZ alpha3: DZA country_code: '213' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ALG gec: AG name: Algeria national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '7' number: '012' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: DZ nationality: Algerian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Algeria - الجزائر - Algerien - Algérie - Argelia - アルジェリア - Algerije languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 28.033886 latitude_dec: '28.213645935058594' longitude: 1.659626 longitude_dec: '2.6547281742095947' max_latitude: 37.2216 max_longitude: 11.999999 min_latitude: 18.968147 min_longitude: -8.667611299999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 37.2216 lng: 11.999999 southwest: lat: 18.968147 lng: -8.667611299999999 currency_code: DZD start_of_week: sunday - continent: South America alpha2: EC alpha3: ECU country_code: '593' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ECU gec: EC name: Ecuador national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '218' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: EC nationality: Ecuadorean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Ecuador - Équateur - エクアドル languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: -1.831239 latitude_dec: "-1.421528935432434" longitude: -78.18340599999999 longitude_dec: "-78.87104034423828" max_latitude: 2.2955 max_longitude: -75.188794 min_latitude: -5.0143511 min_longitude: -92.60379999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 2.2955 lng: -75.188794 southwest: lat: -5.0143511 lng: -92.60379999999999 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: EE alpha3: EST country_code: '372' international_prefix: '00' ioc: EST gec: EN name: Estonia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '233' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: EE nationality: Estonian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 9 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Estonia - Estland - Estonie - エストニア languages_official: - et languages_spoken: - et geo: latitude: 58.595272 latitude_dec: '58.69374465942383' longitude: 25.013607 longitude_dec: '25.24162483215332' max_latitude: 59.7315 max_longitude: 28.2101389 min_latitude: 57.50931600000001 min_longitude: 21.6540999 bounds: northeast: lat: 59.7315 lng: 28.2101389 southwest: lat: 57.50931600000001 lng: 21.6540999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: EG alpha3: EGY country_code: '20' international_prefix: '00' ioc: EGY gec: EG name: Egypt national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '818' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: EG nationality: Egyptian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Egypt - مصر - Ägypten - Égypte - Egipto - エジプト - Egypte languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 26.820553 latitude_dec: '26.756103515625' longitude: 30.802498 longitude_dec: '29.86229705810547' max_latitude: 31.8122 max_longitude: 37.0569 min_latitude: 21.9999999 min_longitude: 24.696775 bounds: northeast: lat: 31.8122 lng: 37.0569 southwest: lat: 21.9999999 lng: 24.696775 currency_code: EGP start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: EH alpha3: ESH country_code: '212' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: WI name: Western Sahara national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '732' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: EH nationality: Sahrawi postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Western Sahara - الصحراء الغربية - Westsahara - Sahara Occidental - 西サハラ - Westelijke Sahara languages_official: - es - fr languages_spoken: - es - fr geo: latitude: 24.215527 latitude_dec: '25' longitude: -12.885834 longitude_dec: "-13" max_latitude: 27.7223999 max_longitude: -8.667525 min_latitude: 20.427 min_longitude: -17.4573001 bounds: northeast: lat: 27.7223999 lng: -8.667525 southwest: lat: 20.427 lng: -17.4573001 currency_code: MAD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: ER alpha3: ERI country_code: '291' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ERI gec: ER name: Eritrea national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '232' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ER nationality: Eritrean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Eritrea - إريتريا - Érythrée - エリトリア languages_official: - en - ar - ti languages_spoken: - en - ar - ti geo: latitude: 15.179384 latitude_dec: '15.397199630737305' longitude: 39.782334 longitude_dec: '39.087188720703125' max_latitude: 18.0204137 max_longitude: 43.2312 min_latitude: 12.354723 min_longitude: 36.433348 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.0204137 lng: 43.2312 southwest: lat: 12.354723 lng: 36.433348 currency_code: ETB start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: ES alpha3: ESP country_code: '34' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ESP gec: SP name: Spain national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '724' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: ES nationality: Spanish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 10 super_reduced: 4 parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Spain - Spanien - Espagne - España - スペイン - Spanje languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 40.46366700000001 latitude_dec: '40.396026611328125' longitude: -3.74922 longitude_dec: "-3.550692558288574" max_latitude: 43.8504 max_longitude: 4.6362 min_latitude: 27.4985 min_longitude: -18.2648001 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.8504 lng: 4.6362 southwest: lat: 27.4985 lng: -18.2648001 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: ET alpha3: ETH country_code: '251' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ETH gec: ET name: Ethiopia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '231' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ET nationality: Ethiopian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Ethiopia - Äthiopien - Éthiopie - Etiopía - エチオピア - Ethiopië languages_official: - am languages_spoken: - am geo: latitude: 9.145000000000001 latitude_dec: '8.626703262329102' longitude: 40.489673 longitude_dec: '39.63755416870117' max_latitude: 14.8942141 max_longitude: 48.0010561 min_latitude: 3.4041369 min_longitude: 32.997734 bounds: northeast: lat: 14.8942141 lng: 48.0010561 southwest: lat: 3.4041369 lng: 32.997734 currency_code: ETB start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: FI alpha3: FIN country_code: '358' international_prefix: '00' ioc: FIN gec: FI name: Finland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '246' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: FI nationality: Finnish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 24 reduced: - 10 - 14 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Finland - Finnland - Finlande - Finlandia - フィンランド languages_official: - fi - sv languages_spoken: - fi - sv geo: latitude: 61.92410999999999 latitude_dec: '64.28858184814453' longitude: 25.748151 longitude_dec: '25.989402770996094' max_latitude: 70.0922932 max_longitude: 31.5870999 min_latitude: 59.693623 min_longitude: 20.4565003 bounds: northeast: lat: 70.0922932 lng: 31.5870999 southwest: lat: 59.693623 lng: 20.4565003 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: FJ alpha3: FJI country_code: '679' international_prefix: '00' ioc: FIJ gec: FJ name: Fiji national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '242' region: Oceania subregion: Melanesia world_region: APAC un_locode: FJ nationality: Fijian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Fiji - Fidschi - Fidji - フィジー languages_official: - en - fj - hi - ur languages_spoken: - en - fj - hi - ur geo: latitude: -17.713371 latitude_dec: "-17.658161163330078" longitude: 178.065032 longitude_dec: '178.1472625732422' max_latitude: -12.2084957 max_longitude: -177.8686523 min_latitude: -20.8998713 min_longitude: 176.7919922 bounds: northeast: lat: -12.2084957 lng: -177.8686523 southwest: lat: -20.8998713 lng: 176.7919922 currency_code: FJD start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: FK alpha3: FLK country_code: '500' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: FK name: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 national_prefix: None number: '238' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: FK nationality: Falkland Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Falkland Islands - Falklandinseln - Îles Malouines - Islas Malvinas - フォークランド(マルビナス)諸島 - Falklandeilanden [Islas Malvinas] languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -51.796253 latitude_dec: "-51.77312469482422" longitude: -59.523613 longitude_dec: "-59.727909088134766" max_latitude: -50.9809115 max_longitude: -57.6768495 min_latitude: -52.4744161 min_longitude: -61.379242 bounds: northeast: lat: -50.9809115 lng: -57.6768495 southwest: lat: -52.4744161 lng: -61.379242 currency_code: FKP start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: FM alpha3: FSM country_code: '691' international_prefix: '011' ioc: FSM gec: FM name: Micronesia (Federated States of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '1' number: '583' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: FM nationality: Micronesian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Micronesia - Mikronesien - Micronésie - ミクロネシア連邦 - Micronesië languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 6.8874813 latitude_dec: '6.869349002838135' longitude: 158.2150717 longitude_dec: '158.187255859375' max_latitude: 10.2770863 max_longitude: 163.5177612 min_latitude: 0.1538084 min_longitude: 136.9226075 bounds: northeast: lat: 10.2770863 lng: 163.5177612 southwest: lat: 0.1538084 lng: 136.9226075 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: FO alpha3: FRO country_code: '298' international_prefix: '00' ioc: FRO gec: FO name: Faroe Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '234' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: FO nationality: Faroese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Faroe Islands - Färöer-Inseln - Îles Féroé - Islas Faroe - フェロー諸島 - Faeröer languages_official: - fo languages_spoken: - fo geo: latitude: 61.89263500000001 latitude_dec: '62.009559631347656' longitude: -6.911805999999999 longitude_dec: "-6.818255424499512" max_latitude: 62.4310742 max_longitude: -6.190795899999999 min_latitude: 61.3677776 min_longitude: -7.717895500000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 62.4310742 lng: -6.190795899999999 southwest: lat: 61.3677776 lng: -7.717895500000001 currency_code: DKK start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: FR alpha3: FRA country_code: '33' international_prefix: '00' ioc: FRA gec: FR name: France national_destination_code_lengths: - 1 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '250' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: FR nationality: French eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 5.5 - 10 super_reduced: 2.1 parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - France - Frankreich - the French Republic - フランス - Frankrijk - Francia languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 46.227638 latitude_dec: '46.63727951049805' longitude: 2.213749 longitude_dec: '2.3382623195648193' max_latitude: 51.1241999 max_longitude: 9.6624999 min_latitude: 41.3253001 min_longitude: -5.5591 bounds: northeast: lat: 51.1241999 lng: 9.6624999 southwest: lat: 41.3253001 lng: -5.5591 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GA alpha3: GAB country_code: '241' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GAB gec: GB name: Gabon national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '266' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GA nationality: Gabonese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Gabon - Gabun - Gabón - ガボン languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -0.803689 latitude_dec: "-0.6345400810241699" longitude: 11.609444 longitude_dec: '11.738608360290527' max_latitude: 2.318109 max_longitude: 14.5269234 min_latitude: -4.1656 min_longitude: 8.421 bounds: northeast: lat: 2.318109 lng: 14.5269234 southwest: lat: -4.1656 lng: 8.421 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: GB alpha3: GBR country_code: '44' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GBR gec: UK name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '0' number: '826' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: GB nationality: British eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 5 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - United Kingdom - Vereinigtes Königreich - Royaume-Uni - Reino Unido - イギリス - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Great Britain (UK) - Великобритания languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 55.378051 latitude_dec: '54.56088638305664' longitude: -3.435973 longitude_dec: "-2.2125117778778076" max_latitude: 60.91569999999999 max_longitude: 33.9165549 min_latitude: 34.5614 min_longitude: -8.8988999 bounds: northeast: lat: 60.91569999999999 lng: 33.9165549 southwest: lat: 34.5614 lng: -8.8988999 currency_code: GBP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: GD alpha3: GRD country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1473' international_prefix: '011' ioc: GRN gec: GJ name: Grenada national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '308' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: GD nationality: Grenadian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Grenada - グレナダ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 12.1165 latitude_dec: '12.178866386413574' longitude: -61.67899999999999 longitude_dec: "-61.64693069458008" max_latitude: 12.5367 max_longitude: -61.3746999 min_latitude: 11.9829051 min_longitude: -61.80589999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.5367 lng: -61.3746999 southwest: lat: 11.9829051 lng: -61.80589999999999 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: GE alpha3: GEO country_code: '995' international_prefix: '810' ioc: GEO gec: GG name: Georgia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: 8* number: '268' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: GE nationality: Georgian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Georgia - Georgien - Géorgie - グルジア - Georgië languages_official: - ka languages_spoken: - ka geo: latitude: 42.315407 latitude_dec: '42.3207845' longitude: 43.35689199999999 longitude_dec: '43.3713615' max_latitude: 43.586627 max_longitude: 46.736119 min_latitude: 41.054942 min_longitude: 39.9792001 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.586627 lng: 46.736119 southwest: lat: 41.054942 lng: 39.9792001 currency_code: GEL start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: GF alpha3: GUF country_code: '594' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: FG name: French Guiana national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: None number: '254' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: GF nationality: French Guianan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - French Guiana - Französisch Guyana - Guayana Francesa - フランス領ギアナ - Frans-Guyana languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 3.933889 latitude_dec: '4.069991111755371' longitude: -53.125782 longitude_dec: "-53.16830825805664" max_latitude: 5.9548 max_longitude: -51.6164491 min_latitude: 2.109287 min_longitude: -54.5544379 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.9548 lng: -51.6164491 southwest: lat: 2.109287 lng: -54.5544379 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: GG alpha3: GGY country_code: '44' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: GK name: Guernsey national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '831' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: GG nationality: Channel Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Guernsey and Alderney - Guernsey und Alderney - Guernsey et Alderney - Guernsey y Alderney - ガーンジー - Guernsey languages_official: - en - fr languages_spoken: - en - fr geo: latitude: 49.465691 latitude_dec: '49.72008514404297' longitude: -2.585278 longitude_dec: "-2.1999685764312744" max_latitude: 49.7345001 max_longitude: -2.1563 min_latitude: 49.3969001 min_longitude: -2.6831001 bounds: northeast: lat: 49.7345001 lng: -2.1563 southwest: lat: 49.3969001 lng: -2.6831001 currency_code: GBP start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GH alpha3: GHA country_code: '233' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GHA gec: GH name: Ghana national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '288' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GH nationality: Ghanaian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Ghana - ガーナ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 7.946527 latitude_dec: '7.921330451965332' longitude: -1.023194 longitude_dec: "-1.2043862342834473" max_latitude: 11.175031 max_longitude: 1.199972 min_latitude: 4.6339001 min_longitude: -3.260786 bounds: northeast: lat: 11.175031 lng: 1.199972 southwest: lat: 4.6339001 lng: -3.260786 currency_code: GHS start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: GI alpha3: GIB country_code: '350' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: GI name: Gibraltar national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '292' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: GI nationality: Gibraltar postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Gibraltar - ジブラルタル languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 36.140751 latitude_dec: '36.135841369628906' longitude: -5.353585 longitude_dec: "-5.349248886108398" max_latitude: 36.1551188 max_longitude: -5.334499999999999 min_latitude: 36.1038999 min_longitude: -5.3721 bounds: northeast: lat: 36.1551188 lng: -5.334499999999999 southwest: lat: 36.1038999 lng: -5.3721 currency_code: GIP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: GL alpha3: GRL country_code: '299' international_prefix: 009 ioc: gec: GL name: Greenland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '304' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: EMEA un_locode: GL nationality: Greenlandic postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Greenland - Grönland - Groenland - Groenlandia - グリーンランド languages_official: - kl languages_spoken: - kl geo: latitude: 71.706936 latitude_dec: '74.34954833984375' longitude: -42.604303 longitude_dec: "-41.08988952636719" max_latitude: 83.97025599999999 max_longitude: -8.2617197 min_latitude: 58.26329 min_longitude: -73.8281197 bounds: northeast: lat: 83.97025599999999 lng: -8.2617197 southwest: lat: 58.26329 lng: -73.8281197 currency_code: DKK start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GM alpha3: GMB country_code: '220' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GAM gec: GA name: Gambia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '270' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GM nationality: Gambian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Gambia - ガンビア languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 13.443182 latitude_dec: '13.440265655517578' longitude: -15.310139 longitude_dec: "-15.490884780883789" max_latitude: 13.8249497 max_longitude: -13.7928726 min_latitude: 13.0098999 min_longitude: -16.9464001 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.8249497 lng: -13.7928726 southwest: lat: 13.0098999 lng: -16.9464001 currency_code: GMD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GN alpha3: GIN country_code: '224' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GUI gec: GV name: Guinea national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '324' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GN nationality: Guinean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Guinea - Guinée - ギニア - Guinee languages_official: - fr - ff languages_spoken: - fr - ff geo: latitude: 9.945587 latitude_dec: '10.429302215576172' longitude: -9.696645 longitude_dec: "-10.98954963684082" max_latitude: 12.6746159 max_longitude: -7.637853 min_latitude: 7.190909099999999 min_longitude: -15.282 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.6746159 lng: -7.637853 southwest: lat: 7.190909099999999 lng: -15.282 currency_code: GNF start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: GP alpha3: GLP country_code: '590' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: GP name: Guadeloupe national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: None number: '312' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: GP nationality: Guadeloupian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Guadeloupe - Guadalupe - グアドループ languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 16.265 latitude_dec: '16.256731033325195' longitude: -61.55099999999999 longitude_dec: "-61.56741714477539" max_latitude: 16.5572273 max_longitude: -60.9473 min_latitude: 15.742032 min_longitude: -61.8468 bounds: northeast: lat: 16.5572273 lng: -60.9473 southwest: lat: 15.742032 lng: -61.8468 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GQ alpha3: GNQ country_code: '240' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GEQ gec: EK name: Equatorial Guinea national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '226' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GQ nationality: Equatorial Guinean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Equatorial Guinea - Äquatorial-Guinea - Guinée Équatoriale - Guinea Ecuatorial - 赤道ギニア - Equatoriaal-Guinea languages_official: - es - fr languages_spoken: - es - fr geo: latitude: 1.650801 latitude_dec: '1.5331259965896606' longitude: 10.267895 longitude_dec: '10.372581481933594' max_latitude: 3.8355 max_longitude: 11.3333 min_latitude: -1.5475 min_longitude: 5.541900099999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 3.8355 lng: 11.3333 southwest: lat: -1.5475 lng: 5.541900099999999 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: GR alpha3: GRC country_code: '30' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GRE gec: GR name: Greece national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: None number: '300' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: GR nationality: Greek eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 23 reduced: - 6.5 - 13 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Greece - Griechenland - Grèce - Grecia - ギリシャ - Griekenland languages_official: - el languages_spoken: - el geo: latitude: 39.074208 latitude_dec: '39.68437194824219' longitude: 21.824312 longitude_dec: '21.897409439086914' max_latitude: 41.7488784 max_longitude: 29.6527999 min_latitude: 34.5428 min_longitude: 19.3098 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.7488784 lng: 29.6527999 southwest: lat: 34.5428 lng: 19.3098 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Antarctica alpha2: GS alpha3: SGS country_code: '500' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: SX name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '239' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: GS nationality: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - South Georgia - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln - サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島 - Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -54.429579 latitude_dec: "-54.459922790527344" longitude: -36.587909 longitude_dec: "-36.354618072509766" max_latitude: -53.8525267 max_longitude: -25.4663086 min_latitude: -59.91097600000001 min_longitude: -38.4301758 bounds: northeast: lat: -53.8525267 lng: -25.4663086 southwest: lat: -59.91097600000001 lng: -38.4301758 currency_code: GBP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: GT alpha3: GTM country_code: '502' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GUA gec: GT name: Guatemala national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '320' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: GT nationality: Guatemalan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Guatemala - グアテマラ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 15.783471 latitude_dec: '15.670565605163574' longitude: -90.23075899999999 longitude_dec: "-90.3486557006836" max_latitude: 17.8156973 max_longitude: -88.1982001 min_latitude: 13.63 min_longitude: -92.2714 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.8156973 lng: -88.1982001 southwest: lat: 13.63 lng: -92.2714 currency_code: GTQ start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: GU alpha3: GUM country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1671' international_prefix: '011' ioc: GUM gec: GQ name: Guam national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '316' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: GU nationality: Guamanian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Guam - グアム languages_official: - en - ch - es languages_spoken: - en - ch - es geo: latitude: 13.444304 latitude_dec: '13.42112922668457' longitude: 144.793731 longitude_dec: '144.73971557617188' max_latitude: 13.7994072 max_longitude: 145.112915 min_latitude: 13.1022175 min_longitude: 144.4647218 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.7994072 lng: 145.112915 southwest: lat: 13.1022175 lng: 144.4647218 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: GW alpha3: GNB country_code: '245' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GBS gec: PU name: Guinea-Bissau national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '624' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: GW nationality: Guinea-Bissauan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Guinea-Bissau - Guinée-Bissau - ギニアビサウ - Guinee-Bissau - Guinea Bissau languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: 11.803749 latitude_dec: '12.115862846374512' longitude: -15.180413 longitude_dec: "-14.748136520385742" max_latitude: 12.6869468 max_longitude: -13.6265235 min_latitude: 10.7146 min_longitude: -16.9518999 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.6869468 lng: -13.6265235 southwest: lat: 10.7146 lng: -16.9518999 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: GY alpha3: GUY country_code: '592' international_prefix: '00' ioc: GUY gec: GY name: Guyana national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 national_prefix: None number: '328' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: GY nationality: Guyanese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Guyana - ガイアナ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 4.860416 latitude_dec: '4.917311191558838' longitude: -58.93018 longitude_dec: "-58.94346237182617" max_latitude: 8.722199999999999 max_longitude: -56.49112 min_latitude: 1.164724 min_longitude: -61.414905 bounds: northeast: lat: 8.722199999999999 lng: -56.49112 southwest: lat: 1.164724 lng: -61.414905 currency_code: GYD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: HK alpha3: HKG country_code: '852' international_prefix: '001' ioc: HKG gec: HK name: Hong Kong national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '344' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: HK nationality: Hong Kongese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Hong Kong - 香港 - Hongkong languages_official: - en - zh languages_spoken: - en - zh geo: latitude: 22.396428 latitude_dec: '22.336156845092773' longitude: 114.109497 longitude_dec: '114.18696594238281' max_latitude: 22.561968 max_longitude: 114.4294999 min_latitude: 22.1435 min_longitude: 113.8259001 bounds: northeast: lat: 22.561968 lng: 114.4294999 southwest: lat: 22.1435 lng: 113.8259001 currency_code: HKD start_of_week: monday - continent: Antarctica alpha2: HM alpha3: HMD country_code: '' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: HM name: Heard Island and McDonald Islands national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '334' region: '' subregion: '' un_locode: HM nationality: Heard and McDonald Islander postal_code: true world_region: APAC unofficial_names: - Heard and McDonald Islands - Heard und die McDonaldinseln - ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 - Heard- en McDonaldeilanden - Heard Island and McDonald Islands languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -53.08181 latitude_dec: "-53.080108642578125" longitude: 73.50415799999999 longitude_dec: '73.56218719482422' max_latitude: -52.9609444 max_longitude: 73.7792016 min_latitude: -53.19168759999999 min_longitude: 73.25065599999999 bounds: northeast: lat: -52.9609444 lng: 73.7792016 southwest: lat: -53.19168759999999 lng: 73.25065599999999 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: HN alpha3: HND country_code: '504' international_prefix: '00' ioc: HON gec: HO name: Honduras national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '340' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: HN nationality: Honduran postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Honduras - ホンジュラス languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 15.199999 latitude_dec: '14.975032806396484' longitude: -86.241905 longitude_dec: "-86.2647705078125" max_latitude: 17.4677999 max_longitude: -83.0621001 min_latitude: 12.9842246 min_longitude: -89.3564822 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.4677999 lng: -83.0621001 southwest: lat: 12.9842246 lng: -89.3564822 currency_code: HNL start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: HR alpha3: HRV country_code: '385' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CRO gec: HR name: Croatia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '191' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: HR nationality: Croatian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 25 reduced: - 5 - 13 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Croatia - Kroatien - Croatie - Croacia - クロアチア - Kroatië - Croatia (Hrvatska) languages_official: - hr languages_spoken: - hr geo: latitude: 45.1 latitude_dec: '45.444305419921875' longitude: 15.2 longitude_dec: '15.734503746032715' max_latitude: 46.5549857 max_longitude: 19.4480523 min_latitude: 42.3385087 min_longitude: 13.3649 bounds: northeast: lat: 46.5549857 lng: 19.4480523 southwest: lat: 42.3385087 lng: 13.3649 currency_code: HRK start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: HT alpha3: HTI country_code: '509' international_prefix: '00' ioc: HAI gec: HA name: Haiti national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '332' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: HT nationality: Haitian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Haiti - ハイチ - Haïti languages_official: - fr - ht languages_spoken: - fr - ht geo: latitude: 18.971187 latitude_dec: '19.0732421875' longitude: -72.285215 longitude_dec: "-72.24127960205078" max_latitude: 20.1282 max_longitude: -71.621754 min_latitude: 17.9422 min_longitude: -74.6082 bounds: northeast: lat: 20.1282 lng: -71.621754 southwest: lat: 17.9422 lng: -74.6082 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{city}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: HU alpha3: HUN country_code: '36' international_prefix: '00' ioc: HUN gec: HU name: Hungary national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '06' number: '348' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: HU nationality: Hungarian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 27 reduced: - 5 - 18 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Hungary - Ungarn - Hongrie - Hungría - ハンガリー - Hongarije languages_official: - hu languages_spoken: - hu geo: latitude: 47.162494 latitude_dec: '47.165733337402344' longitude: 19.503304 longitude_dec: '19.416574478149414' max_latitude: 48.585234 max_longitude: 22.8981217 min_latitude: 45.7370889 min_longitude: 16.1133077 bounds: northeast: lat: 48.585234 lng: 22.8981217 southwest: lat: 45.7370889 lng: 16.1133077 currency_code: HUF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: ID alpha3: IDN country_code: '62' international_prefix: '001' ioc: INA gec: ID name: Indonesia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '0' number: '360' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: ID nationality: Indonesian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Indonesia - Indonesien - Indonésie - インドネシア - Indonesië languages_official: - id languages_spoken: - id geo: latitude: -0.789275 latitude_dec: "-1.248089075088501" longitude: 113.921327 longitude_dec: '115.41899871826172' max_latitude: 6.216999899999999 max_longitude: 141.0425 min_latitude: -11.1082999 min_longitude: 94.7351 bounds: northeast: lat: 6.216999899999999 lng: 141.0425 southwest: lat: -11.1082999 lng: 94.7351 currency_code: IDR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: IE alpha3: IRL country_code: '353' international_prefix: '00' ioc: IRL gec: EI name: Ireland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '372' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: IE nationality: Irish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 23 reduced: - 9 - 13.5 super_reduced: 4.8 parking: 13.5 postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Ireland - Irland - Irlande - Irlanda - アイルランド - Ierland languages_official: - en - ga languages_spoken: - en - ga geo: latitude: 53.41291 latitude_dec: '53.1827278137207' longitude: -8.24389 longitude_dec: "-8.196102142333984" max_latitude: 55.4602 max_longitude: -5.668900100000001 min_latitude: 51.3066 min_longitude: -10.7666001 bounds: northeast: lat: 55.4602 lng: -5.668900100000001 southwest: lat: 51.3066 lng: -10.7666001 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: IL alpha3: ISR country_code: '972' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ISR gec: IS name: Israel national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '376' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: IL nationality: Israeli postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Israel - Israël - イスラエル languages_official: - he - ar languages_spoken: - he - ar geo: latitude: 31.046051 latitude_dec: '31.814193725585938' longitude: 34.851612 longitude_dec: '34.75337219238281' max_latitude: 33.33280500000001 max_longitude: 35.896244 min_latitude: 29.47969999999999 min_longitude: 34.2673871 bounds: northeast: lat: 33.33280500000001 lng: 35.896244 southwest: lat: 29.47969999999999 lng: 34.2673871 currency_code: ILS start_of_week: sunday - continent: Europe alpha2: IM alpha3: IMN country_code: '44' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: IM name: Isle of Man national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '833' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: IM nationality: Manx postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Isle of Man - Insel Man - Île de Man - Isla de Man - マン島 languages_official: - en - gv languages_spoken: - en - gv geo: latitude: 54.236107 latitude_dec: '54.22451400756836' longitude: -4.548056 longitude_dec: "-4.562133312225342" max_latitude: 54.418247 max_longitude: -4.308327999999999 min_latitude: 54.04463999999999 min_longitude: -4.8301808 bounds: northeast: lat: 54.418247 lng: -4.308327999999999 southwest: lat: 54.04463999999999 lng: -4.8301808 currency_code: IMP start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{region}} {{city}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: IN alpha3: IND country_code: '91' international_prefix: '00' ioc: IND gec: IN name: India national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '356' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: IN nationality: Indian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - India - Indien - Inde - インド languages_official: - hi - en languages_spoken: - hi - en geo: latitude: 20.593684 latitude_dec: '23.4060115814209' longitude: 78.96288 longitude_dec: '79.45809173583984' max_latitude: 35.5087008 max_longitude: 97.39535869999999 min_latitude: 6.4626999 min_longitude: 68.1097 bounds: northeast: lat: 35.5087008 lng: 97.39535869999999 southwest: lat: 6.4626999 lng: 68.1097 currency_code: INR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: IO alpha3: IOT country_code: '246' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: IO name: British Indian Ocean Territory national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: 086 region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: APAC un_locode: IO nationality: Indian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - British Indian Ocean Territory - Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean - イギリス領インド洋地域 - Britse Gebieden in de Indische Oceaan languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -7.3346232 latitude_dec: "-6.196269989013672" longitude: 72.4242508 longitude_dec: '71.34793090820312' max_latitude: -5.1401857 max_longitude: 72.5880433 min_latitude: -7.4891118 min_longitude: 71.1859131 bounds: northeast: lat: -5.1401857 lng: 72.5880433 southwest: lat: -7.4891118 lng: 71.1859131 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: IQ alpha3: IRQ country_code: '964' international_prefix: '00' ioc: IRQ gec: IZ name: Iraq national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: None number: '368' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: IQ nationality: Iraqi postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Iraq - العراق - Irak - イラク languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 33.223191 latitude_dec: '33.044586181640625' longitude: 43.679291 longitude_dec: '43.77495574951172' max_latitude: 37.380645 max_longitude: 48.6350999 min_latitude: 29.0612079 min_longitude: 38.7936029 bounds: northeast: lat: 37.380645 lng: 48.6350999 southwest: lat: 29.0612079 lng: 38.7936029 currency_code: IQD start_of_week: sunday - continent: Asia alpha2: IR alpha3: IRN country_code: '98' international_prefix: '00' ioc: IRI gec: IR name: Iran (Islamic Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '364' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: IR nationality: Iranian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Iran - Irán - Iran (Islamic Republic Of) - イラン・イスラム共和国 - Islamic Republic of Iran languages_official: - fa languages_spoken: - fa geo: latitude: 32.427908 latitude_dec: '32.50077819824219' longitude: 53.688046 longitude_dec: '54.2942008972168' max_latitude: 39.782056 max_longitude: 63.3333366 min_latitude: 24.8066999 min_longitude: 44.0326949 bounds: northeast: lat: 39.782056 lng: 63.3333366 southwest: lat: 24.8066999 lng: 44.0326949 currency_code: IRR start_of_week: saturday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: IS alpha3: ISL country_code: '354' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ISL gec: IC name: Iceland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '352' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: IS nationality: Icelander eea_member: true postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Iceland - Island - Islande - Islandia - アイスランド - IJsland languages_official: - is languages_spoken: - is geo: latitude: 64.963051 latitude_dec: '64.9285659790039' longitude: -19.020835 longitude_dec: "-18.961700439453125" max_latitude: 67.2466 max_longitude: -12.2388001 min_latitude: 62.4819 min_longitude: -26.2572998 bounds: northeast: lat: 67.2466 lng: -12.2388001 southwest: lat: 62.4819 lng: -26.2572998 currency_code: ISK start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: IT alpha3: ITA country_code: '39' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ITA gec: IT name: Italy national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 11 national_prefix: None number: '380' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: IT nationality: Italian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 22 reduced: - 10 super_reduced: 4 parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Italy - Italien - Italie - Italia - イタリア - Italië languages_official: - it languages_spoken: - it geo: latitude: 41.87194 latitude_dec: '42.7669792175293' longitude: 12.56738 longitude_dec: '12.493823051452637' max_latitude: 47.092 max_longitude: 18.7975999 min_latitude: 35.4897 min_longitude: 6.6267201 bounds: northeast: lat: 47.092 lng: 18.7975999 southwest: lat: 35.4897 lng: 6.6267201 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: JE alpha3: JEY country_code: '44' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: JE name: Jersey national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '832' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: JE nationality: Channel Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Jersey - ジャージー languages_official: - en - fr languages_spoken: - en - fr geo: latitude: 49.214439 latitude_dec: '49.2285041809082' longitude: -2.13125 longitude_dec: "-2.1228928565979004" max_latitude: 49.26650009999999 max_longitude: -2.0013001 min_latitude: 49.1582 min_longitude: -2.2602001 bounds: northeast: lat: 49.26650009999999 lng: -2.0013001 southwest: lat: 49.1582 lng: -2.2602001 currency_code: JEP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: JM alpha3: JAM country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1876' international_prefix: '011' ioc: JAM gec: JM name: Jamaica national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '388' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: JM nationality: Jamaican postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Jamaica - Jamaika - Jamaïque - ジャマイカ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 18.109581 latitude_dec: '18.143444061279297' longitude: -77.297508 longitude_dec: "-77.34654998779297" max_latitude: 18.5697821 max_longitude: -76.1448669 min_latitude: 17.6688854 min_longitude: -78.4073639 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.5697821 lng: -76.1448669 southwest: lat: 17.6688854 lng: -78.4073639 currency_code: JMD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: JO alpha3: JOR country_code: '962' international_prefix: '00' ioc: JOR gec: JO name: Jordan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '400' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: JO nationality: Jordanian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Jordan - الأردن - Jordanien - Jordanie - Jordania - ヨルダン - Jordanië languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 30.585164 latitude_dec: '31.2757625579834' longitude: 36.238414 longitude_dec: '36.82838821411133' max_latitude: 33.3746878 max_longitude: 39.301154 min_latitude: 29.1850361 min_longitude: 34.9441001 bounds: northeast: lat: 33.3746878 lng: 39.301154 southwest: lat: 29.1850361 lng: 34.9441001 currency_code: JOD start_of_week: sunday - continent: Asia address_format: |- 〒{{postalcode}} {{region_short}}{{city}}{{street}} {{recipient}} {{country}} alpha2: JP alpha3: JPN country_code: '81' international_prefix: '010' ioc: JPN gec: JA name: Japan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '392' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: JP nationality: Japanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Japan - Japon - Japón - 日本 languages_official: - ja languages_spoken: - ja geo: latitude: 36.204824 latitude_dec: '36.281646728515625' longitude: 138.252924 longitude_dec: '139.0772705078125' max_latitude: 45.6412626 max_longitude: 154.0031455 min_latitude: 20.3585295 min_longitude: 122.8554688 bounds: northeast: lat: 45.6412626 lng: 154.0031455 southwest: lat: 20.3585295 lng: 122.8554688 currency_code: JPY start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: KE alpha3: KEN country_code: '254' international_prefix: '000' ioc: KEN gec: KE name: Kenya national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '404' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: KE nationality: Kenyan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Kenya - Kenia - ケニア languages_official: - en - sw languages_spoken: - en - sw geo: latitude: -0.023559 latitude_dec: '0.5765031576156616' longitude: 37.906193 longitude_dec: '37.83988952636719' max_latitude: 5.033420899999999 max_longitude: 41.9068957 min_latitude: -4.724299999999999 min_longitude: 33.90982109999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.033420899999999 lng: 41.9068957 southwest: lat: -4.724299999999999 lng: 33.90982109999999 currency_code: KES start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: KG alpha3: KGZ country_code: '996' international_prefix: '00' ioc: KGZ gec: KG name: Kyrgyzstan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '417' region: Asia subregion: Central Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: KG nationality: Kirghiz postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Kyrgyzstan - Kirgisistan - Kirghizistan - Kirguizistán - キルギス - Kirgizië - Kyrgzstan languages_official: - ky - ru languages_spoken: - ky - ru geo: latitude: 41.20438 latitude_dec: '41.46435546875' longitude: 74.766098 longitude_dec: '74.55522155761719' max_latitude: 43.2653569 max_longitude: 80.2265594 min_latitude: 39.180254 min_longitude: 69.250998 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.2653569 lng: 80.2265594 southwest: lat: 39.180254 lng: 69.250998 currency_code: KGS start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: KH alpha3: KHM country_code: '855' international_prefix: '00' ioc: CAM gec: CB name: Cambodia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '116' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: KH nationality: Cambodian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cambodia - Kambodscha - Cambodge - Camboya - カンボジア - Cambodja languages_official: - km languages_spoken: - km geo: latitude: 12.565679 latitude_dec: '12.570423126220703' longitude: 104.990963 longitude_dec: '104.81391143798828' max_latitude: 14.6901791 max_longitude: 107.627687 min_latitude: 9.6007 min_longitude: 102.333542 bounds: northeast: lat: 14.6901791 lng: 107.627687 southwest: lat: 9.6007 lng: 102.333542 currency_code: KHR start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: KI alpha3: KIR country_code: '686' international_prefix: '00' ioc: KIR gec: KR name: Kiribati national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 national_prefix: None number: '296' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: KI nationality: I-Kiribati postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Kiribati - キリバス languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 1.8708833 latitude_dec: '1.842833161354065' longitude: -157.3630262 longitude_dec: "-157.6758270263672" max_latitude: 5.4082108 max_longitude: -144.2285156 min_latitude: -14.0939572 min_longitude: 168.8818359 bounds: northeast: lat: 5.4082108 lng: -144.2285156 southwest: lat: -14.0939572 lng: 168.8818359 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: KM alpha3: COM country_code: '269' international_prefix: '00' ioc: COM gec: CN name: Comoros national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '174' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: KM nationality: Comoran postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Comoros - Union der Komoren - Comores - コモロ - Comoren languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: -11.6455 latitude_dec: "-11.86610221862793" longitude: 43.3333 longitude_dec: '43.432640075683594' max_latitude: -11.3373321 max_longitude: 44.5646666 min_latitude: -12.4687602 min_longitude: 43.1968689 bounds: northeast: lat: -11.3373321 lng: 44.5646666 southwest: lat: -12.4687602 lng: 43.1968689 currency_code: KMF start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: KN alpha3: KNA country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1869' international_prefix: '011' ioc: SKN gec: SC name: Saint Kitts and Nevis national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '659' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: KN nationality: Kittian and Nevisian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Föderation St. Kitts und Nevis - Saint Kitts et Nevis - Saint Kitts y Nevis - セントクリストファー・ネイビス - Saint Kitts en Nevis - St. Kitts and Nevis - St Kitts and Nevis languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 17.357822 latitude_dec: '17.24447250366211' longitude: -62.782998 longitude_dec: "-62.643184661865234" max_latitude: 17.4205891 max_longitude: -62.52369989999999 min_latitude: 17.07861 min_longitude: -62.86949999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 17.4205891 lng: -62.52369989999999 southwest: lat: 17.07861 lng: -62.86949999999999 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: KP alpha3: PRK country_code: '850' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PRK gec: KN name: Korea (Democratic People's Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '408' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: KP nationality: North Korean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Korea (North) - Nordkorea - Corée du Nord - Corea del Norte - 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 - Noord-Korea - Korea Democratic People's Republic - Korea (Democratic People s Republic of) languages_official: - ko languages_spoken: - ko geo: latitude: 40.339852 latitude_dec: '40.077640533447266' longitude: 127.510093 longitude_dec: '127.13385009765625' max_latitude: 43.01159 max_longitude: 130.6990167 min_latitude: 37.5892001 min_longitude: 124.1718463 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.01159 lng: 130.6990167 southwest: lat: 37.5892001 lng: 124.1718463 currency_code: KPW start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: KR alpha3: KOR country_code: '82' international_prefix: '001' ioc: KOR gec: KS name: Korea (Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '410' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: KR nationality: South Korean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - South Korea - Korea (South) - Südkorea - Corée du Sud - Corea del Sur - 大韓民国 - Zuid-Korea - Korea (Republic of) languages_official: - ko languages_spoken: - ko geo: latitude: 35.907757 latitude_dec: '40.077640533447266' longitude: 127.766922 longitude_dec: '127.13385009765625' max_latitude: 38.63400000000001 max_longitude: 131.1603 min_latitude: 33.0041 min_longitude: 124.5863 bounds: northeast: lat: 38.63400000000001 lng: 131.1603 southwest: lat: 33.0041 lng: 124.5863 currency_code: KRW start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: KW alpha3: KWT country_code: '965' international_prefix: '00' ioc: KUW gec: KU name: Kuwait national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '414' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: KW nationality: Kuwaiti postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Kuwait - الكويت - Koweït - クウェート - Koeweit languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 29.31166 latitude_dec: '29.321941375732422' longitude: 47.481766 longitude_dec: '47.60246658325195' max_latitude: 30.1036993 max_longitude: 48.5184 min_latitude: 28.5244463 min_longitude: 46.55303989999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 30.1036993 lng: 48.5184 southwest: lat: 28.5244463 lng: 46.55303989999999 currency_code: KWD start_of_week: sunday - continent: North America alpha2: KY alpha3: CYM country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1345' international_prefix: '011' ioc: CAY gec: CJ name: Cayman Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '136' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: KY nationality: Caymanian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Cayman Islands - Kaimaninseln - Îles Caïmans - Islas Caimán - ケイマン諸島 - Caymaneilanden languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 19.3133 latitude_dec: '19.308862686157227' longitude: -81.2546 longitude_dec: "-81.25680541992188" max_latitude: 19.7616 max_longitude: -79.7191 min_latitude: 19.2538999 min_longitude: -81.42940010000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 19.7616 lng: -79.7191 southwest: lat: 19.2538999 lng: -81.42940010000001 currency_code: KYD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: KZ alpha3: KAZ country_code: '7' international_prefix: '810' ioc: KAZ gec: KZ name: Kazakhstan national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '8' number: '398' region: Asia subregion: Central Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: KZ nationality: Kazakhstani postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Kazakhstan - Kasachstan - Kazajistán - カザフスタン - Kazachstan languages_official: - kk - ru languages_spoken: - kk - ru geo: latitude: 48.019573 latitude_dec: '48.14600372314453' longitude: 66.923684 longitude_dec: '67.17916870117188' max_latitude: 55.4419839 max_longitude: 87.315415 min_latitude: 40.5685841 min_longitude: 46.4936719 bounds: northeast: lat: 55.4419839 lng: 87.315415 southwest: lat: 40.5685841 lng: 46.4936719 currency_code: KZT start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: LA alpha3: LAO country_code: '856' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LAO gec: LA name: Lao People's Democratic Republic national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '418' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: LA nationality: Laotian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Laos - ラオス人民民主共和国 - Lao People s Democratic Republic languages_official: - lo languages_spoken: - lo geo: latitude: 19.85627 latitude_dec: '18.65074920654297' longitude: 102.495496 longitude_dec: '104.15293884277344' max_latitude: 22.502872 max_longitude: 107.69483 min_latitude: 13.90972 min_longitude: 100.0832139 bounds: northeast: lat: 22.502872 lng: 107.69483 southwest: lat: 13.90972 lng: 100.0832139 currency_code: LAK start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: LB alpha3: LBN country_code: '961' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LIB gec: LE name: Lebanon national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '422' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: LB nationality: Lebanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Lebanon - لبنان - Libanon - Liban - Líbano - レバノン languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: 33.854721 latitude_dec: '33.925411224365234' longitude: 35.862285 longitude_dec: '35.89972686767578' max_latitude: 34.69209 max_longitude: 36.62372 min_latitude: 33.0550256 min_longitude: 35.0711001 bounds: northeast: lat: 34.69209 lng: 36.62372 southwest: lat: 33.0550256 lng: 35.0711001 currency_code: LBP start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: LC alpha3: LCA country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1758' international_prefix: '011' ioc: LCA gec: ST name: Saint Lucia national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '662' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: LC nationality: Saint Lucian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Saint Lucia - Saint-Lucie - Santa Lucía - セントルシア - St. Lucia - St Lucia languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 13.909444 latitude_dec: '13.86330509185791' longitude: -60.978893 longitude_dec: "-60.9665641784668" max_latitude: 14.1209277 max_longitude: -60.85979460000001 min_latitude: 13.7047779 min_longitude: -61.0812378 bounds: northeast: lat: 14.1209277 lng: -60.85979460000001 southwest: lat: 13.7047779 lng: -61.0812378 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: LI alpha3: LIE country_code: '423' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LIE gec: LS name: Liechtenstein national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '438' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: LI nationality: Liechtensteiner eea_member: true postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Liechtenstein - リヒテンシュタイン languages_official: - de languages_spoken: - de geo: latitude: 47.166 latitude_dec: '47.14126968383789' longitude: 9.555373 longitude_dec: '9.552783012390137' max_latitude: 47.2705467 max_longitude: 9.6356501 min_latitude: 47.04828999999999 min_longitude: 9.47162 bounds: northeast: lat: 47.2705467 lng: 9.6356501 southwest: lat: 47.04828999999999 lng: 9.47162 currency_code: CHF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: LK alpha3: LKA country_code: '94' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SRI gec: CE name: Sri Lanka national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '144' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: LK nationality: Sri Lankan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Sri Lanka - スリランカ languages_official: - si - ta languages_spoken: - si - ta geo: latitude: 7.873053999999999 latitude_dec: '7.789133548736572' longitude: 80.77179699999999 longitude_dec: '80.68072509765625' max_latitude: 10.03377 max_longitude: 82.14479999999999 min_latitude: 5.6816 min_longitude: 79.26769999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 10.03377 lng: 82.14479999999999 southwest: lat: 5.6816 lng: 79.26769999999999 currency_code: LKR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: LR alpha3: LBR country_code: '231' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LBR gec: LI name: Liberia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '22' number: '430' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: LR nationality: Liberian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Liberia - リベリア languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 6.428055 latitude_dec: '6.411512851715088' longitude: -9.429499000000002 longitude_dec: "-9.323492050170898" max_latitude: 8.551986 max_longitude: -7.3692549 min_latitude: 4.269699999999999 min_longitude: -11.5355999 bounds: northeast: lat: 8.551986 lng: -7.3692549 southwest: lat: 4.269699999999999 lng: -11.5355999 currency_code: LRD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: LS alpha3: LSO alt_currency: ZAR country_code: '266' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LES gec: LT name: Lesotho national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '426' region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: LS nationality: Mosotho postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Lesotho - レソト languages_official: - en - st languages_spoken: - en - st geo: latitude: -29.609988 latitude_dec: "-29.58175277709961" longitude: 28.233608 longitude_dec: '28.246612548828125' max_latitude: -28.5708011 max_longitude: 29.4557087 min_latitude: -30.6755788 min_longitude: 27.011231 bounds: northeast: lat: -28.5708011 lng: 29.4557087 southwest: lat: -30.6755788 lng: 27.011231 currency_code: LSL start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: LT alpha3: LTU country_code: '370' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LTU gec: LH name: Lithuania national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '8' number: '440' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: LT nationality: Lithuanian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 5 - 9 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Lithuania - Litauen - Lituanie - Lituania - リトアニア - Litouwen - Літва languages_official: - lt languages_spoken: - lt geo: latitude: 55.169438 latitude_dec: '55.33871841430664' longitude: 23.881275 longitude_dec: '23.87092399597168' max_latitude: 56.45032089999999 max_longitude: 26.8355913 min_latitude: 53.89687869999999 min_longitude: 20.931 bounds: northeast: lat: 56.45032089999999 lng: 26.8355913 southwest: lat: 53.89687869999999 lng: 20.931 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: LU alpha3: LUX country_code: '352' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LUX gec: LU name: Luxembourg national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '442' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: LU nationality: Luxembourger eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 17 reduced: - 8 - 14 super_reduced: 3 parking: 12 postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Luxembourg - Luxemburg - Luxemburgo - ルクセンブルク languages_official: - fr - de - lb languages_spoken: - fr - de - lb geo: latitude: 49.815273 latitude_dec: '49.77788162231445' longitude: 6.129582999999999 longitude_dec: '6.094746112823486' max_latitude: 50.18282 max_longitude: 6.530970099999999 min_latitude: 49.447779 min_longitude: 5.7356699 bounds: northeast: lat: 50.18282 lng: 6.530970099999999 southwest: lat: 49.447779 lng: 5.7356699 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: LV alpha3: LVA country_code: '371' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LAT gec: LG name: Latvia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '8' number: '428' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: LV nationality: Latvian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 12 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Latvia - Lettland - Lettonie - Letonia - ラトビア - Letland languages_official: - lv languages_spoken: - lv geo: latitude: 56.879635 latitude_dec: '56.86873245239258' longitude: 24.603189 longitude_dec: '24.84024429321289' max_latitude: 58.0855688 max_longitude: 28.2414029 min_latitude: 55.6747769 min_longitude: 20.8465998 bounds: northeast: lat: 58.0855688 lng: 28.2414029 southwest: lat: 55.6747769 lng: 20.8465998 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: LY alpha3: LBY country_code: '218' international_prefix: '00' ioc: LBA gec: LY name: Libya national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '434' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: LY nationality: Libyan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Libya - ليبيا - Libyen - Libye - Libia - リビア - Libië - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 26.3351 latitude_dec: '27.23609733581543' longitude: 17.228331 longitude_dec: '18.043556213378906' max_latitude: 33.2203 max_longitude: 25.2686 min_latitude: 19.5 min_longitude: 9.391466 bounds: northeast: lat: 33.2203 lng: 25.2686 southwest: lat: 19.5 lng: 9.391466 currency_code: LYD start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: MA alpha3: MAR country_code: '212' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MAR gec: MO name: Morocco national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '504' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MA nationality: Moroccan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Morocco - المغرب - Marokko - Maroc - Marruecos - モロッコ languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 31.791702 latitude_dec: '29.14059066772461' longitude: -7.092619999999999 longitude_dec: "-8.953388214111328" max_latitude: 35.9344 max_longitude: -0.996976 min_latitude: 27.6672694 min_longitude: -13.3044001 bounds: northeast: lat: 35.9344 lng: -0.996976 southwest: lat: 27.6672694 lng: -13.3044001 currency_code: MAD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: MC alpha3: MCO country_code: '377' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MON gec: MN name: Monaco national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '492' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: MC nationality: Monegasque postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Monaco - Mónaco - モナコ languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 43.73841760000001 latitude_dec: '43.738929748535156' longitude: 7.424615799999999 longitude_dec: '7.425483226776123' max_latitude: 43.7519029 max_longitude: 7.4426 min_latitude: 43.7237999 min_longitude: 7.4091049 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.7519029 lng: 7.4426 southwest: lat: 43.7237999 lng: 7.4091049 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: MD alpha3: MDA country_code: '373' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MDA gec: MD name: Moldova (Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '498' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: MD nationality: Moldovan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Moldova - Moldawien - Moldavie - Moldavia - the Republic of Moldova - モルドバ共和国 - Moldavië languages_official: - ro languages_spoken: - ro geo: latitude: 47.411631 latitude_dec: '47.203704833984375' longitude: 28.369885 longitude_dec: '28.46834373474121' max_latitude: 48.491944 max_longitude: 30.162538 min_latitude: 45.466904 min_longitude: 26.6168559 bounds: northeast: lat: 48.491944 lng: 30.162538 southwest: lat: 45.466904 lng: 26.6168559 currency_code: MDL start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: ME alpha3: MNE country_code: '382' international_prefix: '99' ioc: MNE gec: MJ name: Montenegro national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '499' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: ME nationality: Montenegrin postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Crna Gora - Montenegro - モンテネグロ languages_official: - sr - bs - sq - hr languages_spoken: - sr - bs - sq - hr geo: latitude: 42.708678 latitude_dec: '42.752803802490234' longitude: 19.37439 longitude_dec: '19.237918853759766' max_latitude: 43.558743 max_longitude: 20.3574869 min_latitude: 41.8297 min_longitude: 18.4337921 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.558743 lng: 20.3574869 southwest: lat: 41.8297 lng: 18.4337921 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: MF alpha3: MAF country_code: '590' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: RN name: Saint Martin (French part) national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '663' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: MF nationality: Saint Martin Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Saint Martin - サン・マルタン(フランス領) - Saint-Martin languages_official: - en - fr - nl languages_spoken: - en - fr - nl geo: latitude: 18.08255 latitude_dec: '18.042224884033203' longitude: -63.05225100000001 longitude_dec: "-63.06623458862305" max_latitude: 18.1356001 max_longitude: -62.9613001 min_latitude: 18.0462883 min_longitude: -63.1630001 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.1356001 lng: -62.9613001 southwest: lat: 18.0462883 lng: -63.1630001 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: MG alpha3: MDG country_code: '261' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MAD gec: MA name: Madagascar national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '450' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MG nationality: Malagasy postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Madagascar - Madagaskar - the Republic of Madagascar - マダガスカル languages_official: - fr - mg languages_spoken: - fr - mg geo: latitude: -18.766947 latitude_dec: "-19.27239418029785" longitude: 46.869107 longitude_dec: '46.69843292236328' max_latitude: -11.4369999 max_longitude: 50.9985001 min_latitude: -26.2146 min_longitude: 42.7368 bounds: northeast: lat: -11.4369999 lng: 50.9985001 southwest: lat: -26.2146 lng: 42.7368 currency_code: MGA start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: MH alpha3: MHL country_code: '692' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MHL gec: RM name: Marshall Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '1' number: '584' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: MH nationality: Marshallese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Marshall Islands - Marshallinseln - Îles Marshall - Islas Marshall - マーシャル諸島 - Marshalleilanden languages_official: - en - mh languages_spoken: - en - mh geo: latitude: 6.0683017 latitude_dec: '7.286207675933838' longitude: 171.9425583 longitude_dec: '168.75140380859375' max_latitude: 15.0190749 max_longitude: 172.5732421 min_latitude: 4.1601583 min_longitude: 159.8840332 bounds: northeast: lat: 15.0190749 lng: 172.5732421 southwest: lat: 4.1601583 lng: 159.8840332 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: MK alpha3: MKD country_code: '389' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MKD gec: MK name: Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '807' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: MK nationality: Macedonian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Macedonia - Mazedonien - Macédoine - F.Y.R.O.M (Macedonia) - マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 - Macedonië [FYROM] - Macedonia (The Former Yugoslav Republic of) languages_official: - mk languages_spoken: - mk geo: latitude: 41.608635 latitude_dec: '41.60045623779297' longitude: 21.745275 longitude_dec: '21.700895309448242' max_latitude: 42.373646 max_longitude: 23.034093 min_latitude: 40.8537826 min_longitude: 20.452423 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.373646 lng: 23.034093 southwest: lat: 40.8537826 lng: 20.452423 currency_code: MKD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: ML alpha3: MLI country_code: '223' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MLI gec: ML name: Mali national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '466' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ML nationality: Malian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Mali - マリ languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 17.570692 latitude_dec: '17.35776710510254' longitude: -3.996166 longitude_dec: "-3.5273818969726562" max_latitude: 25.001084 max_longitude: 4.2673828 min_latitude: 10.147811 min_longitude: -12.2388849 bounds: northeast: lat: 25.001084 lng: 4.2673828 southwest: lat: 10.147811 lng: -12.2388849 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: MM alpha3: MMR country_code: '95' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MYA gec: BM name: Myanmar national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '104' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: MM nationality: Myanmarian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Myanmar - ミャンマー languages_official: - my languages_spoken: - my geo: latitude: 21.916221 latitude_dec: '20.330142974853516' longitude: 95.955974 longitude_dec: '96.52182006835938' max_latitude: 28.5478351 max_longitude: 101.1702717 min_latitude: 9.4518 min_longitude: 92.171808 bounds: northeast: lat: 28.5478351 lng: 101.1702717 southwest: lat: 9.4518 lng: 92.171808 currency_code: MMK start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: MN alpha3: MNG country_code: '976' international_prefix: '001' ioc: MGL gec: MG name: Mongolia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '496' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: MN nationality: Mongolian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Mongolia - Mongolei - Mongolie - モンゴル - Mongolië languages_official: - mn languages_spoken: - mn geo: latitude: 46.862496 latitude_dec: '46.83647918701172' longitude: 103.846656 longitude_dec: '103.06689453125' max_latitude: 52.1486965 max_longitude: 119.9319489 min_latitude: 41.5815201 min_longitude: 87.73761999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 52.1486965 lng: 119.9319489 southwest: lat: 41.5815201 lng: 87.73761999999999 currency_code: MNT start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: MO alpha3: MAC country_code: '853' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: MC name: Macao national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '446' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: MO nationality: Chinese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Macao - Macau - マカオ languages_official: - zh - pt languages_spoken: - zh - pt geo: latitude: 22.198745 latitude_dec: '22.140748977661133' longitude: 113.543873 longitude_dec: '113.56034088134766' max_latitude: 22.2170639 max_longitude: 113.6127001 min_latitude: 22.1066001 min_longitude: 113.5276053 bounds: northeast: lat: 22.2170639 lng: 113.6127001 southwest: lat: 22.1066001 lng: 113.5276053 currency_code: MOP start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: MP alpha3: MNP country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: gec: CQ name: Northern Mariana Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '580' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: MP nationality: American postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Northern Mariana Islands - Nördliche Marianen - Mariannes du Nord - Islas Marianas del Norte - 北マリアナ諸島 - Noordelijke Marianeneilanden languages_official: - en - ch languages_spoken: - en - ch geo: latitude: 15.0979 latitude_dec: '15.262779235839844' longitude: 145.6739 longitude_dec: '145.8045654296875' max_latitude: 20.6584862 max_longitude: 146.2060546 min_latitude: 13.9713848 min_longitude: 144.7668457 bounds: northeast: lat: 20.6584862 lng: 146.2060546 southwest: lat: 13.9713848 lng: 144.7668457 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: MQ alpha3: MTQ country_code: '596' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: MB name: Martinique national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: None number: '474' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: MQ nationality: French postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Martinique - Martinica - マルティニーク languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 14.641528 latitude_dec: '14.642807960510254' longitude: -61.024174 longitude_dec: "-60.97755432128906" max_latitude: 14.8973451 max_longitude: -60.7856368 min_latitude: 14.370834 min_longitude: -61.24191279999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 14.8973451 lng: -60.7856368 southwest: lat: 14.370834 lng: -61.24191279999999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: MR alpha3: MRT country_code: '222' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MTN gec: MR name: Mauritania national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '478' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MR nationality: Mauritanian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Mauritania - موريتانيا - Mauretanien - Mauritanie - モーリタニア - Mauritanië languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: 21.00789 latitude_dec: '20.258995056152344' longitude: -10.940835 longitude_dec: "-10.364437103271484" max_latitude: 27.3158916 max_longitude: -4.8336008 min_latitude: 14.721273 min_longitude: -17.0687276 bounds: northeast: lat: 27.3158916 lng: -4.8336008 southwest: lat: 14.721273 lng: -17.0687276 currency_code: MRO start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: MS alpha3: MSR country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1664' international_prefix: '011' ioc: gec: MH name: Montserrat national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '500' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: EMEA un_locode: MS nationality: Montserratian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Montserrat - モントセラト languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 16.742498 latitude_dec: '16.735998153686523' longitude: -62.187366 longitude_dec: "-62.188819885253906" max_latitude: 16.8260672 max_longitude: -62.14262009999999 min_latitude: 16.671007 min_longitude: -62.242584 bounds: northeast: lat: 16.8260672 lng: -62.14262009999999 southwest: lat: 16.671007 lng: -62.242584 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: MT alpha3: MLT country_code: '356' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MLT gec: MT name: Malta national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '21' number: '470' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: MT nationality: Maltese eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 18 reduced: - 5 - 7 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Malta - Malte - マルタ languages_official: - mt - en languages_spoken: - mt - en geo: latitude: 35.937496 latitude_dec: '35.93336486816406' longitude: 14.375416 longitude_dec: '14.381033897399902' max_latitude: 36.0853 max_longitude: 14.5765999 min_latitude: 35.79960000000001 min_longitude: 14.1801001 bounds: northeast: lat: 36.0853 lng: 14.5765999 southwest: lat: 35.79960000000001 lng: 14.1801001 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: MU alpha3: MUS country_code: '230' international_prefix: '020' ioc: MRI gec: MP name: Mauritius national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '480' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MU nationality: Mauritian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Mauritius - Île Maurice - Mauricio - モーリシャス languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -20.348404 latitude_dec: "-20.220409393310547" longitude: 57.55215200000001 longitude_dec: '57.589378356933594' max_latitude: -10.0878538 max_longitude: 63.80859390000001 min_latitude: -20.7458403 min_longitude: 56.3159179 bounds: northeast: lat: -10.0878538 lng: 63.80859390000001 southwest: lat: -20.7458403 lng: 56.3159179 currency_code: MUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: MV alpha3: MDV country_code: '960' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MDV gec: MV name: Maldives national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '462' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: MV nationality: Maldivan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Maldives - Malediven - Maldivas - モルディブ - Maldiven languages_official: - dv languages_spoken: - dv geo: latitude: 1.977247 latitude_dec: '4.185884952545166' longitude: 73.5361035 longitude_dec: '73.53071594238281' max_latitude: 7.5149809 max_longitude: 74.7290038 min_latitude: -1.2907844 min_longitude: 71.75170899999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 7.5149809 lng: 74.7290038 southwest: lat: -1.2907844 lng: 71.75170899999999 currency_code: MVR start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: MW alpha3: MWI country_code: '265' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MAW gec: MI name: Malawi national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '454' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MW nationality: Malawian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Malawi - マラウイ languages_official: - en - ny languages_spoken: - en - ny geo: latitude: -13.254308 latitude_dec: "-13.523577690124512" longitude: 34.301525 longitude_dec: '33.83546447753906' max_latitude: -9.367227399999999 max_longitude: 35.91857299999999 min_latitude: -17.1295216 min_longitude: 32.6725205 bounds: northeast: lat: -9.367227399999999 lng: 35.91857299999999 southwest: lat: -17.1295216 lng: 32.6725205 currency_code: MWK start_of_week: monday - continent: North America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: MX alpha3: MEX country_code: '52' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MEX gec: MX name: Mexico national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '01' number: '484' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: MX nationality: Mexican vat_rates: standard: 16 reduced: [] super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Mexico - Mexiko - Mexique - México - メキシコ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 23.634501 latitude_dec: '23.909093856811523' longitude: -102.552784 longitude_dec: "-102.6333999633789" max_latitude: 32.7187629 max_longitude: -86.5887 min_latitude: 14.3895 min_longitude: -118.6523001 bounds: northeast: lat: 32.7187629 lng: -86.5887 southwest: lat: 14.3895 lng: -118.6523001 currency_code: MXN start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: MY alpha3: MYS country_code: '60' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MAS gec: MY name: Malaysia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '458' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: MY nationality: Malaysian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Malaysia - Malaisie - Malasia - マレーシア - Maleisië languages_official: - ms - en languages_spoken: - ms - en geo: latitude: 4.210484 latitude_dec: '2.5490005016326904' longitude: 101.975766 longitude_dec: '102.96261596679688' max_latitude: 7.5191 max_longitude: 119.4000001 min_latitude: 0.8538209 min_longitude: 98.9353999 bounds: northeast: lat: 7.5191 lng: 119.4000001 southwest: lat: 0.8538209 lng: 98.9353999 currency_code: MYR start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: MZ alpha3: MOZ country_code: '258' international_prefix: '00' ioc: MOZ gec: MZ name: Mozambique national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '508' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: MZ nationality: Mozambican postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Mozambique - Mosambik - モザンビーク languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: -18.665695 latitude_dec: "-17.555864334106445" longitude: 35.529562 longitude_dec: '35.955692291259766' max_latitude: -10.3128929 max_longitude: 41.3965 min_latitude: -26.9612 min_longitude: 30.2155501 bounds: northeast: lat: -10.3128929 lng: 41.3965 southwest: lat: -26.9612 lng: 30.2155501 currency_code: MZN start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: NA alpha3: NAM alt_currency: ZAR country_code: '264' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NAM gec: WA name: Namibia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '516' region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: NA nationality: Namibian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Namibia - Namibie - ナミビア - Namibië languages_official: - en - af languages_spoken: - en - af geo: latitude: -22.95764 latitude_dec: "-22.150699615478516" longitude: 18.49041 longitude_dec: '17.177526473999023' max_latitude: -16.9634851 max_longitude: 25.261752 min_latitude: -28.9706391 min_longitude: 11.4696999 bounds: northeast: lat: -16.9634851 lng: 25.261752 southwest: lat: -28.9706391 lng: 11.4696999 currency_code: NAD start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: NC alpha3: NCL country_code: '687' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: NC name: New Caledonia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '540' region: Oceania subregion: Melanesia world_region: APAC un_locode: NC nationality: New Caledonian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - New Caledonia - Neukaledonien - Nouvelle Calédonie - Nueva Caledonia - ニューカレドニア - Nieuw-Caledonië languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -20.904305 latitude_dec: "-21.31782341003418" longitude: 165.618042 longitude_dec: '165.298583984375' max_latitude: -19.1607355 max_longitude: 168.3325194 min_latitude: -23.2514406 min_longitude: 163.3557129 bounds: northeast: lat: -19.1607355 lng: 168.3325194 southwest: lat: -23.2514406 lng: 163.3557129 currency_code: XPF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: NE alpha3: NER country_code: '227' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NIG gec: NG name: Niger national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '562' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: NE nationality: Nigerian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Niger - Níger - ニジェール languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 17.607789 latitude_dec: '17.424074172973633' longitude: 8.081666 longitude_dec: '9.400633811950684' max_latitude: 23.4999999 max_longitude: 15.9990339 min_latitude: 11.693756 min_longitude: 0.1617178 bounds: northeast: lat: 23.4999999 lng: 15.9990339 southwest: lat: 11.693756 lng: 0.1617178 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: NF alpha3: NFK country_code: '672' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: NF name: Norfolk Island national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '574' region: Oceania subregion: Australia and New Zealand world_region: APAC un_locode: NF nationality: Norfolk Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Norfolk Island - Norfolkinsel - Île de Norfolk - Isla de Norfolk - ノーフォーク島 - Norfolkeiland languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -29.040835 latitude_dec: "-29.036962509155273" longitude: 167.954712 longitude_dec: '167.95523071289062' max_latitude: -28.9929014 max_longitude: 167.9985523 min_latitude: -29.137506 min_longitude: 167.9134083 bounds: northeast: lat: -28.9929014 lng: 167.9985523 southwest: lat: -29.137506 lng: 167.9134083 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: NG alpha3: NGA country_code: '234' international_prefix: 009 ioc: NGR gec: NI name: Nigeria national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '566' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: NG nationality: Nigerian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Nigeria - Nigéria - the Federal Republic of Nigeria - ナイジェリア languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 9.081999 latitude_dec: '9.559505462646484' longitude: 8.675277 longitude_dec: '8.077880859375' max_latitude: 13.8856449 max_longitude: 14.677982 min_latitude: 4.1821001 min_longitude: 2.676932 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.8856449 lng: 14.677982 southwest: lat: 4.1821001 lng: 2.676932 currency_code: NGN start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: NI alpha3: NIC country_code: '505' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NCA gec: NU name: Nicaragua national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '558' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: NI nationality: Nicaraguan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Nicaragua - ニカラグア languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 12.865416 latitude_dec: '12.903773307800293' longitude: -85.207229 longitude_dec: "-84.92182159423828" max_latitude: 15.0302755 max_longitude: -82.2766 min_latitude: 10.7080549 min_longitude: -87.7588 bounds: northeast: lat: 15.0302755 lng: -82.2766 southwest: lat: 10.7080549 lng: -87.7588 currency_code: NIO start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: NL alpha3: NLD country_code: '31' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NED gec: NL name: Netherlands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '528' region: Europe subregion: Western Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: NL nationality: Dutch eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 21 reduced: - 6 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Netherlands - Niederlande - Pays-Bas - Países Bajos - オランダ - Nederland languages_official: - nl languages_spoken: - nl geo: latitude: 52.132633 latitude_dec: '52.34225845336914' longitude: 5.291265999999999 longitude_dec: '5.5281572341918945' max_latitude: 53.6316 max_longitude: 7.227510199999999 min_latitude: 50.75038379999999 min_longitude: 3.3316001 bounds: northeast: lat: 53.6316 lng: 7.227510199999999 southwest: lat: 50.75038379999999 lng: 3.3316001 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: 'NO' alpha3: NOR country_code: '47' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NOR gec: 'NO' name: Norway national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '578' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: 'NO' nationality: Norwegian eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 25 reduced: [] super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Norway - Norwegen - Norvège - Noruega - ノルウェー - Noorwegen languages_official: - nb - nn languages_spoken: - nb - nn geo: latitude: 60.47202399999999 latitude_dec: '66.76667022705078' longitude: 8.468945999999999 longitude_dec: '14.899925231933594' max_latitude: 71.30780000000001 max_longitude: 31.3549998 min_latitude: 57.8097 min_longitude: 4.0649 bounds: northeast: lat: 71.30780000000001 lng: 31.3549998 southwest: lat: 57.8097 lng: 4.0649 currency_code: NOK start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: NP alpha3: NPL country_code: '977' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NEP gec: NP name: Nepal national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '524' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: NP nationality: Nepalese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Nepal - Népal - the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal - ネパール languages_official: - ne languages_spoken: - ne - mai - bho - new - urdf geo: latitude: 28.394857 latitude_dec: '28.259138107299805' longitude: 84.12400799999999 longitude_dec: '83.94416046142578' max_latitude: 30.4469452 max_longitude: 88.20152569999999 min_latitude: 26.3479661 min_longitude: 80.05846980000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 30.4469452 lng: 88.20152569999999 southwest: lat: 26.3479661 lng: 80.05846980000001 currency_code: NPR start_of_week: sunday - continent: Australia alpha2: NR alpha3: NRU country_code: '674' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NRU gec: NR name: Nauru national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '520' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: NR nationality: Nauruan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Nauru - ナウル languages_official: - en - na languages_spoken: - en - na geo: latitude: -0.522778 latitude_dec: "-0.5316064953804016" longitude: 166.931503 longitude_dec: '166.9364013671875' max_latitude: -0.4978976000000001 max_longitude: 166.9631767 min_latitude: -0.5580623 min_longitude: 166.9071293 bounds: northeast: lat: -0.4978976000000001 lng: 166.9631767 southwest: lat: -0.5580623 lng: 166.9071293 currency_code: AUD start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: NU alpha3: NIU country_code: '683' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: NE name: Niue national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 4 national_prefix: None number: '570' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: NU nationality: Niuean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Niue - ニウエ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -19.054445 latitude_dec: "-19.03806495666504" longitude: -169.867233 longitude_dec: "-169.8302459716797" max_latitude: -18.952625 max_longitude: -169.7743248 min_latitude: -19.1555668 min_longitude: -169.9500846 bounds: northeast: lat: -18.952625 lng: -169.7743248 southwest: lat: -19.1555668 lng: -169.9500846 currency_code: NZD start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{region}} {{city}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: NZ alpha3: NZL country_code: '64' international_prefix: '00' ioc: NZL gec: NZ name: New Zealand national_destination_code_lengths: - 1 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '554' region: Oceania subregion: Australia and New Zealand world_region: APAC un_locode: NZ nationality: New Zealander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - New Zealand - Neuseeland - Nouvelle Zélande - Nueva Zelanda - ニュージーランド - Nieuw-Zeeland languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -40.900557 latitude_dec: "-44.05629348754883" longitude: 174.885971 longitude_dec: '170.35415649414062' max_latitude: -28.8773225 max_longitude: -175.1235077 min_latitude: -52.7224663 min_longitude: 165.7437641 bounds: northeast: lat: -28.8773225 lng: -175.1235077 southwest: lat: -52.7224663 lng: 165.7437641 currency_code: NZD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: OM alpha3: OMN country_code: '968' international_prefix: '00' ioc: OMA gec: MU name: Oman national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '512' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: OM nationality: Omani postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Oman - عمان - Omán - オマーン languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 21.4735329 latitude_dec: '20.566621780395508' longitude: 55.975413 longitude_dec: '56.157962799072266' max_latitude: 26.4361001 max_longitude: 60.30399999999999 min_latitude: 16.4571999 min_longitude: 52.0000018 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.4361001 lng: 60.30399999999999 southwest: lat: 16.4571999 lng: 52.0000018 currency_code: OMR start_of_week: sunday - continent: North America alpha2: PA alpha3: PAN alt_currency: USD country_code: '507' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PAN gec: PM name: Panama national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '591' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: PA nationality: Panamanian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Panama - Panamá - パナマ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 8.537981 latitude_dec: '8.646247863769531' longitude: -80.782127 longitude_dec: "-80.50607299804688" max_latitude: 9.7145001 max_longitude: -77.15848799999999 min_latitude: 7.0409 min_longitude: -83.05224109999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 9.7145001 lng: -77.15848799999999 southwest: lat: 7.0409 lng: -83.05224109999999 currency_code: PAB start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: PE alpha3: PER country_code: '51' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PER gec: PE name: Peru national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '604' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: PE nationality: Peruvian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Peru - Pérou - Perú - ペルー languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: -9.189967 latitude_dec: "-9.212532997131348" longitude: -75.015152 longitude_dec: "-74.422119140625" max_latitude: -0.038777 max_longitude: -68.652329 min_latitude: -18.4483 min_longitude: -81.3867001 bounds: northeast: lat: -0.038777 lng: -68.652329 southwest: lat: -18.4483 lng: -81.3867001 currency_code: PEN start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: PF alpha3: PYF country_code: '689' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: FP name: French Polynesia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '258' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: PF nationality: French Polynesian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - French Polynesia - Französisch-Polynesien - Polynésie Française - Polinesia Francesa - フランス領ポリネシア - Frans-Polynesië languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -17.679742 latitude_dec: "-17.648122787475586" longitude: -149.406843 longitude_dec: "-149.4647216796875" max_latitude: -6.4682 max_longitude: -137.3511 min_latitude: -28.61346 min_longitude: -154.4677999 bounds: northeast: lat: -6.4682 lng: -137.3511 southwest: lat: -28.61346 lng: -154.4677999 currency_code: XPF start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: PG alpha3: PNG country_code: '675' international_prefix: '05' ioc: PNG gec: PP name: Papua New Guinea national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '598' region: Oceania subregion: Melanesia world_region: APAC un_locode: PG nationality: Papua New Guinean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Papua New Guinea - Papua-Neuguinea - Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée - Papúa Nueva Guinea - パプアニューギニア - Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -6.314992999999999 latitude_dec: "-6.889159679412842" longitude: 143.95555 longitude_dec: '146.21444702148438' max_latitude: -0.6702 max_longitude: 159.9609001 min_latitude: -12.0823 min_longitude: 140.8419695 bounds: northeast: lat: -0.6702 lng: 159.9609001 southwest: lat: -12.0823 lng: 140.8419695 currency_code: PGK start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: PH alpha3: PHL country_code: '63' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PHI gec: RP name: Philippines national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '608' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: PH nationality: Filipino postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Philippines - Philippinen - Filipinas - フィリピン - Filipijnen languages_official: - tl - en languages_spoken: - tl - en geo: latitude: 12.879721 latitude_dec: '11.112666130065918' longitude: 121.774017 longitude_dec: '122.50947570800781' max_latitude: 19.932 max_longitude: 127.6444784 min_latitude: 4.2259 min_longitude: 116.1474999 bounds: northeast: lat: 19.932 lng: 127.6444784 southwest: lat: 4.2259 lng: 116.1474999 currency_code: PHP start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: PK alpha3: PAK country_code: '92' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PAK gec: PK name: Pakistan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '586' region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: PK nationality: Pakistani postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Pakistan - Paquistán - パキスタン languages_official: - en - ur languages_spoken: - en - ur geo: latitude: 30.375321 latitude_dec: '29.923219680786133' longitude: 69.34511599999999 longitude_dec: '69.35774230957031' max_latitude: 37.084107 max_longitude: 77.8316195 min_latitude: 23.6344999 min_longitude: 60.8729721 bounds: northeast: lat: 37.084107 lng: 77.8316195 southwest: lat: 23.6344999 lng: 60.8729721 currency_code: PKR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region}} {{country}} alpha2: PL alpha3: POL country_code: '48' international_prefix: '00' ioc: POL gec: PL name: Poland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '616' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: PL nationality: Polish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 23 reduced: - 5 - 8 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Poland - Polen - Pologne - Polonia - ポーランド languages_official: - pl languages_spoken: - pl geo: latitude: 51.919438 latitude_dec: '52.147850036621094' longitude: 19.145136 longitude_dec: '19.37775993347168' max_latitude: 54.9054761 max_longitude: 24.1458931 min_latitude: 49.0020252 min_longitude: 14.1228641 bounds: northeast: lat: 54.9054761 lng: 24.1458931 southwest: lat: 49.0020252 lng: 14.1228641 currency_code: PLN start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: PM alpha3: SPM country_code: '508' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: SB name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: '0' number: '666' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: AMER un_locode: PM nationality: French postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Saint-Pierre und Miquelon - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon - San Pedro y Miquelón - サンピエール島・ミクロン島 - Saint Pierre en Miquelon languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 46.8852 latitude_dec: '46.90594482421875' longitude: -56.3159 longitude_dec: "-56.336585998535156" max_latitude: 47.21579999999999 max_longitude: -55.98249999999999 min_latitude: 46.7003 min_longitude: -56.5233 bounds: northeast: lat: 47.21579999999999 lng: -55.98249999999999 southwest: lat: 46.7003 lng: -56.5233 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: PN alpha3: PCN country_code: '64' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: PC name: Pitcairn national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '612' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: PN nationality: Pitcairn Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Pitcairn - ピトケアン - Pitcairneilanden - Pitcairn Islands languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -24.3767537 latitude_dec: "-24.372114181518555" longitude: -128.3242376 longitude_dec: "-128.31124877929688" max_latitude: -23.7928845 max_longitude: -124.5410156 min_latitude: -25.1776023 min_longitude: -130.9268188 bounds: northeast: lat: -23.7928845 lng: -124.5410156 southwest: lat: -25.1776023 lng: -130.9268188 currency_code: NZD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: PR alpha3: PRI country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: PUR gec: RQ name: Puerto Rico national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '630' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: PR nationality: Puerto Rican postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Puerto Rico - プエルトリコ languages_official: - es - en languages_spoken: - es - en geo: latitude: 18.220833 latitude_dec: '18.2491397857666' longitude: -66.590149 longitude_dec: "-66.62803649902344" max_latitude: 18.5160099 max_longitude: -65.2211099 min_latitude: 17.88124 min_longitude: -67.95158169999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.5160099 lng: -65.2211099 southwest: lat: 17.88124 lng: -67.95158169999999 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: PS alpha3: PSE alt_currency: EGP country_code: '970' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PLE gec: WE name: Palestine, State of national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '275' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: PS nationality: Palestinian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Palestine - فلسطين - Palästina - Palestina - the Occupied Palestinian Territory - パレスチナ - Palestijnse gebieden - Palestinian Territory Occupied - Palestinian Authority languages_official: - ar - he - en languages_spoken: - ar - he - en geo: latitude: 31.952162 latitude_dec: '31.946392059326172' longitude: 35.233154 longitude_dec: '35.259735107421875' max_latitude: 32.5520999 max_longitude: 35.5740521 min_latitude: 31.219691 min_longitude: 34.21010010000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 32.5520999 lng: 35.5740521 southwest: lat: 31.219691 lng: 34.21010010000001 currency_code: ILS start_of_week: sunday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{country}} alpha2: PT alpha3: PRT country_code: '351' international_prefix: '00' ioc: POR gec: PO name: Portugal national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '620' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: PT nationality: Portuguese eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 23 reduced: - 6 - 13 super_reduced: parking: 13 postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Portugal - ポルトガル languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: 39.39987199999999 latitude_dec: '39.64200973510742' longitude: -8.224454 longitude_dec: "-8.009422302246094" max_latitude: 42.1542048 max_longitude: -6.1902091 min_latitude: 32.2895 min_longitude: -31.4647999 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.1542048 lng: -6.1902091 southwest: lat: 32.2895 lng: -31.4647999 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: PW alpha3: PLW country_code: '680' international_prefix: '00' ioc: PLW gec: PS name: Palau national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '585' region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia world_region: APAC un_locode: PW nationality: Palauan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Palau - パラオ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 7.514979999999999 latitude_dec: '7.441900730133057' longitude: 134.58252 longitude_dec: '134.54205322265625' max_latitude: 8.238674 max_longitude: 135.0769 min_latitude: 2.6394 min_longitude: 131.0115 bounds: northeast: lat: 8.238674 lng: 135.0769 southwest: lat: 2.6394 lng: 131.0115 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: PY alpha3: PRY country_code: '595' international_prefix: '002' ioc: PAR gec: PA name: Paraguay national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '600' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: PY nationality: Paraguayan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Paraguay - パラグアイ languages_official: - es - gn languages_spoken: - es - gn geo: latitude: -23.442503 latitude_dec: "-23.24028968811035" longitude: -58.443832 longitude_dec: "-58.395172119140625" max_latitude: -19.2876589 max_longitude: -54.258562 min_latitude: -27.5817594 min_longitude: -62.63813879999999 bounds: northeast: lat: -19.2876589 lng: -54.258562 southwest: lat: -27.5817594 lng: -62.63813879999999 currency_code: PYG start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: QA alpha3: QAT country_code: '974' international_prefix: '00' ioc: QAT gec: QA name: Qatar national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '634' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: QA nationality: Qatari postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Qatar - قطر - Katar - カタール languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 25.354826 latitude_dec: '25.413625717163086' longitude: 51.183884 longitude_dec: '51.2602653503418' max_latitude: 26.2171 max_longitude: 51.6769 min_latitude: 24.471118 min_longitude: 50.7211001 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.2171 lng: 51.6769 southwest: lat: 24.471118 lng: 50.7211001 currency_code: QAR start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: RE alpha3: REU country_code: '262' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: RE name: Réunion national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: None number: '638' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: RE nationality: French postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Réunion - Reunión - Reunion - レユニオン languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -21.115141 latitude_dec: "-21.146299362182617" longitude: 55.536384 longitude_dec: '55.631248474121094' max_latitude: -20.8671529 max_longitude: 55.84487919999999 min_latitude: -21.4035321 min_longitude: 55.209732 bounds: northeast: lat: -20.8671529 lng: 55.84487919999999 southwest: lat: -21.4035321 lng: 55.209732 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: RO alpha3: ROU country_code: '40' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ROU gec: RO name: Romania national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '642' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: RO nationality: Romanian eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 19 reduced: - 5 - 9 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Romania - Rumänien - Roumanie - Rumania - ルーマニア - Roemenië languages_official: - ro languages_spoken: - ro geo: latitude: 45.943161 latitude_dec: '45.83774185180664' longitude: 24.96676 longitude_dec: '25.005935668945312' max_latitude: 48.265274 max_longitude: 29.77839999999999 min_latitude: 43.6186193 min_longitude: 20.2617593 bounds: northeast: lat: 48.265274 lng: 29.77839999999999 southwest: lat: 43.6186193 lng: 20.2617593 currency_code: RON start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: RS alpha3: SRB country_code: '381' international_prefix: '99' ioc: SRB gec: RI name: Serbia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '688' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: RS nationality: Serbian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Serbia - Serbien - Serbie - セルビア - Servië languages_official: - sr languages_spoken: - sr geo: latitude: 44.016521 latitude_dec: '44.23297119140625' longitude: 21.005859 longitude_dec: '20.797958374023438' max_latitude: 46.190032 max_longitude: 23.0063095 min_latitude: 42.2315029 min_longitude: 18.8385221 bounds: northeast: lat: 46.190032 lng: 23.0063095 southwest: lat: 42.2315029 lng: 18.8385221 currency_code: RSD start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{street}} {{country}} alpha2: RU alpha3: RUS country_code: '7' international_prefix: '810' ioc: RUS gec: RS name: Russian Federation national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '8' number: '643' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: RU nationality: Russian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Russia - Russland - Russie - Rusia - ロシア連邦 - Rusland - Россия - Расія languages_official: - ru languages_spoken: - ru geo: latitude: 61.52401 latitude_dec: '63.125186920166016' longitude: 105.318756 longitude_dec: '103.75398254394531' max_latitude: 82.1673907 max_longitude: -168.9778799 min_latitude: 41.185353 min_longitude: 19.6160999 bounds: northeast: lat: 82.1673907 lng: -168.9778799 southwest: lat: 41.185353 lng: 19.6160999 currency_code: RUB start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: RW alpha3: RWA country_code: '250' international_prefix: '00' ioc: RWA gec: RW name: Rwanda national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '646' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: RW nationality: Rwandan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Rwanda - Ruanda - ルワンダ languages_official: - rw - en - fr languages_spoken: - rw - en - fr geo: latitude: -1.940278 latitude_dec: "-1.9999498128890991" longitude: 29.873888 longitude_dec: '29.926057815551758' max_latitude: -1.0473753 max_longitude: 30.8991179 min_latitude: -2.8399383 min_longitude: 28.861754 bounds: northeast: lat: -1.0473753 lng: 30.8991179 southwest: lat: -2.8399383 lng: 28.861754 currency_code: RWF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: SA alpha3: SAU country_code: '966' international_prefix: '00' ioc: KSA gec: SA name: Saudi Arabia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '682' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: SA nationality: Saudi Arabian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Saudi Arabia - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - السعودية - Saudi-Arabien - Arabie Saoudite - Arabia Saudí - サウジアラビア - Saoedi-Arabië languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 23.885942 latitude_dec: '23.994726181030273' longitude: 45.079162 longitude_dec: '44.4013557434082' max_latitude: 32.154284 max_longitude: 55.6666999 min_latitude: 16.0036 min_longitude: 34.5299999 bounds: northeast: lat: 32.154284 lng: 55.6666999 southwest: lat: 16.0036 lng: 34.5299999 currency_code: SAR start_of_week: sunday - continent: Australia alpha2: SB alpha3: SLB country_code: '677' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SOL gec: BP name: Solomon Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 national_prefix: None number: 090 region: Oceania subregion: Melanesia world_region: APAC un_locode: SB nationality: Solomon Islander postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Solomon Islands - Salomonen - Îles Salomon - Islas Salomón - ソロモン諸島 - Salomonseilanden languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -9.64571 latitude_dec: "-9.548112869262695" longitude: 160.156194 longitude_dec: '160.01930236816406' max_latitude: -6.075011 max_longitude: 168.0249023 min_latitude: -12.6832149 min_longitude: 155.1187134 bounds: northeast: lat: -6.075011 lng: 168.0249023 southwest: lat: -12.6832149 lng: 155.1187134 currency_code: SBD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SC alpha3: SYC country_code: '248' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SEY gec: SE name: Seychelles national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '690' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SC nationality: Seychellois postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Seychelles - Seychellen - セーシェル languages_official: - fr - en languages_spoken: - fr - en geo: latitude: -4.679574 latitude_dec: "-4.669795036315918" longitude: 55.491977 longitude_dec: '55.47166061401367' max_latitude: -4.0766037 max_longitude: 56.3928224 min_latitude: -10.4716073 min_longitude: 45.9832764 bounds: northeast: lat: -4.0766037 lng: 56.3928224 southwest: lat: -10.4716073 lng: 45.9832764 currency_code: SCR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SD alpha3: SDN country_code: '249' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SUD gec: SU name: Sudan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '729' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SD nationality: Sudanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Sudan - السودان - Soudan - Sudán - スーダン - Soedan languages_official: - ar - en languages_spoken: - ar - en geo: latitude: 12.862807 latitude_dec: '16.085784912109375' longitude: 30.217636 longitude_dec: '30.087390899658203' max_latitude: 22.224918 max_longitude: 38.69379989999999 min_latitude: 9.3472209 min_longitude: 21.814939 bounds: northeast: lat: 22.224918 lng: 38.69379989999999 southwest: lat: 9.3472209 lng: 21.814939 currency_code: SDG start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: SE alpha3: SWE country_code: '46' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SWE gec: SW name: Sweden national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '752' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: SE nationality: Swedish eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 25 reduced: - 6 - 12 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Sweden - Schweden - Suède - Suecia - スウェーデン - Zweden languages_official: - sv languages_spoken: - sv geo: latitude: 60.12816100000001 latitude_dec: '62.67497253417969' longitude: 18.643501 longitude_dec: '16.798059463500977' max_latitude: 69.0599709 max_longitude: 24.1773102 min_latitude: 55.0059799 min_longitude: 10.5798 bounds: northeast: lat: 69.0599709 lng: 24.1773102 southwest: lat: 55.0059799 lng: 10.5798 currency_code: SEK start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: SG alpha3: SGP country_code: '65' international_prefix: '001' ioc: SIN gec: SN name: Singapore national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: None number: '702' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: SG nationality: Singaporean postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Singapore - Singapur - Singapour - シンガポール languages_official: - en - ms - ta languages_spoken: - en - ms - ta geo: latitude: 1.352083 latitude_dec: '1.3219958543777466' longitude: 103.819836 longitude_dec: '103.8205337524414' max_latitude: 1.4784001 max_longitude: 104.0945001 min_latitude: 1.1496 min_longitude: 103.594 bounds: northeast: lat: 1.4784001 lng: 104.0945001 southwest: lat: 1.1496 lng: 103.594 currency_code: SGD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SH alpha3: SHN country_code: '290' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: SH name: Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 4 national_prefix: None number: '654' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: APAC un_locode: SH nationality: Saint Helenian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Saint Helena - Sankt Helena - Sainte Hélène - Santa Helena - セントヘレナ・アセンションおよびトリスタンダクーニャ - Sint-Helena - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -15.9656004 latitude_dec: "-15.957334518432617" longitude: -5.7115281 longitude_dec: "-5.716914176940918" max_latitude: -7.1008926 max_longitude: -5.0976561 min_latitude: -37.7880815 min_longitude: -15.4248047 bounds: northeast: lat: -7.1008926 lng: -5.0976561 southwest: lat: -37.7880815 lng: -15.4248047 currency_code: SHP start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: SI alpha3: SVN country_code: '386' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SLO gec: SI name: Slovenia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '705' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: SI nationality: Slovene eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 22 reduced: - 9.5 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Slovenia - Slowenien - Slovénie - Eslovenia - スロベニア - Slovenië languages_official: - sl languages_spoken: - sl geo: latitude: 46.151241 latitude_dec: '46.1202392578125' longitude: 14.995463 longitude_dec: '14.820664405822754' max_latitude: 46.876659 max_longitude: 16.6107039 min_latitude: 45.4218356 min_longitude: 13.3753355 bounds: northeast: lat: 46.876659 lng: 16.6107039 southwest: lat: 45.4218356 lng: 13.3753355 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: SJ alpha3: SJM country_code: '47' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: SV name: Svalbard and Jan Mayen national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '744' region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: SJ nationality: Norwegian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Svalbard and Jan Mayen - Svalbard und Jan Mayen - Îles Svalbard et Jan Mayen - Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen - スヴァールバル諸島およびヤンマイエン島 - Svalbard en Jan Mayen languages_official: - 'no' languages_spoken: - 'no' geo: latitude: 77.55360399999999 latitude_dec: '71.04893493652344' longitude: 23.670272 longitude_dec: "-8.195747375488281" max_latitude: 80.92842569999999 max_longitude: 34.804688 min_latitude: 70.4662074 min_longitude: -10.5468751 bounds: northeast: lat: 80.92842569999999 lng: 34.804688 southwest: lat: 70.4662074 lng: -10.5468751 currency_code: NOK start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: SK alpha3: SVK country_code: '421' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SVK gec: LO name: Slovakia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '703' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: SK nationality: Slovak eu_member: true eea_member: true vat_rates: standard: 20 reduced: - 10 super_reduced: parking: postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Slovakia - Slowakei - Slovaquie - República Eslovaca - スロバキア - Slowakije languages_official: - sk languages_spoken: - sk geo: latitude: 48.669026 latitude_dec: '48.70748519897461' longitude: 19.699024 longitude_dec: '19.48488998413086' max_latitude: 49.61380510000001 max_longitude: 22.5589339 min_latitude: 47.731159 min_longitude: 16.8331821 bounds: northeast: lat: 49.61380510000001 lng: 22.5589339 southwest: lat: 47.731159 lng: 16.8331821 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SL alpha3: SLE country_code: '232' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SLE gec: SL name: Sierra Leone national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '694' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SL nationality: Sierra Leonean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Sierra Leone - シエラレオネ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 8.460555 latitude_dec: '8.521441459655762' longitude: -11.779889 longitude_dec: "-11.843890190124512" max_latitude: 9.9999737 max_longitude: -10.271683 min_latitude: 6.8446 min_longitude: -13.4032999 bounds: northeast: lat: 9.9999737 lng: -10.271683 southwest: lat: 6.8446 lng: -13.4032999 currency_code: SLL start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: SM alpha3: SMR country_code: '378' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SMR gec: SM name: San Marino national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 national_prefix: None number: '674' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: SM nationality: Sammarinese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - San Marino - Saint-Marin - サンマリノ languages_official: - it languages_spoken: - it geo: latitude: 43.94236 latitude_dec: '43.938133239746094' longitude: 12.457777 longitude_dec: '12.463393211364746' max_latitude: 43.992075 max_longitude: 12.5167041 min_latitude: 43.8936809 min_longitude: 12.4034824 bounds: northeast: lat: 43.992075 lng: 12.5167041 southwest: lat: 43.8936809 lng: 12.4034824 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SN alpha3: SEN country_code: '221' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SEN gec: SG name: Senegal national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '686' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SN nationality: Senegalese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Senegal - Sénégal - セネガル languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 14.497401 latitude_dec: '14.36251163482666' longitude: -14.452362 longitude_dec: "-14.531643867492676" max_latitude: 16.6930539 max_longitude: -11.348607 min_latitude: 12.2649001 min_longitude: -17.6879999 bounds: northeast: lat: 16.6930539 lng: -11.348607 southwest: lat: 12.2649001 lng: -17.6879999 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SO alpha3: SOM country_code: '252' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SOM gec: SO name: Somalia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: None number: '706' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SO nationality: Somali postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Somalia - الصومال - ソマリア - Somalië languages_official: - so - ar languages_spoken: - so - ar geo: latitude: 5.152149 latitude_dec: '5.948267459869385' longitude: 46.199616 longitude_dec: '47.47360610961914' max_latitude: 12.3615 max_longitude: 51.6138 min_latitude: -1.8673 min_longitude: 40.994373 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.3615 lng: 51.6138 southwest: lat: -1.8673 lng: 40.994373 currency_code: SOS start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: SR alpha3: SUR country_code: '597' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SUR gec: NS name: Suriname national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: '0' number: '740' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: SR nationality: Surinamer postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Suriname - Surinam - スリナム languages_official: - nl languages_spoken: - nl geo: latitude: 3.919305 latitude_dec: '4.216928958892822' longitude: -56.027783 longitude_dec: "-55.889217376708984" max_latitude: 6.1295999 max_longitude: -53.94289999999999 min_latitude: 1.837306 min_longitude: -58.07050590000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 6.1295999 lng: -53.94289999999999 southwest: lat: 1.837306 lng: -58.07050590000001 currency_code: SRD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SS alpha3: SSD country_code: '211' international_prefix: '0' ioc: gec: OD name: South Sudan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '728' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SS nationality: South Sudanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - South Sudan - Südsudan - 南スーダン - Zuid-Soedan languages_official: - ar - en languages_spoken: - ar - en geo: latitude: 6.876991899999999 latitude_dec: '7.303858280181885' longitude: 31.3069788 longitude_dec: '30.280752182006836' max_latitude: 12.236389 max_longitude: 35.9489971 min_latitude: 3.48898 min_longitude: 23.4408491 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.236389 lng: 35.9489971 southwest: lat: 3.48898 lng: 23.4408491 currency_code: SSP start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: ST alpha3: STP country_code: '239' international_prefix: '00' ioc: STP gec: TP name: Sao Tome and Principe national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 national_prefix: '0' number: '678' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ST nationality: Sao Tomean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - São Tomé and Príncipe - São Tomé und Príncipe - São Tomé et Príncipe - Santo Tomé y Príncipe - サントメ・プリンシペ - Sao Tomé en Principe languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: 0.18636 latitude_dec: '0.275555282831192' longitude: 6.613080999999999 longitude_dec: '6.631628036499023' max_latitude: 1.8961687 max_longitude: 7.658843900000001 min_latitude: -0.09887689999999999 min_longitude: 6.328125 bounds: northeast: lat: 1.8961687 lng: 7.658843900000001 southwest: lat: -0.09887689999999999 lng: 6.328125 currency_code: STD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: SV alpha3: SLV country_code: '503' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ESA gec: ES name: El Salvador national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '222' region: Americas subregion: Central America world_region: AMER un_locode: SV nationality: Salvadoran postal_code: true unofficial_names: - El Salvador - Salvador - エルサルバドル languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 13.794185 latitude_dec: '13.671636581420898' longitude: -88.89653 longitude_dec: "-88.86363220214844" max_latitude: 14.4505567 max_longitude: -87.6682 min_latitude: 13.0473999 min_longitude: -90.19229999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 14.4505567 lng: -87.6682 southwest: lat: 13.0473999 lng: -90.19229999999999 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: SX alpha3: SXM country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1721' international_prefix: '011' ioc: gec: NN name: Sint Maarten (Dutch part) national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '534' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: SX nationality: Dutch postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Sint Maarten - セント・マーチン島 languages_official: - nl - en languages_spoken: - nl - en geo: latitude: 18.04248 latitude_dec: '18.042224884033203' longitude: -63.05483 longitude_dec: "-63.06623458862305" max_latitude: 18.0641707 max_longitude: -62.9784 min_latitude: 17.9941 min_longitude: -63.13979990000001 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.0641707 lng: -62.9784 southwest: lat: 17.9941 lng: -63.13979990000001 currency_code: ANG start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: SY alpha3: SYR country_code: '963' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SYR gec: SY name: Syrian Arab Republic national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '760' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: SY nationality: Syrian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Syria - سوريا - سورية - Syrien - Syrie - Siria - シリア・アラブ共和国 - Syrië languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 34.80207499999999 latitude_dec: '35.03312683105469' longitude: 38.996815 longitude_dec: '38.473472595214844' max_latitude: 37.318693 max_longitude: 42.376309 min_latitude: 32.311136 min_longitude: 35.62869999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 37.318693 lng: 42.376309 southwest: lat: 32.311136 lng: 35.62869999999999 currency_code: SYP start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: SZ alpha3: SWZ country_code: '268' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SWZ gec: WZ name: Swaziland national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '748' region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: SZ nationality: Swazi postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Swaziland - Swasiland - Suazilandia - スワジランド languages_official: - en - ss languages_spoken: - en - ss geo: latitude: -26.522503 latitude_dec: "-26.565134048461914" longitude: 31.465866 longitude_dec: '31.49811363220215' max_latitude: -25.71792 max_longitude: 32.1349067 min_latitude: -27.317402 min_longitude: 30.79064 bounds: northeast: lat: -25.71792 lng: 32.1349067 southwest: lat: -27.317402 lng: 30.79064 currency_code: SZL start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: TC alpha3: TCA country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1649' international_prefix: '011' ioc: gec: TK name: Turks and Caicos Islands national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '796' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: APAC un_locode: TC nationality: Turks and Caicos Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Turks and Caicos Islands - Turks- und Caicosinseln - Îles Turks et Caïcos - Islas Turks y Caicos - タークス・カイコス諸島 - Turks- en Caicoseilanden - Turks and Caicos languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 21.694025 latitude_dec: '21.758726119995117' longitude: -71.797928 longitude_dec: "-71.71514892578125" max_latitude: 22.0016285 max_longitude: -71.05949989999999 min_latitude: 21.1459922 min_longitude: -72.52069999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 22.0016285 lng: -71.05949989999999 southwest: lat: 21.1459922 lng: -72.52069999999999 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: TD alpha3: TCD country_code: '235' international_prefix: '15' ioc: CHA gec: CD name: Chad national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '148' region: Africa subregion: Middle Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: TD nationality: Chadian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Chad - تشاد - Tschad - Tchad - チャド - Tsjaad languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: 15.454166 latitude_dec: '15.367652893066406' longitude: 18.732207 longitude_dec: '18.66758155822754' max_latitude: 23.449228 max_longitude: 24.0000011 min_latitude: 7.442975 min_longitude: 13.4699999 bounds: northeast: lat: 23.449228 lng: 24.0000011 southwest: lat: 7.442975 lng: 13.4699999 currency_code: XAF start_of_week: monday - continent: Antarctica alpha2: TF alpha3: ATF country_code: '262' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: FS name: French Southern Territories national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '260' region: '' subregion: '' un_locode: TF nationality: French postal_code: false world_region: APAC unofficial_names: - French Southern Territories - Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete - Terres Australes Françaises - Territorios Franceses del Sur - フランス領南方・南極地域 - Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan - French Southern and Antarctic Lands languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -49.280366 latitude_dec: "-49.563865661621094" longitude: 69.348557 longitude_dec: '69.54277801513672' max_latitude: -48.4036793 max_longitude: 70.6558228 min_latitude: -50.0641918 min_longitude: 68.4832763 bounds: northeast: lat: -48.4036793 lng: 70.6558228 southwest: lat: -50.0641918 lng: 68.4832763 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: TG alpha3: TGO country_code: '228' international_prefix: '00' ioc: TOG gec: TO name: Togo national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '768' region: Africa subregion: Western Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: TG nationality: Togolese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Togo - トーゴ languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: 8.619543 latitude_dec: '8.513226509094238' longitude: 0.824782 longitude_dec: '0.9800975322723389' max_latitude: 11.1404963 max_longitude: 1.8088218 min_latitude: 6.0812 min_longitude: -0.144042 bounds: northeast: lat: 11.1404963 lng: 1.8088218 southwest: lat: 6.0812 lng: -0.144042 currency_code: XOF start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: TH alpha3: THA country_code: '66' international_prefix: '001' ioc: THA gec: TH name: Thailand national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '764' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: TH nationality: Thai postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Thailand - Thaïlande - Tailandia - タイ languages_official: - th languages_spoken: - th geo: latitude: 15.870032 latitude_dec: '14.48458194732666' longitude: 100.992541 longitude_dec: '100.85191345214844' max_latitude: 20.465143 max_longitude: 105.636812 min_latitude: 5.613038 min_longitude: 97.343396 bounds: northeast: lat: 20.465143 lng: 105.636812 southwest: lat: 5.613038 lng: 97.343396 currency_code: THB start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: TJ alpha3: TJK alt_currency: RUB country_code: '992' international_prefix: '810' ioc: TJK gec: TI name: Tajikistan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '8' number: '762' region: Asia subregion: Central Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: TJ nationality: Tadzhik postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Tajikistan - Tadschikistan - Tayikistán - タジキスタン - Tadzjikistan - Tajikstan languages_official: - tg - ru languages_spoken: - tg - ru geo: latitude: 38.861034 latitude_dec: '38.879764556884766' longitude: 71.276093 longitude_dec: '70.89906311035156' max_latitude: 41.044367 max_longitude: 75.1539564 min_latitude: 36.6719898 min_longitude: 67.34201209999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.044367 lng: 75.1539564 southwest: lat: 36.6719898 lng: 67.34201209999999 currency_code: TJS start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: TK alpha3: TKL country_code: '690' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: TL name: Tokelau national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 4 national_prefix: None number: '772' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: TK nationality: Tokelauan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Tokelau - Îles Tokelau - Islas Tokelau - トケラウ languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -9.200199999999999 latitude_dec: "-8.979207992553711" longitude: -171.8484 longitude_dec: "-172.2017059326172" max_latitude: -8.4221116 max_longitude: -171.0928346 min_latitude: -9.5059527 min_longitude: -172.6625061 bounds: northeast: lat: -8.4221116 lng: -171.0928346 southwest: lat: -9.5059527 lng: -172.6625061 currency_code: NZD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: TL alpha3: TLS country_code: '670' international_prefix: None ioc: TLS gec: TT name: Timor-Leste national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '626' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: TL nationality: East Timorese postal_code: false unofficial_names: - East Timor - Timor-Leste - Timor oriental - Timor Oriental - 東ティモール - Oost-Timor languages_official: - pt languages_spoken: - pt geo: latitude: -8.874217 latitude_dec: "-8.804786682128906" longitude: 125.727539 longitude_dec: '126.07902526855469' max_latitude: -8.048399999999999 max_longitude: 127.4249 min_latitude: -9.5303001 min_longitude: 124.0332 bounds: northeast: lat: -8.048399999999999 lng: 127.4249 southwest: lat: -9.5303001 lng: 124.0332 currency_code: IDR start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: TM alpha3: TKM country_code: '993' international_prefix: '810' ioc: TKM gec: TX name: Turkmenistan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: '8' number: '795' region: Asia subregion: Central Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: TM nationality: Turkmen postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Turkmenistan - Turkménistan - Turkmenistán - トルクメニスタン languages_official: - tk - ru languages_spoken: - tk - ru geo: latitude: 38.969719 latitude_dec: '39.2012825012207' longitude: 59.556278 longitude_dec: '59.082252502441406' max_latitude: 42.798844 max_longitude: 66.70735309999999 min_latitude: 35.12876 min_longitude: 52.3169 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.798844 lng: 66.70735309999999 southwest: lat: 35.12876 lng: 52.3169 currency_code: TMT start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: TN alpha3: TUN country_code: '216' international_prefix: '00' ioc: TUN gec: TS name: Tunisia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 national_prefix: None number: '788' region: Africa subregion: Northern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: TN nationality: Tunisian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Tunisia - تونس - Tunesien - Tunisie - Túnez - チュニジア - Tunesië languages_official: - ar - fr languages_spoken: - ar - fr geo: latitude: 33.886917 latitude_dec: '34.33528518676758' longitude: 9.537499 longitude_dec: '9.245259284973145' max_latitude: 37.5359 max_longitude: 11.599217 min_latitude: 30.2280339 min_longitude: 7.522311 bounds: northeast: lat: 37.5359 lng: 11.599217 southwest: lat: 30.2280339 lng: 7.522311 currency_code: TND start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: TO alpha3: TON country_code: '676' international_prefix: '00' ioc: TGA gec: TN name: Tonga national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 - 6 - 7 national_prefix: None number: '776' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: TO nationality: Tongan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Tonga - トンガ languages_official: - en - to languages_spoken: - en - to geo: latitude: -21.178986 latitude_dec: "-21.147611618041992" longitude: -175.198242 longitude_dec: "-175.25067138671875" max_latitude: -15.4060236 max_longitude: -173.2543946 min_latitude: -21.8360059 min_longitude: -175.9570313 bounds: northeast: lat: -15.4060236 lng: -173.2543946 southwest: lat: -21.8360059 lng: -175.9570313 currency_code: TOP start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: TR alpha3: TUR country_code: '90' international_prefix: '00' ioc: TUR gec: TU name: Turkey national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '792' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: TR nationality: Turkish postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Turkey - Türkei - Turquie - Turquía - トルコ - Turkije languages_official: - tr languages_spoken: - tr geo: latitude: 38.963745 latitude_dec: '39.05101013183594' longitude: 35.243322 longitude_dec: '34.93033981323242' max_latitude: 42.3666999 max_longitude: 44.8178449 min_latitude: 35.808592 min_longitude: 25.5377 bounds: northeast: lat: 42.3666999 lng: 44.8178449 southwest: lat: 35.808592 lng: 25.5377 currency_code: TRY start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: TT alpha3: TTO country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1868' international_prefix: '011' ioc: TRI gec: TD name: Trinidad and Tobago national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '780' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: TT nationality: Trinidadian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Trinidad and Tobago - Trinidad und Tobago - Trinité et Tobago - Trinidad y Tobago - トリニダード・トバゴ - Trinidad en Tobago languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 10.691803 latitude_dec: '10.68574047088623' longitude: -61.222503 longitude_dec: "-61.1640625" max_latitude: 11.4004 max_longitude: -60.45089989999999 min_latitude: 9.9930001 min_longitude: -61.9725001 bounds: northeast: lat: 11.4004 lng: -60.45089989999999 southwest: lat: 9.9930001 lng: -61.9725001 currency_code: TTD start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: TV alpha3: TUV country_code: '688' international_prefix: '00' ioc: TUV gec: TV name: Tuvalu national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 national_prefix: None number: '798' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: TV nationality: Tuvaluan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Tuvalu - ツバル languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -7.4784205 latitude_dec: "-7.471305847167969" longitude: 178.679924 longitude_dec: '178.6740264892578' max_latitude: -5.4300853 max_longitude: 179.9999999 min_latitude: -11.1891797 min_longitude: 175.5615234 bounds: northeast: lat: -5.4300853 lng: 179.9999999 southwest: lat: -11.1891797 lng: 175.5615234 currency_code: TVD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: TW alpha3: TWN country_code: '886' international_prefix: '002' ioc: TPE gec: TW name: Taiwan, Province of China national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '158' region: Asia subregion: Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: TW nationality: Taiwanese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Taiwan - Taiwán - 台湾 languages_official: - zh languages_spoken: - zh geo: latitude: 23.69781 latitude_dec: '23.685789108276367' longitude: 120.960515 longitude_dec: '120.89749145507812' max_latitude: 26.4545 max_longitude: 123.5021012 min_latitude: 20.5170001 min_longitude: 116.6665 bounds: northeast: lat: 26.4545 lng: 123.5021012 southwest: lat: 20.5170001 lng: 116.6665 currency_code: TWD start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: TZ alpha3: TZA country_code: '255' international_prefix: '000' ioc: TAN gec: TZ name: Tanzania, United Republic of national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '834' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: TZ nationality: Tanzanian postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Tanzania - Tansania - Tanzanie - タンザニア - Tanzania United Republic languages_official: - sw - en languages_spoken: - sw - en geo: latitude: -6.369028 latitude_dec: "-6.306897163391113" longitude: 34.888822 longitude_dec: '34.85392761230469' max_latitude: -0.984397 max_longitude: 40.6398 min_latitude: -11.7612539 min_longitude: 29.34 bounds: northeast: lat: -0.984397 lng: 40.6398 southwest: lat: -11.7612539 lng: 29.34 currency_code: TZS start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: UA alpha3: UKR country_code: '380' international_prefix: '810' ioc: UKR gec: UP name: Ukraine national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '8' number: '804' region: Europe subregion: Eastern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: UA nationality: Ukrainian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Ukraine - Ucrania - ウクライナ - Oekraïne - Украина - Україна - Украіна languages_official: - uk languages_spoken: - uk geo: latitude: 48.379433 latitude_dec: '48.92656326293945' longitude: 31.16558 longitude_dec: '31.47578239440918' max_latitude: 52.37958099999999 max_longitude: 40.2285809 min_latitude: 44.2924 min_longitude: 22.137159 bounds: northeast: lat: 52.37958099999999 lng: 40.2285809 southwest: lat: 44.2924 lng: 22.137159 currency_code: UAH start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: UG alpha3: UGA country_code: '256' international_prefix: '000' ioc: UGA gec: UG name: Uganda national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '800' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: UG nationality: Ugandan postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Uganda - ウガンダ - Oeganda languages_official: - en - sw languages_spoken: - en - sw geo: latitude: 1.373333 latitude_dec: '1.2773280143737793' longitude: 32.290275 longitude_dec: '32.389984130859375' max_latitude: 4.2186278 max_longitude: 35.0330489 min_latitude: -1.4823179 min_longitude: 29.573433 bounds: northeast: lat: 4.2186278 lng: 35.0330489 southwest: lat: -1.4823179 lng: 29.573433 currency_code: UGX start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: UM alpha3: UMI country_code: '1' international_prefix: '' ioc: gec: name: United States Minor Outlying Islands national_destination_code_lengths: [] national_number_lengths: [] national_prefix: '' number: '581' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: AMER un_locode: UM nationality: American postal_code: true unofficial_names: - United States Minor Outlying Islands - US-Amerikanische Hoheitsgebiete - Dépendances américaines - Islas menores de Estados Unidos - 合衆国領有小離島 - Kleine afgelegen eilanden van de Verenigde Staten languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 19.2823192 latitude_dec: '19.282319' longitude: 166.647047 longitude_dec: '166.647047' max_latitude: 28.3977184 max_longitude: -159.9849071 min_latitude: -0.3824678 min_longitude: 166.5989221 bounds: northeast: lat: 28.3977184 lng: -159.9849071 southwest: lat: -0.3824678 lng: 166.5989221 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: US alpha3: USA country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: USA gec: US name: United States of America national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '840' region: Americas subregion: Northern America world_region: AMER un_locode: US nationality: American postal_code: true unofficial_names: - United States - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - États-Unis - Estados Unidos - アメリカ合衆国 - Verenigde Staten languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 37.09024 latitude_dec: '39.44325637817383' longitude: -95.712891 longitude_dec: "-98.95733642578125" max_latitude: 71.5388001 max_longitude: -66.885417 min_latitude: 18.7763 min_longitude: 170.5957 bounds: northeast: lat: 71.5388001 lng: -66.885417 southwest: lat: 18.7763 lng: 170.5957 currency_code: USD start_of_week: sunday - continent: South America alpha2: UY alpha3: URY country_code: '598' international_prefix: '00' ioc: URU gec: UY name: Uruguay national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 national_prefix: '0' number: '858' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: UY nationality: Uruguayan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Uruguay - ウルグアイ languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: -32.522779 latitude_dec: "-32.96965408325195" longitude: -55.765835 longitude_dec: "-56.055908203125" max_latitude: -30.0852149 max_longitude: -53.0779286 min_latitude: -35.1558001 min_longitude: -58.4913609 bounds: northeast: lat: -30.0852149 lng: -53.0779286 southwest: lat: -35.1558001 lng: -58.4913609 currency_code: UYU start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: UZ alpha3: UZB country_code: '998' international_prefix: '810' ioc: UZB gec: UZ name: Uzbekistan national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '8' number: '860' region: Asia subregion: Central Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: UZ nationality: Uzbekistani postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Uzbekistan - Usbekistan - Ouzbékistan - Uzbekistán - ウズベキスタン - Oezbekistan languages_official: - uz - ru languages_spoken: - uz - ru geo: latitude: 41.377491 latitude_dec: '41.77239227294922' longitude: 64.585262 longitude_dec: '63.14588928222656' max_latitude: 45.590075 max_longitude: 73.148946 min_latitude: 37.1722571 min_longitude: 55.9982179 bounds: northeast: lat: 45.590075 lng: 73.148946 southwest: lat: 37.1722571 lng: 55.9982179 currency_code: UZS start_of_week: monday - continent: Europe alpha2: VA alpha3: VAT country_code: '39' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: VT name: Holy See national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: None number: '336' region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe world_region: EMEA un_locode: VA nationality: Italian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Vatican City - Vatikan - Cité du Vatican - Ciudad del Vaticano - バチカン市国 - Vaticaanstad - Vatican City State (Holy See) languages_official: - it - la languages_spoken: - it - la geo: latitude: 41.902916 latitude_dec: '41.90308380126953' longitude: 12.453389 longitude_dec: '12.452852249145508' max_latitude: 41.90744309999999 max_longitude: 12.4583938 min_latitude: 41.9001896 min_longitude: 12.4457286 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.90744309999999 lng: 12.4583938 southwest: lat: 41.9001896 lng: 12.4457286 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: VC alpha3: VCT country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1784' international_prefix: '011' ioc: VIN gec: VC name: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '670' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: VC nationality: Saint Vincentian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent und die Grenadinen - Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines - San Vicente y Granadinas - セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島 - Saint Vincent en de Grenadines - St. Vincent Grenadines - St Vincent Grenadines languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 13.2528179 latitude_dec: '13.217251777648926' longitude: -61.19716279999999 longitude_dec: "-61.19344711303711" max_latitude: 13.4136657 max_longitude: -61.0846 min_latitude: 12.5294999 min_longitude: -61.4822 bounds: northeast: lat: 13.4136657 lng: -61.0846 southwest: lat: 12.5294999 lng: -61.4822 currency_code: XCD start_of_week: monday - continent: South America alpha2: VE alpha3: VEN country_code: '58' international_prefix: '00' ioc: VEN gec: VE name: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '862' region: Americas subregion: South America world_region: AMER un_locode: VE nationality: Venezuelan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Venezuela - ベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国 languages_official: - es languages_spoken: - es geo: latitude: 6.42375 latitude_dec: '7.665388584136963' longitude: -66.58973 longitude_dec: "-66.14541625976562" max_latitude: 12.6886 max_longitude: -59.805666 min_latitude: 0.6475291 min_longitude: -73.35155809999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 12.6886 lng: -59.805666 southwest: lat: 0.6475291 lng: -73.35155809999999 currency_code: VEF start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: VG alpha3: VGB country_code: '1' nanp_prefix: '1284' international_prefix: '011' ioc: IVB gec: VI name: Virgin Islands (British) national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: 092 region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: VG nationality: Virgin Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - British Virgin Islands - Britische Jungferninseln - Îles Vierges britanniques - Islas Vírgenes del Reino Unido - イギリス領ヴァージン諸島 - Britse Maagdeneilanden - Virgin Islands (British) languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 18.420695 latitude_dec: '18.443071365356445' longitude: -64.639968 longitude_dec: "-64.57130432128906" max_latitude: 18.7539999 max_longitude: -64.2651999 min_latitude: 18.2899998 min_longitude: -64.8775 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.7539999 lng: -64.2651999 southwest: lat: 18.2899998 lng: -64.8775 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: North America alpha2: VI alpha3: VIR country_code: '1' international_prefix: '011' ioc: ISV gec: VQ name: Virgin Islands (U.S.) national_destination_code_lengths: - 3 national_number_lengths: - 10 national_prefix: '1' number: '850' region: Americas subregion: Caribbean world_region: AMER un_locode: VI nationality: Virgin Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Virgin Islands of the United States - Amerikanische Jungferninseln - Îles Vierges américaines - Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos - アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島 - Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden - Virgin Islands (U.S.) - United States Virgin Islands languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: 18.335765 latitude_dec: '17.75262451171875' longitude: -64.896335 longitude_dec: "-64.73542022705078" max_latitude: 18.4239 max_longitude: -64.4391 min_latitude: 17.5482999 min_longitude: -65.1101 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.4239 lng: -64.4391 southwest: lat: 17.5482999 lng: -65.1101 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia alpha2: VN alpha3: VNM country_code: '84' international_prefix: '00' ioc: VIE gec: VM name: Viet Nam national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 national_prefix: '0' number: '704' region: Asia subregion: South-Eastern Asia world_region: APAC un_locode: VN nationality: Vietnamese postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Vietnam - ベトナム - Viet Nam languages_official: - vi languages_spoken: - vi geo: latitude: 14.058324 latitude_dec: '16.9404296875' longitude: 108.277199 longitude_dec: '106.8164291381836' max_latitude: 23.393395 max_longitude: 109.6765 min_latitude: 8.1952001 min_longitude: 102.14441 bounds: northeast: lat: 23.393395 lng: 109.6765 southwest: lat: 8.1952001 lng: 102.14441 currency_code: VND start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: VU alpha3: VUT country_code: '678' international_prefix: '00' ioc: VAN gec: NH name: Vanuatu national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 5 - 6 - 7 national_prefix: None number: '548' region: Oceania subregion: Melanesia world_region: APAC un_locode: VU nationality: Ni-Vanuatu postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Vanuatu - バヌアツ languages_official: - bi - en - fr languages_spoken: - bi - en - fr geo: latitude: -15.376706 latitude_dec: "-16.376684188842773" longitude: 166.959158 longitude_dec: '167.5625' max_latitude: -12.8064449 max_longitude: 170.5023193 min_latitude: -20.5350773 min_longitude: 166.0583495 bounds: northeast: lat: -12.8064449 lng: 170.5023193 southwest: lat: -20.5350773 lng: 166.0583495 currency_code: VUV start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: WF alpha3: WLF country_code: '681' international_prefix: '19' ioc: gec: WF name: Wallis and Futuna national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 national_prefix: None number: '876' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: WF nationality: Wallis and Futuna Islander postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Wallis and Futuna - Wallis und Futuna - Wallis et Futuna - Wallis y Futuna - ウォリス・フツナ - Wallis en Futuna languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -14.2938 latitude_dec: "-13.299612045288086" longitude: -178.1165 longitude_dec: "-176.1701202392578" max_latitude: -13.1303042 max_longitude: -176.0971068 min_latitude: -14.4187203 min_longitude: -178.2284546 bounds: northeast: lat: -13.1303042 lng: -176.0971068 southwest: lat: -14.4187203 lng: -178.2284546 currency_code: XPF start_of_week: monday - continent: Australia alpha2: WS alpha3: WSM country_code: '685' international_prefix: '00' ioc: SAM gec: WS name: Samoa national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 6 - 7 national_prefix: None number: '882' region: Oceania subregion: Polynesia world_region: APAC un_locode: WS nationality: Samoan postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Samoa - サモア languages_official: - sm - en languages_spoken: - sm - en geo: latitude: -13.759029 latitude_dec: "-13.668972969055176" longitude: -172.104629 longitude_dec: "-172.322021484375" max_latitude: -13.4203449 max_longitude: -171.3968562 min_latitude: -14.0833012 min_longitude: -172.8108215 bounds: northeast: lat: -13.4203449 lng: -171.3968562 southwest: lat: -14.0833012 lng: -172.8108215 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday - continent: Asia address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{postalcode}} {{city}} {{country}} alpha2: YE alpha3: YEM country_code: '967' international_prefix: '00' ioc: YEM gec: YM name: Yemen national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 - 8 - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '887' region: Asia subregion: Western Asia world_region: EMEA un_locode: YE nationality: Yemeni postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Yemen - اليمن - Jemen - Yémen - イエメン languages_official: - ar languages_spoken: - ar geo: latitude: 15.552727 latitude_dec: '15.888387680053711' longitude: 48.516388 longitude_dec: '47.48988723754883' max_latitude: 18.9996331 max_longitude: 54.67899999999999 min_latitude: 11.7975 min_longitude: 41.70959999999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 18.9996331 lng: 54.67899999999999 southwest: lat: 11.7975 lng: 41.70959999999999 currency_code: YER start_of_week: sunday - continent: Africa alpha2: YT alpha3: MYT country_code: '262' international_prefix: '00' ioc: gec: MF name: Mayotte national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 7 national_prefix: None number: '175' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: YT nationality: French postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Mayotte - マヨット languages_official: - fr languages_spoken: - fr geo: latitude: -12.8275 latitude_dec: "-12.79636001586914" longitude: 45.166244 longitude_dec: '45.14227294921875' max_latitude: -12.5772665 max_longitude: 45.32014849999999 min_latitude: -13.0358332 min_longitude: 44.9914169 bounds: northeast: lat: -12.5772665 lng: 45.32014849999999 southwest: lat: -13.0358332 lng: 44.9914169 currency_code: EUR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa address_format: |- {{recipient}} {{street}} {{city}} {{region}} {{postalcode}} {{country}} alpha2: ZA alpha3: ZAF country_code: '27' international_prefix: 09 ioc: RSA gec: SF name: South Africa national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '710' region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ZA nationality: South African postal_code: false unofficial_names: - South Africa - Republik Südafrika - Afrique du Sud - República de Sudáfrica - 南アフリカ - Zuid-Afrika languages_official: - af - en - nr - st - ss - tn - ts - ve - xh - zu languages_spoken: - af - en - nr - st - ss - tn - ts - ve - xh - zu geo: latitude: -30.559482 latitude_dec: "-29.046184539794922" longitude: 22.937506 longitude_dec: '25.06287956237793' max_latitude: -22.1254241 max_longitude: 38.2216904 min_latitude: -47.1313489 min_longitude: 16.2816999 bounds: northeast: lat: -22.1254241 lng: 38.2216904 southwest: lat: -47.1313489 lng: 16.2816999 currency_code: ZAR start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: ZM alpha3: ZMB country_code: '260' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ZAM gec: ZA name: Zambia national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '0' number: '894' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ZM nationality: Zambian postal_code: true unofficial_names: - Zambia - Sambia - Zambie - ザンビア languages_official: - en languages_spoken: - en geo: latitude: -13.133897 latitude_dec: "-13.458845138549805" longitude: 27.849332 longitude_dec: '27.788097381591797' max_latitude: -8.203284 max_longitude: 33.7090305 min_latitude: -18.077418 min_longitude: 21.999351 bounds: northeast: lat: -8.203284 lng: 33.7090305 southwest: lat: -18.077418 lng: 21.999351 currency_code: ZMW start_of_week: monday - continent: Africa alpha2: ZW alpha3: ZWE country_code: '263' international_prefix: '00' ioc: ZIM gec: ZI name: Zimbabwe national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 national_prefix: '0' number: '716' region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa world_region: EMEA un_locode: ZW nationality: Zimbabwean postal_code: false unofficial_names: - Zimbabwe - Simbabwe - Zimbabue - ジンバブエ languages_official: - en - sn - nd languages_spoken: - en - sn - nd geo: latitude: -19.015438 latitude_dec: "-19.000280380249023" longitude: 29.154857 longitude_dec: '29.86876106262207' max_latitude: -15.609319 max_longitude: 33.068236 min_latitude: -22.4223538 min_longitude: 25.237368 bounds: northeast: lat: -15.609319 lng: 33.068236 southwest: lat: -22.4223538 lng: 25.237368 currency_code: USD start_of_week: monday