require 'thread' module Fastlane module Actions class UploadSymbolsToCrashlyticsAction < Action def require 'tmpdir' find_binary_path(params) find_api_token(params) find_gsp_path(params) if !params[:api_token] && !params[:gsp_path] UI.user_error!('Either Fabric API key or path to Firebase Crashlytics GoogleService-Info.plist must be given.') end dsym_paths = [] dsym_paths << params[:dsym_path] if params[:dsym_path] dsym_paths += Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS] if Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS] if dsym_paths.count == 0 UI.error("Couldn't find any dSYMs, please pass them using the dsym_path option") return nil end # Get rid of duplicates (which might occur when both passed and detected) dsym_paths = dsym_paths.collect { |a| File.expand_path(a) } dsym_paths.uniq! max_worker_threads = params[:dsym_worker_threads] if max_worker_threads > 1 UI.message("Using #{max_worker_threads} threads for Crashlytics dSYM upload 🏎") end dsym_paths.each do |current_path| handle_dsym(params, current_path, max_worker_threads) end UI.success("Successfully uploaded dSYM files to Crashlytics 💯") end # @param current_path this is a path to either a dSYM or a zipped dSYM # this might also be either nested or not, we're flexible def self.handle_dsym(params, current_path, max_worker_threads) if current_path.end_with?(".dSYM") upload_dsym(params, current_path) elsif current_path.end_with?(".zip") UI.message("Extracting '#{current_path}'...") current_path = File.expand_path(current_path) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) do"unzip -qo #{current_path.shellescape}") work_q = Dir["*.dSYM"].each do |sub| work_q.push(sub) end execute_uploads(params, max_worker_threads, work_q) end end else UI.error("Don't know how to handle '#{current_path}'") end end def self.execute_uploads(params, max_worker_threads, work_q) number_of_threads = [max_worker_threads, work_q.size].min workers = (0...number_of_threads).map do do begin while work_q.size > 0 current_path = work_q.pop(true) upload_dsym(params, current_path) end rescue => ex UI.error(ex.to_s) end end end end def self.upload_dsym(params, path) UI.message("Uploading '#{path}'...") command = [] command << File.expand_path(params[:binary_path]).shellescape command << "-a #{params[:api_token]}" if params[:api_token] command << "-gsp #{params[:gsp_path]}" if params[:gsp_path] command << "-p #{params[:platform] == 'appletvos' ? 'tvos' : params[:platform]}" command << File.expand_path(path).shellescape begin command_to_execute = command.join(" ") UI.verbose("upload_dsym using command: #{command_to_execute}"), log: false) rescue => ex UI.error(ex.to_s) # it fails, however we don't want to fail everything just for this end end def self.find_api_token(params) unless params[:api_token].to_s.length > 0 Dir["./**/Info.plist"].each do |current| result = current, key: "Fabric") next unless result next unless result.kind_of?(Hash) params[:api_token] ||= result["APIKey"] UI.verbose("found an APIKey in #{current}") end end end def self.find_gsp_path(params) if params[:gsp_path].to_s.length > 0 params[:gsp_path] = File.expand_path(params[:gsp_path]) else gsp_path = Dir["./**/GoogleService-Info.plist"].first params[:gsp_path] = File.expand_path(gsp_path) unless gsp_path.nil? end end def self.find_binary_path(params) params[:binary_path] ||= (Dir["/Applications/**/upload-symbols"] + Dir["./Pods/**/upload-symbols"]).last UI.user_error!("Failed to find Fabric's upload_symbols binary at /Applications/**/upload-symbols or ./Pods/**/upload-symbols. Please specify the location of the binary explicitly by using the binary_path option") unless params[:binary_path] params[:binary_path] = File.expand_path(params[:binary_path]) end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Upload dSYM symbolication files to Crashlytics" end def self.details [ "This action allows you to upload symbolication files to Crashlytics.", "It's extra useful if you use it to download the latest dSYM files from Apple when you", "use Bitcode. This action will not fail the build if one of the uploads failed.", "The reason for that is that sometimes some of dSYM files are invalid, and we don't want", "them to fail the complete build." ].join(" ") end def self.available_options [ :dsym_path, env_name: "FL_UPLOAD_SYMBOLS_TO_CRASHLYTICS_DSYM_PATH", description: "Path to the DSYM file or zip to upload", default_value: ENV[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] || (Dir["./**/*.dSYM"] + Dir["./**/*"]).sort_by { |f| File.mtime(f) }.last, default_value_dynamic: true, optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("Symbolication file needs to be dSYM or zip") unless value.end_with?(".zip", ".dSYM") end), :api_token, env_name: "CRASHLYTICS_API_TOKEN", sensitive: true, optional: true, description: "Crashlytics API Key", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("No API token for Crashlytics given, pass using `api_token: 'token'`") if value.to_s.length == 0 end), :gsp_path, env_name: "GOOGLE_SERVICES_INFO_PLIST_PATH", code_gen_sensitive: true, optional: true, description: "Path to GoogleService-Info.plist", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find file at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) UI.user_error!("No Path to GoogleService-Info.plist for Firebase Crashlytics given, pass using `gsp_path: 'path'`") if value.to_s.length == 0 end), :binary_path, env_name: "FL_UPLOAD_SYMBOLS_TO_CRASHLYTICS_BINARY_PATH", description: "The path to the upload-symbols file of the Fabric app", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find file at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), :platform, env_name: "FL_UPLOAD_SYMBOLS_TO_CRASHLYTICS_PLATFORM", description: "The platform of the app (ios, appletvos, mac)", default_value: "ios", verify_block: proc do |value| available = ['ios', 'appletvos', 'mac'] UI.user_error!("Invalid platform '#{value}', must be #{available.join(', ')}") unless available.include?(value) end), :dsym_worker_threads, env_name: "FL_UPLOAD_SYMBOLS_TO_CRASHLYTICS_DSYM_WORKER_THREADS", type: Integer, default_value: 1, optional: true, description: "The number of threads to use for simultaneous dSYM upload", verify_block: proc do |value| min_threads = 1 max_threads = 15 UI.user_error!("Too few threads (#{value}) minimum number of threads: #{min_threads}") unless value >= min_threads UI.user_error!("Too many threads (#{value}) maximum number of threads: #{max_threads}") unless value <= max_threads end) ] end def self.output nil end def self.return_value nil end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :appletvos].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'upload_symbols_to_crashlytics(dsym_path: "./")' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end