# Table [![Travis build status](http://img.shields.io/travis/gajus/table/master.svg?style=flat)](https://travis-ci.org/gajus/table) [![NPM version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/table.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/table) [![js-canonical-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-canonical-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/gajus/canonical) * [Table](#table) * [Features](#table-features) * [Usage](#table-usage) * [Cell Content Alignment](#table-usage-cell-content-alignment) * [Column Width](#table-usage-column-width) * [Custom Border](#table-usage-custom-border) * [Draw Horizontal Line](#table-usage-draw-horizontal-line) * [Padding Cell Content](#table-usage-padding-cell-content) * [Predefined Border Templates](#table-usage-predefined-border-templates) * [Streaming](#table-usage-streaming) * [Text Truncation](#table-usage-text-truncation) * [Text Wrapping](#table-usage-text-wrapping) Produces a string that represents array data in a text table. ![Demo of table displaying a list of missions to the Moon.](./.README/demo.png) ## Features * Works with strings containing [fullwidth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms) characters. * Works with strings containing [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). * Configurable border characters. * Configurable content alignment per column. * Configurable content padding per column. * Configurable column width. * Text wrapping. ## Usage Table data is described using an array (rows) of array (cells). ```js import { table } from 'table'; // Using commonjs? // const {table} = require('table'); let data, output; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; /** * @typedef {string} table~cell */ /** * @typedef {table~cell[]} table~row */ /** * @typedef {Object} table~columns * @property {string} alignment Cell content alignment (enum: left, center, right) (default: left). * @property {number} width Column width (default: auto). * @property {number} truncate Number of characters are which the content will be truncated (default: Infinity). * @property {number} paddingLeft Cell content padding width left (default: 1). * @property {number} paddingRight Cell content padding width right (default: 1). */ /** * @typedef {Object} table~border * @property {string} topBody * @property {string} topJoin * @property {string} topLeft * @property {string} topRight * @property {string} bottomBody * @property {string} bottomJoin * @property {string} bottomLeft * @property {string} bottomRight * @property {string} bodyLeft * @property {string} bodyRight * @property {string} bodyJoin * @property {string} joinBody * @property {string} joinLeft * @property {string} joinRight * @property {string} joinJoin */ /** * Used to dynamically tell table whether to draw a line separating rows or not. * The default behavior is to always return true. * * @typedef {function} drawJoin * @param {number} index * @param {number} size * @return {boolean} */ /** * @typedef {Object} table~config * @property {table~border} border * @property {table~columns[]} columns Column specific configuration. * @property {table~columns} columnDefault Default values for all columns. Column specific settings overwrite the default values. * @property {table~drawJoin} drawHorizontalLine */ /** * Generates a text table. * * @param {table~row[]} rows * @param {table~config} config * @return {String} */ output = table(data); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ ``` ### Cell Content Alignment `{string} config.columns[{number}].alignment` property controls content horizontal alignment within a cell. Valid values are: "left", "right" and "center". ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; config = { columns: { 0: { alignment: 'left', minWidth: 10 }, 1: { alignment: 'center', minWidth: 10 }, 2: { alignment: 'right', minWidth: 10 } } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔════════════╤════════════╤════════════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────────────┼────────────┼────────────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════════════╧════════════╧════════════╝ ``` ### Column Width `{number} config.columns[{number}].width` property restricts column width to a fixed width. ```js let data, output, options; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; options = { columns: { 1: { width: 10 } } }; output = table(data, options); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔════╤════════════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────────────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────────────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════════════╧════╝ ``` ### Custom Border `{object} config.border` property describes characters used to draw the table border. ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; config = { border: { topBody: `─`, topJoin: `┬`, topLeft: `┌`, topRight: `┐`, bottomBody: `─`, bottomJoin: `┴`, bottomLeft: `└`, bottomRight: `┘`, bodyLeft: `│`, bodyRight: `│`, bodyJoin: `│`, joinBody: `─`, joinLeft: `├`, joinRight: `┤`, joinJoin: `┼` } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ┌────┬────┬────┐ │ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ └────┴────┴────┘ ``` ### Draw Horizontal Line `{function} config.drawHorizontalLine` property is a function that is called for every non-content row in the table. The result of the function `{boolean}` determines whether a row is drawn. ```js let data, output, options; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'], ['3A', '3B', '3C'], ['4A', '4B', '4C'] ]; options = { /** * @typedef {function} drawJoin * @param {number} index * @param {number} size * @return {boolean} */ drawHorizontalLine: (index, size) => { return index === 0 || index === 1 || index === size - 1 || index === size; } }; output = table(data, options); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ║ 3A │ 3B │ 3C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 4A │ 4B │ 4C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ ``` ### Padding Cell Content `{number} config.columns[{number}].paddingLeft` and `{number} config.columns[{number}].paddingRight` properties control content padding within a cell. Property value represents a number of whitespaces used to pad the content. ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['0A', 'AABBCC', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; config = { columns: { 0: { paddingLeft: 3 }, 1: { width: 2, paddingRight: 3 } } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔══════╤══════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ AA │ 0C ║ ║ │ BB │ ║ ║ │ CC │ ║ ╟──────┼──────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟──────┼──────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚══════╧══════╧════╝ ``` ### Predefined Border Templates You can load one of the predefined border templates using `getBorderCharacters` function. ```js import { table, getBorderCharacters } from 'table'; let config, data; data = [ ['0A', '0B', '0C'], ['1A', '1B', '1C'], ['2A', '2B', '2C'] ]; config = { border: getBorderCharacters(`name of the template`) }; table(data, config); ``` ``` # honeywell ╔════╤════╤════╗ ║ 0A │ 0B │ 0C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 1A │ 1B │ 1C ║ ╟────┼────┼────╢ ║ 2A │ 2B │ 2C ║ ╚════╧════╧════╝ # norc ┌────┬────┬────┐ │ 0A │ 0B │ 0C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 1A │ 1B │ 1C │ ├────┼────┼────┤ │ 2A │ 2B │ 2C │ └────┴────┴────┘ # ramac (ASCII; for use in terminals that do not support Unicode characters) +----+----+----+ | 0A | 0B | 0C | |----|----|----| | 1A | 1B | 1C | |----|----|----| | 2A | 2B | 2C | +----+----+----+ # void (no borders; see "bordless table" section of the documentation) 0A 0B 0C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C ``` Raise [an issue](https://github.com/gajus/table/issues) if you'd like to contribute a new border template. #### Borderless Table Simply using "void" border character template creates a table with a lot of unnecessary spacing. To create a more plesant to the eye table, reset the padding and remove the joining rows, e.g. ```js let output; output = table(data, { border: getBorderCharacters(`void`), columnDefault: { paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 1 }, drawHorizontalLine: () => { return false } }); console.log(output); ``` ``` 0A 0B 0C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C ``` ### Streaming `table` package exports `createStream` function used to draw a table and append rows. `createStream` requires `{number} columnDefault.width` and `{number} columnCount` configuration properties. ```js import { createStream } from 'table'; let config, stream; config = { columnDefault: { width: 50 }, columnCount: 1 }; stream = createStream(config); setInterval(() => { stream.write([new Date()]); }, 500); ``` ![Streaming current date.](./.README/streaming.gif) `table` package uses ANSI escape codes to overwrite the output of the last line when a new row is printed. The underlying implementation is explained in this [Stack Overflow answer](http://stackoverflow.com/a/32938658/368691). Streaming supports all of the configuration properties and functionality of a static table (such as auto text wrapping, alignment and padding), e.g. ```js import { createStream } from 'table'; import _ from 'lodash'; let config, stream, i; config = { columnDefault: { width: 50 }, columnCount: 3, columns: { 0: { width: 10, alignment: 'right' }, 1: { alignment: 'center', }, 2: { width: 10 } } }; stream = createStream(config); i = 0; setInterval(() => { let random; random = _.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', _.random(1, 30)).join(''); stream.write([i++, new Date(), random]); }, 500); ``` ![Streaming random data.](./.README/streaming-random.gif) ### Text Truncation To handle a content that overflows the container width, `table` package implements [text wrapping](#table-usage-text-wrapping). However, sometimes you may want to truncate content that is too long to be displayed in the table. `{number} config.columns[{number}].truncate` property (default: `Infinity`) truncates the text at the specified length. ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.'] ]; config = { columns: { 0: { width: 20, truncate: 100 } } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║ ║ t amet, consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║ ║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║ ║ sed mauris conva... ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ``` ### Text Wrapping `table` package implements auto text wrapping, i.e. text that has width greater than the container width will be separated into multiple lines, e.g. ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.'] ]; config = { columns: { 0: { width: 20 } } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor si ║ ║ t amet, consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. Pha ║ ║ sellus pulvinar nibh ║ ║ sed mauris convallis ║ ║ dapibus. Nunc venena ║ ║ tis tempus nulla sit ║ ║ amet viverra. ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ``` When `wrapWord` is `true` the text is broken at the nearest space or one of the special characters ("-", "_", "\", "/", ".", ",", ";"), e.g. ```js let config, data, output; data = [ ['Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pulvinar nibh sed mauris convallis dapibus. Nunc venenatis tempus nulla sit amet viverra.'] ]; config = { columns: { 0: { width: 20, wrapWord: true } } }; output = table(data, config); console.log(output); ``` ``` ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ Lorem ipsum dolor ║ ║ sit amet, ║ ║ consectetur ║ ║ adipiscing elit. ║ ║ Phasellus pulvinar ║ ║ nibh sed mauris ║ ║ convallis dapibus. ║ ║ Nunc venenatis ║ ║ tempus nulla sit ║ ║ amet viverra. ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ```