/*! * compression * Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc. * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var zlib = require('zlib'); var accepts = require('accepts'); var bytes = require('bytes'); var debug = require('debug')('compression') var onHeaders = require('on-headers'); var compressible = require('compressible'); var vary = require('vary'); /** * Supported content-encoding methods. */ exports.methods = { gzip: zlib.createGzip , deflate: zlib.createDeflate }; /** * Default filter function. */ exports.filter = function filter(req, res) { var type = res.getHeader('Content-Type') if (type === undefined || !compressible(type)) { debug('%s not compressible', type) return false } return true }; /** * Compress response data with gzip / deflate. * * @param {Object} options * @return {Function} middleware * @api public */ module.exports = function compression(options) { options = options || {}; var filter = options.filter || exports.filter; var threshold; if (false === options.threshold || 0 === options.threshold) { threshold = 0 } else if ('string' === typeof options.threshold) { threshold = bytes(options.threshold) } else { threshold = options.threshold || 1024 } return function compression(req, res, next){ var compress = true var listeners = [] var write = res.write var on = res.on var end = res.end var stream // see #8 req.on('close', function(){ res.write = res.end = function(){}; }); // flush is noop by default res.flush = noop; // proxy res.write = function(chunk, encoding){ if (!this._header) { // if content-length is set and is lower // than the threshold, don't compress var len = Number(res.getHeader('Content-Length')) checkthreshold(len) this._implicitHeader(); } return stream ? stream.write(new Buffer(chunk, encoding)) : write.call(res, chunk, encoding); }; res.end = function(chunk, encoding){ var len if (chunk) { len = Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) ? chunk.length : Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding) } if (!this._header) { checkthreshold(len) } if (chunk) { this.write(chunk, encoding); } return stream ? stream.end() : end.call(res); }; res.on = function(type, listener){ if (!listeners || type !== 'drain') { return on.call(this, type, listener) } if (stream) { return stream.on(type, listener) } // buffer listeners for future stream listeners.push([type, listener]) return this } function checkthreshold(len) { if (compress && len < threshold) { debug('size below threshold') compress = false } } function nocompress(msg) { debug('no compression' + (msg ? ': ' + msg : '')) addListeners(res, on, listeners) listeners = null } onHeaders(res, function(){ // determine if request is filtered if (!filter(req, res)) { nocompress('filtered') return } // vary vary(res, 'Accept-Encoding') if (!compress) { nocompress() return } var encoding = res.getHeader('Content-Encoding') || 'identity'; // already encoded if ('identity' !== encoding) { nocompress('already encoded') return } // head if ('HEAD' === req.method) { nocompress('HEAD request') return } // compression method var accept = accepts(req); var method = accept.encodings(['gzip', 'deflate', 'identity']); // negotiation failed if (!method || method === 'identity') { nocompress('not acceptable') return } // compression stream debug('%s compression', method) stream = exports.methods[method](options); addListeners(stream, stream.on, listeners) // overwrite the flush method res.flush = function(){ stream.flush(); } // header fields res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', method); res.removeHeader('Content-Length'); // compression stream.on('data', function(chunk){ if (write.call(res, chunk) === false) { stream.pause() } }); stream.on('end', function(){ end.call(res); }); on.call(res, 'drain', function() { stream.resume() }); }); next(); }; }; /** * Add bufferred listeners to stream */ function addListeners(stream, on, listeners) { for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { on.apply(stream, listeners[i]) } } function noop(){}