require "rya" require "big_simon/version" Time.extend Rya::CoreExtensions::Time Process.extend Rya::CoreExtensions::Process module BigSimon # Project directories ROOT = File.join __dir__, ".." BIN = File.join ROOT, "vendor", "bin", "mac" SPEC = File.join ROOT, "spec" TEST_FILES = File.join SPEC, "test_files" class Parsers def self.vir_host_matcher fname hosts = nil host_info = {}, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| line.chomp! line.sub! /,$/, "" # git rid of trailing commas if stat, *hosts = line.split "," else ary = line.split "," virus = ary.shift dists = with_index { |dist, idx| [hosts[idx], dist.to_f] }. sort_by { |_, dist| dist } best_host = dists[0][0] host_info[virus] = { best: best_host, all: dists } end end host_info end end class Runners # Runs the WIsH program # # @raise [AbortIf::Exit] if commands fail def self.wish exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir, threads model_dir = File.join outdir, "model" FileUtils.mkdir_p model_dir build_model = "#{exe} " \ "-t #{threads} " \ "-c build " \ "-g #{host_dir} " \ "-m #{model_dir}" predict = "#{exe} " \ "-t #{threads} " \ "-c predict " \ "-g #{vir_dir} " \ "-m #{model_dir} " \ "-r #{outdir} -b" Process.run_and_time_it! "Building model", build_model Process.run_and_time_it! "Predicting host", predict FileUtils.rm_r model_dir if Dir.exist? model_dir end def self.vir_host_matcher exe, vir_dir, host_dir, outdir FileUtils.mkdir_p outdir cmd = "python #{exe} " \ "-v #{vir_dir} " \ "-b #{host_dir} " \ "-o #{outdir} " \ "-d 1" # only compute d2star dissimilarity Process.run_and_time_it! "Computing d2star dissimilarity", cmd tmp_dir = File.join outdir, "tmp" FileUtils.rm_r tmp_dir if Dir.exist? tmp_dir bad_files = %w[d2star_k6_main.html hostTaxa.txt_new.txt] bad_files.each do |fname| path = File.join outdir, fname FileUtils.rm path if File.exist? path end end end end