module Octokit class Client # Methods for the PubSubHubbub API # # @see module PubSubHubbub # Subscribe to a pubsub topic # # @param topic [String] A recoginized and supported pubsub topic # @param callback [String] A callback url to be posted to when the topic event is fired # @param secret [String] An optional shared secret used to generate a SHA1 HMAC of the outgoing body content # @return [Boolean] true if the subscribe was successful, otherwise an error is raised # @see # @example Subscribe to push events from one of your repositories, having an email sent when fired # client = = "token") # client.subscribe("", "github://Email?") def subscribe(topic, callback, secret = nil) options = { :"hub.callback" => callback, :"hub.mode" => "subscribe", :"hub.topic" => topic } options.merge!(:"hub.secret" => secret) unless secret.nil? response = pub_sub_hubbub_request(options) response.status == 204 end # Unsubscribe from a pubsub topic # # @param topic [String] A recoginized pubsub topic # @param callback [String] A callback url to be unsubscribed from # @return [Boolean] true if the unsubscribe was successful, otherwise an error is raised # @see # @example Unsubscribe to push events from one of your repositories, no longer having an email sent when fired # client = = "token") # client.unsubscribe("", "github://Email?") def unsubscribe(topic, callback) options = { :"hub.callback" => callback, :"hub.mode" => "unsubscribe", :"hub.topic" => topic } response = pub_sub_hubbub_request(options) response.status == 204 end # Subscribe to a repository through pubsub # # @param repo [String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param service_name [String] service name owner # @param service_arguments [Hash] params that will be passed by subscribed hook. # List of services is available @ # Please refer Data node for complete list of arguments. # @param secret [String] An optional shared secret used to generate a SHA1 HMAC of the outgoing body content # @return [Boolean] True if subscription successful, false otherwise # @see # @example Subscribe to push events to one of your repositories to Travis-CI # client = = "token") # client.subscribe_service_hook('joshk/device_imapable', 'Travis', { :token => "test", :domain => "domain", :user => "user" }) def subscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name, service_arguments = {}, secret = nil) topic = "#{Octokit.web_endpoint}#{}/events/push" callback = "github://#{service_name}?#{service_arguments.collect{ |k,v| [ k,v ].map{ |p| URI.encode_www_form_component(p) }.join("=") }.join("&") }" subscribe(topic, callback, secret) end # Unsubscribe repository through pubsub # # @param repo [String, Repository, Hash] A GitHub repository # @param service_name [String] service name owner # List of services is available @ # @see # @example Subscribe to push events to one of your repositories to Travis-CI # client = = "token") # client.unsubscribe_service_hook('joshk/device_imapable', 'Travis') def unsubscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name) topic = "#{Octokit.web_endpoint}#{}/events/push" callback = "github://#{service_name}" unsubscribe(topic, callback) end private def pub_sub_hubbub_request(options = {}) # This method is janky, bypass normal stack so we don't # serialize request as JSON conn = => @api_endpoint) do |http| http.headers[:user_agent] = user_agent if basic_authenticated? http.request *FARADAY_BASIC_AUTH_KEYS, @login, @password elsif token_authenticated? http.request :authorization, 'token', @access_token end http.request :url_encoded http.use Octokit::Response::RaiseError http.adapter Faraday.default_adapter end do |req| req.url "hub" req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' req.body = options end end end end end