require 'acts_as_list' module Fe class Engine < ::Rails::Engine # isolate_namespace is causing problems accessing the app's url helpers when the app # mixes in methods to a controller. # # Using the si as an example: # # si/app/controllers/fe/test_controller.rb # # class Fe::TestController < ApplicationController # def index # end # end # # si/app/views/fe/test/index.html.erb # # <%= logout_path %> <-- this will crash, no url helpers are accessible # # As explained here, # # it's a real pain to extend an isolated namespace engine from the app: # # "Other issues include extending models and controllers. Rails # guides gives two options here. One to use class_eval, and other # to use concerns introduced in Rails 4. Both are kind of hacky. # Hope there is a better solution." # # and as per a user comment on that page: # # "I've had a similar experience with `isolate_namespace`, if the engines # need to be truely isolated it works, but if you need to extend the engine # from the client app its best to remove it and just namespace manually. # # I'm disabling the isolate_namespace # #isolate_namespace Fe config.to_prepare do require_dependency('distinct_distinct_patch.rb') require_dependency('access_key_generator') # Loading concerns and dependencies here when running FE specs breaks the coverage report. The # Rakefile will set SKIP_CONCERNS and SKIP_DECORATORS true and decorators/concerns are loaded from # spec/rails_helper.rb instead if ENV['SKIP_CONCERNS'] != 'true' Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "app", "**", "*_concern.rb")).each do |c| require_dependency(c) end end if ENV['SKIP_CONCERNS'] != 'true' Dir.glob(File.join(Rails.root + 'app/decorators/**/*_decorator.rb')).each do |c| require_dependency(c) end end end config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false g.fixture_replacement :factory_bot, dir: 'spec/factories' g.assets false g.helper false end initializer "fe.asset_precompile_paths" do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += %w(fe/admin.js fe/fe.screen.css) end initializer "model_core.factories", after: "factory_bot.set_factory_paths" do FactoryBot.definition_file_paths << File.expand_path('../../../spec/factories', __FILE__) if defined?(FactoryBot) end end end