module ZK module Extensions # some extensions to the ZookeeperCallbacks classes, mainly convenience # interrogators module Callbacks module Callback # allow access to the connection that fired this callback attr_accessor :zk def self.included(mod) mod.extend(ZK::Extensions::Callbacks::Callback::ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # allows for easier construction of a user callback block that will be # called with the callback object itself as an argument. # # *args, if given, will be passed on *after* the callback # # @example # # WatcherCallback.create do |cb| # puts "watcher callback called with argument: #{cb.inspect}" # end # # "watcher callback called with argument: #" # # def create(*args, &block) # honestly, i have no idea how this could *possibly* work, but it does... cb_inst = new { } end end end module WatcherCallbackExt include ZookeeperConstants EVENT_NAME_MAP = { 1 => 'created', 2 => 'deleted', 3 => 'changed', 4 => 'child', -1 => 'session', -2 => 'notwatching', }.freeze STATES = %w[connecting associating connected auth_failed expired_session].freeze unless defined?(STATES) EVENT_TYPES = %w[created deleted changed child session notwatching].freeze unless defined?(EVENT_TYPES) STATES.each do |state| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def state_#{state}? @state == ZOO_#{state.upcase}_STATE end RUBY end EVENT_TYPES.each do |ev| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def node_#{ev}? @type == ZOO_#{ev.upcase}_EVENT end RUBY end alias :node_not_watching? :node_notwatching? # has this watcher been called because of a change in connection state? def state_event? path.nil? or path.empty? end alias session_event? state_event? # has this watcher been called because of a change to a zookeeper node? def node_event? path and not path.empty? end # cause this watch to be re-registered # def renew_watch! # zk.stat(path, :watch => true) # nil # end end end # Callbacks # aliases for long-names of properties from mb-zookeeper version module Stat [ %w[created_zxid czxid], %w[last_modified_zxid mzxid], %w[created_time ctime], %w[last_modified_time mtime], %w[child_list_version cversion], %w[acl_list_version aversion] ].each do |long, short| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{long} #{short} end RUBY end MEMBERS = [:version, :exists, :czxid, :mzxid, :ctime, :mtime, :cversion, :aversion, :ephemeralOwner, :dataLength, :numChildren, :pzxid] def self.included(mod) mod.class_eval do unless method_defined?(:exists?) alias :exists? :exists end end end def ==(other) MEMBERS.all? { |m| self.__send__(m) == other.__send__(m) } end end end # Extensions end # ZK # ZookeeperCallbacks::Callback.extend(ZK::Extensions::Callbacks::Callback) ZookeeperCallbacks::Callback.send(:include, ZK::Extensions::Callbacks::Callback) ZookeeperCallbacks::WatcherCallback.send(:include, ZK::Extensions::Callbacks::WatcherCallbackExt) ZookeeperStat::Stat.send(:include, ZK::Extensions::Stat) # Include the InterruptedSession module in key ZookeeperExceptions to allow # clients to catch a single error type when waiting on a node (for example) [:ConnectionClosed, :NotConnected, :SessionExpired, :SessionMoved, :ConnectionLoss].each do |class_name| ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException.const_get(class_name).tap do |klass| klass.__send__(:include, ZK::Exceptions::InterruptedSession) end end class ::Exception unless method_defined?(:to_std_format) def to_std_format ary = ["#{self.class}: #{message}"] ary.concat(backtrace || []) ary.join("\n\t") end end end class ::Thread def zk_mongoid_lock_registry self[:_zk_mongoid_lock_registry] end def zk_mongoid_lock_registry=(obj) self[:_zk_mongoid_lock_registry] = obj end end