-------- Grammar -------- rule 1 result: rule 2 result: names rule 3 names: name rule 4 names: names AND name rule 5 name: last rule 6 name: u_words last rule 7 name: sort COMMA first rule 8 sort: u_words rule 9 sort: LWORD rule 10 sort: von LWORD rule 11 sort: von u_words rule 12 last: word rule 13 last: von LWORD rule 14 last: von u_words rule 15 first: opt_words rule 16 first: opt_words COMMA opt_words rule 17 u_words: u_word rule 18 u_words: u_words u_word rule 19 u_word: UWORD rule 20 u_word: PWORD rule 21 von: LWORD rule 22 von: von u_words LWORD rule 23 von: von LWORD rule 24 words: word rule 25 words: words word rule 26 opt_words: rule 27 opt_words: words rule 28 word: LWORD rule 29 word: UWORD rule 30 word: PWORD ------- Symbols ------- **Nonterminals, with rules where they appear $start (8) on right: on left : result (9) on right: on left : 1 2 names (10) on right: 2 4 on left : 3 4 name (11) on right: 3 4 on left : 5 6 7 last (12) on right: 5 6 on left : 12 13 14 u_words (13) on right: 6 8 11 14 18 22 on left : 17 18 sort (14) on right: 7 on left : 8 9 10 11 first (15) on right: 7 on left : 15 16 von (16) on right: 10 11 13 14 22 23 on left : 21 22 23 word (17) on right: 12 24 25 on left : 28 29 30 opt_words (18) on right: 15 16 on left : 26 27 u_word (19) on right: 17 18 on left : 19 20 words (20) on right: 25 27 on left : 24 25 **Terminals, with rules where they appear $end (0) error (1) COMMA (2) 7 16 UWORD (3) 19 29 LWORD (4) 9 10 13 21 22 23 28 PWORD (5) 20 30 AND (6) 4 ERROR (7) --------- State --------- state 0 UWORD shift, and go to state 11 LWORD shift, and go to state 7 PWORD shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 1 (result) result go to state 1 names go to state 2 name go to state 3 last go to state 4 u_words go to state 5 sort go to state 6 von go to state 8 word go to state 9 u_word go to state 10 state 1 $end shift, and go to state 13 state 2 2) result : names _ 4) names : names _ AND name AND shift, and go to state 14 $default reduce using rule 2 (result) state 3 3) names : name _ $default reduce using rule 3 (names) state 4 5) name : last _ $default reduce using rule 5 (name) state 5 6) name : u_words _ last 8) sort : u_words _ 18) u_words : u_words _ u_word UWORD shift, and go to state 11 LWORD shift, and go to state 18 PWORD shift, and go to state 12 $default reduce using rule 8 (sort) last go to state 15 word go to state 9 von go to state 16 u_word go to state 17 state 6 7) name : sort _ COMMA first COMMA shift, and go to state 19 state 7 9) sort : LWORD _ 21) von : LWORD _ 28) word : LWORD _ $end reduce using rule 28 (word) COMMA reduce using rule 9 (sort) AND reduce using rule 28 (word) $default reduce using rule 21 (von) state 8 10) sort : von _ LWORD 11) sort : von _ u_words 13) last : von _ LWORD 14) last : von _ u_words 22) von : von _ u_words LWORD 23) von : von _ LWORD UWORD shift, and go to state 22 LWORD shift, and go to state 20 PWORD shift, and go to state 23 u_words go to state 21 u_word go to state 10 state 9 12) last : word _ $default reduce using rule 12 (last) state 10 17) u_words : u_word _ $default reduce using rule 17 (u_words) state 11 19) u_word : UWORD _ 29) word : UWORD _ $end reduce using rule 29 (word) AND reduce using rule 29 (word) $default reduce using rule 19 (u_word) state 12 20) u_word : PWORD _ 30) word : PWORD _ $end reduce using rule 30 (word) AND reduce using rule 30 (word) $default reduce using rule 20 (u_word) state 13 $end shift, and go to state 24 state 14 4) names : names AND _ name UWORD shift, and go to state 11 LWORD shift, and go to state 7 PWORD shift, and go to state 12 name go to state 25 last go to state 4 u_words go to state 5 sort go to state 6 von go to state 8 word go to state 9 u_word go to state 10 state 15 6) name : u_words last _ $default reduce using rule 6 (name) state 16 13) last : von _ LWORD 14) last : von _ u_words 22) von : von _ u_words LWORD 23) von : von _ LWORD UWORD shift, and go to state 22 LWORD shift, and go to state 26 PWORD shift, and go to state 23 u_words go to state 27 u_word go to state 10 state 17 18) u_words : u_words u_word _ $default reduce using rule 18 (u_words) state 18 21) von : LWORD _ 28) word : LWORD _ $end reduce using rule 28 (word) AND reduce using rule 28 (word) $default reduce using rule 21 (von) state 19 7) name : sort COMMA _ first UWORD shift, and go to state 33 LWORD shift, and go to state 32 PWORD shift, and go to state 34 $default reduce using rule 26 (opt_words) first go to state 28 opt_words go to state 29 word go to state 30 words go to state 31 state 20 10) sort : von LWORD _ 13) last : von LWORD _ 23) von : von LWORD _ $end reduce using rule 13 (last) COMMA reduce using rule 10 (sort) AND reduce using rule 13 (last) $default reduce using rule 23 (von) state 21 11) sort : von u_words _ 14) last : von u_words _ 18) u_words : u_words _ u_word 22) von : von u_words _ LWORD UWORD shift, and go to state 22 LWORD shift, and go to state 35 PWORD shift, and go to state 23 COMMA reduce using rule 11 (sort) $default reduce using rule 14 (last) u_word go to state 17 state 22 19) u_word : UWORD _ $default reduce using rule 19 (u_word) state 23 20) u_word : PWORD _ $default reduce using rule 20 (u_word) state 24 $default accept state 25 4) names : names AND name _ $default reduce using rule 4 (names) state 26 13) last : von LWORD _ 23) von : von LWORD _ $end reduce using rule 13 (last) AND reduce using rule 13 (last) $default reduce using rule 23 (von) state 27 14) last : von u_words _ 18) u_words : u_words _ u_word 22) von : von u_words _ LWORD UWORD shift, and go to state 22 LWORD shift, and go to state 35 PWORD shift, and go to state 23 $default reduce using rule 14 (last) u_word go to state 17 state 28 7) name : sort COMMA first _ $default reduce using rule 7 (name) state 29 15) first : opt_words _ 16) first : opt_words _ COMMA opt_words COMMA shift, and go to state 36 $default reduce using rule 15 (first) state 30 24) words : word _ $default reduce using rule 24 (words) state 31 25) words : words _ word 27) opt_words : words _ UWORD shift, and go to state 33 LWORD shift, and go to state 32 PWORD shift, and go to state 34 $default reduce using rule 27 (opt_words) word go to state 37 state 32 28) word : LWORD _ $default reduce using rule 28 (word) state 33 29) word : UWORD _ $default reduce using rule 29 (word) state 34 30) word : PWORD _ $default reduce using rule 30 (word) state 35 22) von : von u_words LWORD _ $default reduce using rule 22 (von) state 36 16) first : opt_words COMMA _ opt_words UWORD shift, and go to state 33 LWORD shift, and go to state 32 PWORD shift, and go to state 34 $default reduce using rule 26 (opt_words) opt_words go to state 38 word go to state 30 words go to state 31 state 37 25) words : words word _ $default reduce using rule 25 (words) state 38 16) first : opt_words COMMA opt_words _ $default reduce using rule 16 (first)