require 'spec_helper' if ENV["TEST_REAL_HTTP"] # Create a config.yml file containing the following: # :account: # :secret: # then run the specs with TEST_REAL_HTTP=true describe "CloudQuery account" do before(:each) do @config = YAML.load('config.yml')) @client = end it "gets your account information from the server" do response = @client.get_account response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) account = response["result"] account["secret"].should == @config[:secret] account.should have_key("name") account["name"].should == @config[:account] account.should have_key("preferences") end it "updates your account on the server" do account = @client.get_account["result"] response = @client.update_account(account) response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) end it "adds a schema to your account on the server" do response = @client.add_schema('spec/example_schema.xml')) response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) end it "gets the schemas for your account from the server" do response = @client.get_schemas response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have_at_least(1).item end it "deletes a schema from your account on the server" do response = @client.delete_schema("spec.example") response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) end it "adds a single index to your account on the server" do response = @client.add_indexes('spec_index') response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have(1).item end it "adds multiple indexes to your account on the server" do response = @client.add_indexes %w( spec_index_1 spec_index_2 spec_index_3 ) response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have(3).items end it "gets the indexes for your account from the server" do response = @client.get_indexes response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have_at_least(4).items end it "deletes a single index from your account on the server" do response = @client.delete_indexes('spec_index') response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have(1).item end it "deletes multiple indexes from your account on the server" do response = @client.delete_indexes %w( spec_index_1 spec_index_2 spec_index_3 ) response['STATUS'].should be_between(200, 299) response['result'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) response['result'].should have(3).items end describe "document support" do def valid_document { '' => 'Steve Rogers', '' => ['',''], 'spec.example.telephone' => ['555-555-5555','123-456-6789'], 'spec.example.address' => ['Lower East Side, NY NY'], 'spec.example.birthday' => ParseDate.parsedate('July 4, 1917'), 'spec.example.note' => 'Captain America!', } end def add_valid_document(index=nil) index ||= 'spec_index' response = @client.add_documents(index, valid_document, 'spec.example') response['result'].first end before(:each) do @client.add_indexes('spec_index') @client.add_schema('spec/example_schema.xml')) end after(:each) do @client.delete_schema("spec.example") @client.delete_indexes('spec_index') end it "adds a document to an index on the server" do response = @client.add_documents('spec_index', valid_document, 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 201 response['result'].should have(1).item end it "adds multiple documents to an index on the server" do documents = [ valid_document, { '' => 'Clark Kent', '' => ['',''], 'spec.example.telephone' => ['555-123-1234', '555-456-6789'], 'spec.example.address' => ['344 Clinton St., Apt. #3B, Metropolis', 'The Fortess of Solitude, North Pole'], 'spec.example.birthday' => ParseDate.parsedate('June 18, 1938'), 'spec.example.note' => 'Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, senses, intelligence, regeneration, and longevity; super breath, heat vision, x-ray vision and flight. Member of the justice league.', }, { '' => 'Bruce Wayne', '' => ['',''], 'spec.example.telephone' => ['555-123-6666', '555-456-6666'], 'spec.example.address' => ['1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham', 'The Batcave, Gotham'], 'spec.example.birthday' => ParseDate.parsedate('February 19, 1939'), 'spec.example.note' => 'Sidekick is Robin. Has problems with the Joker. Member of the justice league.', }, ] response = @client.add_documents('spec_index', documents, 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 201 response['result'].should have(3).items end it "updates a document on the server" do doc = valid_document doc['#.#'] = add_valid_document doc['spec.example.note'] = "Document modified!" response = @client.update_documents('spec_index', doc, 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 200 response['result'].should have(1).item end it "modifies documents on the server" do add_valid_document mods = {'spec.example.note' => 'Document modified!'} response = @client.modify_documents( "spec_index", "name:#{valid_document['']}", mods, "spec.example" ) response['STATUS'].should == 200 # OK response['result'].should have(1).item end it "gets a document from the server" do add_valid_document response = @client.get_documents('spec_index', nil, {}, 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 200 response['result'].should have(1).item stored_document = response['result'].first valid_document.each { |key, value| stored_document.should have_key(key) } end it "gets a document from multiple indexes on the server" do @client.add_indexes('spec_index_2') @client.delete_documents(nil, nil) add_valid_document add_valid_document('spec_index_2') response = @client.get_documents(nil, nil, {}, 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 200 response['result'].should have(2).items stored_document_1 = response['result'].first stored_document_2 = response['result'].last valid_document.each { |key, value| stored_document_1.should have_key(key) } valid_document.each { |key, value| stored_document_2.should have_key(key) } @client.delete_indexes('spec_index_2') end it "counts documents from the server" do @client.delete_documents(nil, nil) add_valid_document response = @client.count_documents('spec_index', '*', 'spec.example') response['STATUS'].should == 200 response['result'].should == 1 end end end end describe CloudQuery::Client do before(:each) do @valid_options = { :account => 'account', :secret => 'secret' } end def client(options={}) return @client if defined?(@client) @client = @client.stub!(:execute_request) @client end it "instantiates when passed valid arguments" do lambda { client }.should_not raise_error end end describe CloudQuery::Request do before(:each) do @valid_options = { :scheme => 'http', :host => '', :path => '/super/duper/path', } end def request(additional_options={}) return @request if defined?(@request) @request = end it "instantiates with valid options" do lambda { request }.should_not raise_error end describe "request_uri" do describe "without an account or secret" do it "appends the query_str to the path after '?'" do request.should_receive(:query_str).at_least(:once).and_return("query=string&more=params") request.request_uri.should == "#{request.path}?#{request.send(:query_str)}" end it "doesn't append a '?' when query_str is empty" do request.should_receive(:query_str).at_least(:once).and_return("") request.request_uri.should == request.path request.request_uri.should_not equal(request.path) #ensure we don't accidentally modify request's instance variable end end describe "with an account" do it "should append the signature_params" do params = request(:account => 'account').request_uri.sub(/^[^?]+\?/, '').split('&') { |n| n.match(/^x_/) }.should have(4).items end describe "and a secret" do it "should append the signature when the secret is provided" do params = request(:account => 'account', :secret => 'secret').request_uri.sub(/^[^?]+\?/, '').split('&') x_params = { |n| n.match(/^x_/) } x_params.should have(5).items x_params.last.should match(/^x_sig=[0-9a-zA-Z\-._%]+/) end end end end describe "url" do it "constructs a full URL from the scheme, host, and request_uri" do request.url.should == "#{request.scheme}://#{}#{request.request_uri}" end it "constructs a url using a port override" do request(:port => 8080).url.should == "#{request.scheme}://#{}:8080#{request.request_uri}" end it "constructs a url using a path override" do request(:path => '/another/path').url.should == "#{request.scheme}://#{}#{request.request_uri}" end it "constructs a url with default query parameters" do request(:params => {'these' => 'params'}).url.should == "#{request.scheme}://#{}#{request.request_uri}" request.url.should match(/these=params$/) end describe "without an account or secret" do it "does not append the x_" do request.url.should_not match(/x_/) end end describe "with an account" do it "appends the signature params" do url = request(:account => 'account').url query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(url.split('?').last) request.send(:signature_params).keys.each do |param_name| query.should have_key(param_name) end end describe "and a secret" do it "appends the signature params and x_sig with the signature" do url = request(:account => 'account', :secret => 'secret').url query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(url.split('?').last) signature_params = request.send(:signature_params).keys signature_params.each do |param_name| query.should have_key(param_name) end query.should have_key('x_sig') end end end end describe "private methods" do describe "append_signature" do it "should append the signature as the x_sig parameter at the end of the query string" do url = '' signed_url = request.send(:append_signature, url, 'secret') signed_url.should match(/^#{url.sub(/\?/, '\\?')}/) signed_url.should match(/x_sig=[-\w]+(?:%3D)*$/) end end describe "signature_params" do describe "without an account present" do it "should return an empty hash" do request.send(:signature_params).should == {} end end describe "with an account present" do before(:each) do @params = request(:account => 'account').send(:signature_params) end it "should return a hash with the x_name parameter with the account name" do @params.should have_key('x_name') @params['x_name'].should == 'account' end it "should return a hash with the x_time parameter with the current milliseconds since epoch" do @params.should have_key('x_time') @params['x_time'].should be_close(, 100) end it "should return a hash with the x_nonce parameter of the format \d+.\d+" do @params.should have_key('x_nonce') @params['x_nonce'].should match(/^\d+.\d+$/) end it "should return a hash with the x_method parameter with the signing method name" do @params.should have_key('x_method') @params['x_method'].should == CloudQuery::SIGNING_METHOD end end end describe "query_str" do it "builds a query string from the request params" do request(:params => {'these' => 'params'}) request.send(:query_str).should == 'these=params' end it "url-encodes params with non alphanumeric characters (outside [ a-zA-Z0-9-._])" do request(:params => {'weird' => 'values=here'}) request.send(:query_str).should == 'weird=values%3Dhere' end it "returns an empty string when no params are present" do request(:params => {}).send(:query_str) == "" end end describe "base_uri" do it "returns an http url when the scheme is http" do request(:scheme => 'http').send(:base_uri).should be_an_instance_of(URI::HTTP) end it "returns an https url when the scheme is https" do request(:scheme => 'https').send(:base_uri).should be_an_instance_of(URI::HTTPS) end end end end describe CloudQuery::Crypto::Random do describe "nonce generation" do it "generates a nonce with a random number, a dot, and the current time" do nonce = CloudQuery::Crypto::Random.nonce nonce.should match(/^\d+.\d+$/) random_digits, time = nonce.split('.') time.to_i.should be_close(, 1) random_digits.should match(/^\d+$/) end end end describe CloudQuery::Crypto::URLSafeSHA1 do describe "sign" do it "takes an arbitrary number of tokens to encrypt" do lambda { CloudQuery::Crypto::URLSafeSHA1.sign }.should_not raise_error lambda { CloudQuery::Crypto::URLSafeSHA1.sign('a') }.should_not raise_error lambda { CloudQuery::Crypto::URLSafeSHA1.sign('a', 'b', 'c') }.should_not raise_error end it "produces a url-safe base64 encoded SHA1 digest of tokens" do 20.times do token = CloudQuery::Crypto::Random.nonce signature = CloudQuery::Crypto::URLSafeSHA1.sign(token) signature.should_not include('+') signature.should_not include('/') b64_digest = Base64.encode64(Digest::SHA1.digest(token))'+/', '-_') signature.should == b64_digest end end end end