h2. Getting info about the rake tasks from the command line
rake -TTo narrow down the output, use grep. For example:
rake -T | grep hyh2. hydra:jetty Tasks h3. The main tasks: load, start, stop
rake hydra:jetty:load # Copies the default SOLR config files and starts up the fedora instance. rake hydra:jetty:restart # Restarts the bundled Hydra Testing Server rake hydra:jetty:start # Starts the bundled Hydra Testing Server rake hydra:jetty:status # Returns the status of the Hydra::TestingServer. rake hydra:jetty:stop # Stops the bundled Hydra Testing Serverh3. Subtasks: config, config_fedora, config_solr
rake hydra:jetty:config # Copies the default Solr & Fedora configs into the bundled Hydra Testing Server rake hydra:jetty:config_fedora # Copies a custom fedora config for the bundled Hydra Testing Server rake hydra:jetty:config_solr # Copies the default SOLR config for the bundled Hydra Testing Serverh2. hyhead Continuous Integration Tasks h3. hyhead Full Continuous Integration Build: ci
rake hyhead:ci # Execute Continuous Integration build (docs, tests with coverage)h2. hyhead Test Host Setup: setup_test_host Many of the other tasks call this for you.
rake hyhead:setup_test_host # Copy all of the necessary code into the test hosth3. Subtasks for setting up test host These are the tasks used by setup_test_host
rake hyhead:copy_plugin_to_host # Copy the current plugin code into hydra-plugin_test_host/vendor/plugins/hydra-head rake hyhead:remove_plugin_from_host # Remove hydra-plugin_test_host/vendor/plugins/hydra-head rake hyhead:copy_features_to_host # Copy current contents of the features directory into hydra-plugin_test_host/features rake hyhead:remove_features_from_host # Remove hydra-plugin_test_host/features rake hyhead:copy_fixtures_to_host # Copy current contents of the spec/fixtures directory into hydra-plugin_test_host/spec/fixtures rake hyhead:remove_fixtures_from_host # Remove hydra-plugin_test_host/spec/fixturesh2. hyhead RSpec Tasks h3. The main RSpec task: spec
rake hyhead:spec # Easiest way to run rspec tests.This is the same as calling
rake hyhead:rspec:setup_and_run # Sets up test host, loads fixtures, then runs specs - need to have jetty running.h4. Rspec subtasks To run the rspec tests without any setup, use
rake hyhead:rspec:run # Run the hydra-head specs - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded.h2. hyhead Cucumber Tasks h3. The main Cucumber task: cucumber
rake hyhead:cucumber # Easieset way to run cucumber tests.This is the same as calling
rake hyhead:cucumber:setup_and_run # Sets up test host, loads fixtures, then runs cucumber features - need to have jetty running.h3. Cucumber subtasks To run the cucumber tests without any setup, use
rake hyhead:cucumber:run # Run cucumber tests for hyhead - need to have jetty running, test host set up and fixtures loaded.h3. Generating RDocs
rake hyhead:doc # Generate YARD Documentation