require "socket" module Juggernaut::Rails module ConvenienceMethods def self.included(base) #:nodoc: #raise "included jugs" base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods end end module ClassMethods def send_to_all(data) fc = { :command => :broadcast, :body => data, :type => :to_channels, :channels => [] } send_data(fc) end def send_to_channels(data, channels) fc = { :command => :broadcast, :body => data, :type => :to_channels, :channels => channels } send_data(fc) end alias send_to_channel send_to_channels def send_to_clients(data, client_ids) fc = { :command => :broadcast, :body => data, :type => :to_clients, :client_ids => client_ids } send_data(fc) end alias send_to_client send_to_clients def send_to_clients_on_channels(data, client_ids, channels) fc = { :command => :broadcast, :body => data, :type => :to_clients, :client_ids => client_ids, :channels => channels } send_data(fc) end alias send_to_clients_on_channel send_to_clients_on_channels alias send_to_client_on_channels send_to_clients_on_channels def remove_channels_from_clients(client_ids, channels) fc = { :command => :query, :type => :remove_channels_from_client, :client_ids => client_ids, :channels => channels } send_data(fc) end alias remove_channel_from_client remove_channels_from_clients alias remove_channels_from_client remove_channels_from_clients def remove_all_channels(channels) fc = { :command => :query, :type => :remove_all_channels, :channels => channels } send_data(fc) end def show_clients fc = { :command => :query, :type => :show_clients } send_data(fc, true).flatten end def show_client(client_id) fc = { :command => :query, :type => :show_client, :client_id => client_id } send_data(fc, true).flatten[0] end def show_clients_for_channels(channels) fc = { :command => :query, :type => :show_clients_for_channels, :channels => channels } send_data(fc, true).flatten end alias show_clients_for_channel show_clients_for_channels def send_data(hash, response = false) hash[:channels] = Array(hash[:channels]) if hash[:channels] hash[:client_ids] = Array(hash[:client_ids]) if hash[:client_ids] res = [] hosts.each do |address| begin hash[:secret_key] = address[:secret_key] if address[:secret_key] @socket =[:host], address[:port]) # the \0 is to mirror flash @socket.print(hash.to_json + Juggernaut::Server::CR) @socket.flush res << @socket.readline(Juggernaut::Server::CR) if response ensure @socket.close if @socket and !@socket.closed? end end res.collect {|r| ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(r.chomp!(Juggernaut::Server::CR)) } if response end private def hosts Juggernaut::Rails.hosts end end end end