#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'magento_remote' require 'bin_helper' # Sweet, sweet options. options = {} program_name = File.basename __FILE__ optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{program_name} [OPTIONS]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Magento shop options" opts.on('-u', '--customer USER', 'customer/username of shop.') do |u| options[:user] = u end opts.on('-p', '--password PASSWORD', 'password of customer account.') do |p| options[:pass] = p end opts.on('-b', '--base-uri URI', 'base URI of shop.') do |b| options[:base_uri] = b end opts.on('-f', '--form-token FORM_TOKEN', 'base-64 encoded URL to be used as form token (magento >= 1.8).') do |f| options[:form_token] = f end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Product options" opts.on('-w', '--product-id PRODUCTID', 'product id of product to put in cart.') do |p| options[:product_id] = p end opts.on('-q', '--quantity QUANTITY', 'quantity of product to put in cart.') do |q| options[:quantity] = q end opts.on('-a', '--as-many-as-possible', 'try to order as many as possible.') do options[:amap] = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Output options" opts.on('-c', '--show-cart', 'show cart contents afterwards') do |c| options[:show_cart] = true end opts.on('-d', '--debug FILE', 'enable debugging output, STDOUT, or FILE if given') do |d| if d options[:debug] = d else options[:debug] = true end end opts.separator "" opts.separator "General options" opts.on_tail('--version', 'Show version.') do puts "#{program_name} #{MagentoRemote::VERSION}" exit 0 end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show help.') do puts opts exit 0 end end optparse.parse! if !options[:user] || !options[:pass] || !options[:base_uri] STDERR.puts "Error: You have to define user, pass and base_uri" puts puts optparse exit 1 end if !options[:product_id] || !options[:quantity] STDERR.puts "Error: You have to specify product_id and quantity." exit 1 end if options[:quantity].to_i < 1 STDERR.puts "Error: Quantity to put in cart has to be > 0." exit 1 end options[:quantity] = options[:quantity].to_i mech = MagentoMech.from_config options if options[:debug] == true mech.log_to! STDOUT elsif options[:debug] mech.log_to! options[:debug] end return_code = 0 mech.login if options[:amap] qty = mech.add_to_cart! options[:product_id], options[:quantity], options[:form_token] if qty == options[:quantity].to_i puts "INFO: Succeeded in adding to cart" elsif qty > 0 puts "INFO: #{options[:quantity]} items not available, added #{qty}." else STDERR.puts "ERROR: Something went wrong, probably product not in stock." return_code = 4 end else if mech.add_to_cart options[:product_id], options[:quantity], options[:form_token] puts "INFO: Succeeded in adding to cart" else STDERR.puts "ERROR: Something went wrong." return_code = 3 end end if options[:show_cart] puts "Current Cart Content" puts mech.get_cart_content.map {|c| "#{c[1]} #{c[0]}"} end exit return_code