module ArticlesHelper def article_categories tabs = Category.with( :articles ).collect do |category| content_tag :li, link_to( h(category.title), category_articles_path(category.permalink) ) end content_tag( :h2, 'Categories' ) + content_tag( :ul, tabs.join, :class => "categories" ) if tabs.any? end def article_authors tabs = Article.published.all(:select => ', users.permalink', :group => 'created_by_id', :joins => :created_by ).collect do |user| content_tag :li, link_to(, articles_authored_path(user.permalink) ) end content_tag( :h2, 'Authors' ) + content_tag( :ul, tabs.join, :class => "authors" ) if tabs.any? end def comments_link(article) if(article.comments.count!=0) "|  #{link_to('Comment'.pluralize, [article, {:anchor => 'comments'}])} (#{article.comments.count.to_s})" else "#{(article.commentable?)? '|' : ''}  #{link_to 'Comment', [article, {:anchor => 'comments'}] if article.commentable?}" end end def digg_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Digg', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'digg-submit', :title => 'Digg this!') end def delicious_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'delicious', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'delicious-submit', :title => 'Save to delicious') end def facebook_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Facebook', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'facebook-submit', :title => 'Share on Facebook') end def stumble_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Stumble Upon', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'stumble-submit', :title => 'Stumble on this') end def mail_link(options, html_options = {}) mail_to nil, "Email", html_options.reverse_merge( :body => server_url_for(options), :class => 'share-link', :id => 'mail-link', :title => 'Email this to a friend') end def twitter_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Twitter', "{server_url_for(options)}}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'twitter-submit', :title => 'Tweet this') end def reddit_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Reddit', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'reddit-submit', :title => 'Reddit this!') end def technorati_link(options, html_options = {}) link_to 'Technorati', "{server_url_for(options)}", html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'share-link', :id => 'technorati-submit', :title => 'Technorati this!') end def server_url_for(options = {}) options ||= {} url = case options when Hash options = { :only_path => true }.update(options.symbolize_keys) escape = options.key?(:escape) ? options.delete(:escape) : true @controller.send(:url_for, options) else escape = false polymorphic_url(options) end escape ? escape_once(url) : url end def archive(conditions = nil, html_options = {}) this_year = params[:year] || html = '' all_articles = Article.published.all(:conditions => conditions, :select => 'published_at') grouped_by_year = all_articles.group_by{ |a| a.published_at.year }.sort.reverse grouped_by_year.each do |year, articles| current = this_year.to_i == year html << "" html << link_to("#{year}", articles_path(:year => year, :month => nil, :day => nil)) html << (" (#{articles.size})") if current grouped_by_month = articles.group_by{ |a| a.published_at.month }.sort.reverse html << '' end html << '' end content_tag :ul, html, html_options.reverse_merge!( :class => 'archive' ) unless html.empty? end def related_articles(taggable, &block) articles = Article.published.tagged_with(taggable.tag_list).all(:conditions => [" != ?",], :limit => 3, :group => '') return if articles.empty? if block_given? yield(articles) else content_tag(:div, content_tag( :h2, 'Related' ) + articles_list(articles), :class => "related") end end def recent_articles(options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge!(:limit => 3) articles = Article.published.all(options) if block_given? yield(articles) else articles_list(articles) end end def articles_list(articles) return if articles.empty? articles.collect! { |article| content_tag( 'li', "#{link_to(article.title, article)} #{article.published_at.to_formatted_s(:short_dot)}") } content_tag( 'ul', articles.join, :class => 'article-list' ) end end