require 'rfuzz/session' context "4: HTTP Message" do setup do @sess = :host => "localhost", :port => 3000 end specify "4.1: Message Types" do # In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s) # received where a Request-Line is expected. end specify "4.2: Message Headers" do # The field value MAY be preceded by any amount of LWS, though a single SP # is preferred. # leading or trailing LWS MAY be removed without changing the semantics of # the field value # Any LWS that occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a single # SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message # downstream. # RANT: WTF, so the values basically have to be quoted to prevent this? # Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in # a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is # defined as a comma-separated list # It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one # "field-name: field-value" pair # a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when a message is # forwarded end specify "4.3: Message Body" do # Transfer-Encoding MUST be used to indicate any transfer-codings applied # by an application to ensure safe and proper transfer of the message # Transfer-Encoding MAY be added or removed by any application along the # request/response chain # A message-body MUST NOT be included in a request if the specification of # the request method (section 5.1.1) does not allow sending an entity-body # in requests. # A server SHOULD read and forward a message-body on any request # if the request method does not include defined semantics for an # entity-body, then the message-body SHOULD be ignored when handling the # request # All responses to the HEAD request method MUST NOT include a message-body, # even though the presence of entity- header fields might lead one to # believe they do # All 1xx (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) # responses MUST NOT include a message-body # All other responses do include a message-body, although it MAY be of zero # length. end specify "4.4: Message Length" do # The Content-Length header field MUST NOT be sent if these two lengths are # different (entity-length & transfer-length) # If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding header field and a # Content-Length header field, the latter MUST be ignored. # "multipart/byteranges" media type MUST NOT be used unless the sender # knows that the recipient can parse it # Closing the connection cannot be used to indicate the end of a request # body, since that would leave no possibility for the server to send back a # response. # HTTP/1.1 requests containing a message-body MUST include a valid # Content-Length header field unless the server is known to be HTTP/1.1 # compliant # If a request contains a message-body and a Content-Length is not given, # the server SHOULD respond with 400 (bad request) if it cannot determine # the length of the message, or with 411 (length required) if it wishes to # insist on receiving a valid Content-Length. # All HTTP/1.1 applications that receive entities MUST accept the "chunked" # transfer-coding (section 3.6) # RANT: Applications meaning what? clients? servers? both? # Messages MUST NOT include both a Content-Length header field and a # non-identity transfer-coding. # If the message does include a non- identity transfer-coding, the # Content-Length MUST be ignored. RANT: They already said that, must be # really important. # # [Content-Length in messages which allow it] MUST exactly match the number # of OCTETs in the message-body. # HTTP/1.1 user agents MUST notify the user when an invalid length is # received and detected. end specify "4.5: General Header Fields" do # These apply to both requests and responses: # general-header = Cache-Control ; Section 14.9 # | Connection ; Section 14.10 # | Date ; Section 14.18 # | Pragma ; Section 14.32 # | Trailer ; Section 14.40 # | Transfer-Encoding ; Section 14.41 # | Upgrade ; Section 14.42 # | Via ; Section 14.45 # | Warning ; Section 14.46 end end